Provencal Literature
A.Y. 2024/2025
Learning objectives
The learning objective of this course is to provide students with an advanced preparation on Medieval Occitan language and literature, that will be studied also from the point of view of textual transmission.
Expected learning outcomes
Knowledge: at the end of the course students will know the history of Medieval Provençal literature - from its origins to the mid fourteenth century - and the Occitan historical grammar.
Skills: students will also be able to understand, translate and examine in depth the texts that are taken into account during the lessons, discussing their linguistic features, historical-literary context and textual problems. Furthermore, students will acquire the ability to deal with interpretative problems, showing awareness of the different methodological perspectives, and making use of the provided bibliography and of discipline-specific terminology.
Skills: students will also be able to understand, translate and examine in depth the texts that are taken into account during the lessons, discussing their linguistic features, historical-literary context and textual problems. Furthermore, students will acquire the ability to deal with interpretative problems, showing awareness of the different methodological perspectives, and making use of the provided bibliography and of discipline-specific terminology.
Lesson period: Second semester
Assessment methods: Esame
Assessment result: voto verbalizzato in trentesimi
Single course
This course can be attended as a single course.
Course syllabus and organization
Single session
Lesson period
Second semester
Course syllabus
The course programme will focus on the following topics:
Course title (60 hours and 9 ECTS): Coblas dissolutas and inter-strophic rhymes in Arnaut Daniel's lyric
Parts A-B (40 hours and 6 ECTS): Introduction to Provençal Literature and thematic, formal and metric analysis of lyrical texts by Arnaut Daniel
Part C (20 hours and 3 ECTS): Focus on philological, textual and linguistic elements of the lyrics and individual insights of the students.
Parts A and B will constitute an historical, literary and formal introduction to Provençal Literature and the subject of the course. In our course this year (Parts A-B) after an Introduction to the discipline we will study in depth different thematic and formal characteristics of the great troubadour Arnaut Daniel: from coblas dissolutas, to the invention of the lyrical sestina, with references to Dante's interpretation of his opera (e.g. in Purg. XXVI and in De Vulgari Eloquentia) and to the cultural context in which his poetic production is situated. A distinctive feature of the poetry of Arnaut Daniel, the "best blacksmith" of the vernacular language according to Dante, is the adoption of rhymes that have no response inside the room of the song, in a forward escape of the lyric that seeks the echo in the continuation of the piece, with a complex game in which the poem is transformed into rhythm and meaning. Part C will deal with some philological, textual and linguistic elements of the lyrics, giving space to individual insights of the students, which will be guided by the teacher in the identification of the bibliography and can also work in small groups.
Other Information for the students
1. Non-attending students are required to contact the Professor during office hours for further information regarding their exam. International or Erasmus students are invited to contact the Professor of the course. The examination mode for SLD students and/or students with other disabilities will be agreed upon with the Professor in accordance with the Office in charge.
2. Students interested in writing a Thesis in Provençal Literature or Comparative Neolatin Languages and Literatures (Master Programme) are recommended to contact the Professor in time in order to define the subject of their work.
Course title (60 hours and 9 ECTS): Coblas dissolutas and inter-strophic rhymes in Arnaut Daniel's lyric
Parts A-B (40 hours and 6 ECTS): Introduction to Provençal Literature and thematic, formal and metric analysis of lyrical texts by Arnaut Daniel
Part C (20 hours and 3 ECTS): Focus on philological, textual and linguistic elements of the lyrics and individual insights of the students.
Parts A and B will constitute an historical, literary and formal introduction to Provençal Literature and the subject of the course. In our course this year (Parts A-B) after an Introduction to the discipline we will study in depth different thematic and formal characteristics of the great troubadour Arnaut Daniel: from coblas dissolutas, to the invention of the lyrical sestina, with references to Dante's interpretation of his opera (e.g. in Purg. XXVI and in De Vulgari Eloquentia) and to the cultural context in which his poetic production is situated. A distinctive feature of the poetry of Arnaut Daniel, the "best blacksmith" of the vernacular language according to Dante, is the adoption of rhymes that have no response inside the room of the song, in a forward escape of the lyric that seeks the echo in the continuation of the piece, with a complex game in which the poem is transformed into rhythm and meaning. Part C will deal with some philological, textual and linguistic elements of the lyrics, giving space to individual insights of the students, which will be guided by the teacher in the identification of the bibliography and can also work in small groups.
Other Information for the students
1. Non-attending students are required to contact the Professor during office hours for further information regarding their exam. International or Erasmus students are invited to contact the Professor of the course. The examination mode for SLD students and/or students with other disabilities will be agreed upon with the Professor in accordance with the Office in charge.
2. Students interested in writing a Thesis in Provençal Literature or Comparative Neolatin Languages and Literatures (Master Programme) are recommended to contact the Professor in time in order to define the subject of their work.
Prerequisites for admission
Preliminary knowledge is not required, although the course - addressed to students of the master's degree - presupposes some basic methodological skills related to the criticism of the text, the historical grammar of Romance languages, and knowledge of the broad lines of the Romance literature of the Middle Ages: for this reason, students who in their university career have never taken an examination in the discipline of Romance Philology are encouraged to contact the teacher. To follow the lessons and pass the exam profitably you do not need any previous proficiency in Provençal: during the course will be provided all the useful tools to deal with the texts also from the linguistic point of view.
Teaching methods
Teaching methods
The course is offered in a lecture format. Since it constitutes a structured monographic course, specially designed for students of the master's degree, attendance is strongly recommended. The teaching makes use of bibliographical materials such as critical editions, monographs, essays, reproductions of manuscripts and textual databases that will, in part, be uploaded or made accessible through the Ariel on-line platform. The masterful nature of teaching also encourages the active participation of students in the class discussion on the topics covered and provides for the preparation of a report on topics related to those of the course conducted individually or in small groups, with the supervision of the teacher. Students intending to take the 9 cfu exam will prepare Parts A, B and C of the course. Students who intend to support it for only 6 cfu will prepare parts A and B.
The course is offered in a lecture format. Since it constitutes a structured monographic course, specially designed for students of the master's degree, attendance is strongly recommended. The teaching makes use of bibliographical materials such as critical editions, monographs, essays, reproductions of manuscripts and textual databases that will, in part, be uploaded or made accessible through the Ariel on-line platform. The masterful nature of teaching also encourages the active participation of students in the class discussion on the topics covered and provides for the preparation of a report on topics related to those of the course conducted individually or in small groups, with the supervision of the teacher. Students intending to take the 9 cfu exam will prepare Parts A, B and C of the course. Students who intend to support it for only 6 cfu will prepare parts A and B.
Teaching Resources
Teaching Resources
Bibliographical information and exam programme for attending students:
Parts A-B:
- Arnaut Daniel, L'aur'amara, edited by Mario Eusebi, Roma, Carocci, Biblioteca medievale, 2019.
- Notes from the course.
- Costanzo Di Girolamo, Charmaine Lee, Avviamento alla filologia provenzale, Roma, Carocci Editore, 2015, pp. 19-97; the glossary printed at the end of the volume can be used during the independent study.
- Costanzo di Girolamo, I trovatori (new edition), Torino, Bollati Boringhieri, 2021.
- Some essays will be indicated and uploaded by the teacher on ARIEL during the course of the lessons.
Please Note: at the end of the course a detailed list of verses and texts to be studied for the exam (reading, translation or paraphrase and commentary) as well as some other texts and studies will be provided or uploaded on Ariel on-line platform.
Part C
- Notes from the course.
- Martín de Riquer, Leggere i trovatori, italian edition by Massimo Bonafin, Macerata, EUM, 2010 (optional reading).
Some other Texts and Studies will be indicated later on, during the lessons.
Bibliographical information and exam programme for non-attending students:
Parts A-B:
- Arnaut Daniel, L'aur'amara, edited by Mario Eusebi, Roma, Carocci, Biblioteca medievale, 2019.
- Notes from the course.
- Costanzo Di Girolamo, Charmaine Lee, Avviamento alla filologia provenzale, Roma, Carocci Editore, 2015, pp. 19-97; the glossary printed at the end of the volume can be used during the independent study.
- Costanzo di Girolamo, I trovatori (new edition), Torino, Bollati Boringhieri, 2021.
Please Note: at the end of the course a detailed list of verses and texts to be studied for the exam (reading, translation or paraphrase and commentary) as well as some other texts and studies (for attending and non-attending students) will be provided or uploaded on Ariel on-line platform.
Part C
- Notes from the course.
- Martín de Riquer, Leggere i trovatori, italian edition by Massimo Bonafin, Macerata, EUM, 2010.
Some other Texts and Studies will be indicated later on, during the lessons.
Please Note: non-attending students will add to the studies provided for attending students an integrative bibliography that allows them to frame the subject of the course and address the individual preparation.
Bibliographical information and exam programme for attending students:
Parts A-B:
- Arnaut Daniel, L'aur'amara, edited by Mario Eusebi, Roma, Carocci, Biblioteca medievale, 2019.
- Notes from the course.
- Costanzo Di Girolamo, Charmaine Lee, Avviamento alla filologia provenzale, Roma, Carocci Editore, 2015, pp. 19-97; the glossary printed at the end of the volume can be used during the independent study.
- Costanzo di Girolamo, I trovatori (new edition), Torino, Bollati Boringhieri, 2021.
- Some essays will be indicated and uploaded by the teacher on ARIEL during the course of the lessons.
Please Note: at the end of the course a detailed list of verses and texts to be studied for the exam (reading, translation or paraphrase and commentary) as well as some other texts and studies will be provided or uploaded on Ariel on-line platform.
Part C
- Notes from the course.
- Martín de Riquer, Leggere i trovatori, italian edition by Massimo Bonafin, Macerata, EUM, 2010 (optional reading).
Some other Texts and Studies will be indicated later on, during the lessons.
Bibliographical information and exam programme for non-attending students:
Parts A-B:
- Arnaut Daniel, L'aur'amara, edited by Mario Eusebi, Roma, Carocci, Biblioteca medievale, 2019.
- Notes from the course.
- Costanzo Di Girolamo, Charmaine Lee, Avviamento alla filologia provenzale, Roma, Carocci Editore, 2015, pp. 19-97; the glossary printed at the end of the volume can be used during the independent study.
- Costanzo di Girolamo, I trovatori (new edition), Torino, Bollati Boringhieri, 2021.
Please Note: at the end of the course a detailed list of verses and texts to be studied for the exam (reading, translation or paraphrase and commentary) as well as some other texts and studies (for attending and non-attending students) will be provided or uploaded on Ariel on-line platform.
Part C
- Notes from the course.
- Martín de Riquer, Leggere i trovatori, italian edition by Massimo Bonafin, Macerata, EUM, 2010.
Some other Texts and Studies will be indicated later on, during the lessons.
Please Note: non-attending students will add to the studies provided for attending students an integrative bibliography that allows them to frame the subject of the course and address the individual preparation.
Assessment methods and Criteria
Assessment methods and Criteria
The assessment method is an oral exam in which students will present what they have learnt during the course, their knowledge and skills acquired with regard to the texts and tools illustrated during the course, as well as the bibliography indicated. Assessment criteria of the exams will include: the ability to organise clearly and correctly knowledge of texts and themes dealt with in the course and to show critical thinking; the quality and clarity of expression and the competence in the use of discipline-specific language; autonomy in translating the texts and using the bibliographical information, the critical essays and the methods of the programme. The interview includes the reading and translation/paraphrase of the medieval texts covered by the programme, which the students will comment putting into practice the acquired knowledge and skills useful for the historical, cultural, literary, linguistic and ecdotic analysis of Provençal works. Will be evaluated the ability to translate and comment on the medieval texts that are planned, building a critical discourse articulated using the specialized language of the discipline. For students taking the 9 cfu exam, also the individual essay will contribute to the final mark (on the basis of the average mark), allowing to evaluate the degree of autonomy achieved in the investigation of specialized topics. Marks will be out of 30.
The assessment method is an oral exam in which students will present what they have learnt during the course, their knowledge and skills acquired with regard to the texts and tools illustrated during the course, as well as the bibliography indicated. Assessment criteria of the exams will include: the ability to organise clearly and correctly knowledge of texts and themes dealt with in the course and to show critical thinking; the quality and clarity of expression and the competence in the use of discipline-specific language; autonomy in translating the texts and using the bibliographical information, the critical essays and the methods of the programme. The interview includes the reading and translation/paraphrase of the medieval texts covered by the programme, which the students will comment putting into practice the acquired knowledge and skills useful for the historical, cultural, literary, linguistic and ecdotic analysis of Provençal works. Will be evaluated the ability to translate and comment on the medieval texts that are planned, building a critical discourse articulated using the specialized language of the discipline. For students taking the 9 cfu exam, also the individual essay will contribute to the final mark (on the basis of the average mark), allowing to evaluate the degree of autonomy achieved in the investigation of specialized topics. Marks will be out of 30.
Unita' didattica A
Lessons: 20 hours
Unita' didattica B
Lessons: 20 hours
Unita' didattica C
Lessons: 20 hours
Educational website(s)