Professional Competences

A.Y. 2024/2025
Overall hours
AGR/01 M-FIL/03 SECS-P/08 SPS/08 VET/08
Learning objectives
The physics module aims to provide knowledge about radiation physics, the interaction of radiation with matter and radiation safety principles. It will also deal with topics related to imaging using imaging techniques based on different physical principles: magnetic resonance, nuclear medicine, ultrasonography, optics.
Expected learning outcomes
Knowledge and understanding: the student must demonstrate adequate knowledge and understating of the basic elements of legal medicine and veterinary legislation, management economics, professional communication, and bioethics.
Applying knowledge and understanding: the student must be able to provide legal opinions, evaluate veterinary and farm economic activities, must have adequate professional communication skills, and capacities to develop personal and professional ethical thinking.
Making judgements: the student must develop judgment capacities regarding the fundamental aspects of veterinary legislation, management economics, professional communication, and bioethics.
Communication: The student will be able to communicate effectively the acquired knowledge, by using appropriate terminology.
Lifelong learning skills: the student must develop skills and strategies to update his professional knowledge, in particular in more rapidly changing contexts.
Single course

This course can be attended as a single course.

Course syllabus and organization

Single session

Lesson period
First semester
Prerequisites for admission
Only students having passed the exam of General zootechnics and genetic improvement are admitted to the exam.
Assessment methods and Criteria
A final written test, common to the five modules. The written test, of 120 minutes, is dived into 5 sections each corresponding to one module. With the exception of Bioethics 2, each section includes 11 questions: 10 multiple-choice questions and 1 open question. For Bioethics 2, the test includes two open questions. Each section has a separate mark, and if one (or more) mark is lower than 18/30 than the written test of the corresponding section must be repeated.
The final mark (in thirtieths) corresponds to the mathematical average of the five section marks and it is published on ONLINE SIFA. To take the exam the student must register at the ONLINE SIFA.
Legal Medicine and Veterinary Legislation
Course syllabus
Frontal teaching (16 hours)
Professional responsibility of the veterinarian and professional ethics (2 hours)
Veterinary certifications (2 hours)
Organization of official controls; the official veterinarian (2 hours)
Obligations of the veterinarian on veterinary medicinal products legislation (2 hours)
The veterinary vigilance safeguarding animal health and public health (2 hours)
Administrative measures in food safety legislation (2 hours)
The feed legislation (2 hours)
The role of the veterinarian as an official technical consultant (2 hours)
Teaching methods
The module comprehends frontal lessons: the lectures will be held in the classroom using slides
Language of teaching: Italian
Teaching Resources
Diritto e legislazione veterinaria, Pezza F.-Ruffo G.-Fossati P., Point Veterinarie Italie, Ult. ED, Milano
Open access Veterinary Legislation update
Articles in national and international journals
Institutional websites
Animal husbandry economics
Course syllabus
Characteristics of the livestock farm and agricultural entrepreneur (2 hours)
The factors of production and the capitals of the farm (2 hours)
The structure and organization of the agro-livestock farm (2 hours)
Determination and evaluation of economic results: the financial statements of the dairy cattle farm (3 hours)
From the descriptive case to the analytical scheme and the definition of the profit function (3 hours)
The Italian livestock sector (2 hours)
The market for products of animal origin (2 hours)
Teaching methods
The course introduces the discipline of agricultural economics and zoo-economics. The module consists of 16 lectures held in classroom using slides and the presentation of mathematical models on Excel software.
Teaching Resources
Gregori M. (2021), Introduzione all'economia ed elementi di economia agraria, UTET Università
Carpentieri L. (2008), Elementi di economia e politica agraria, Edizioni Giuridiche Simone
Bruni F., Franco S. (2013), Economia dell'impresa e dell'azienda agraria, Franco Angeli
Veterinary practice management
Course syllabus
1. The principles of economics (4h)
· The Principles of economic behaviours
· The scientific tools of economic thought
2. Market theory (4h)
· Demand, Supply and Market Equilibrium
· Perfect competition and other forms of market
· Estimation of willingness to pay for goods
1. The nature and economic purpose of the company
1. Programming and control systems
· Introduction to programming and control systems
· Costs tipology
· Direct and indirect costs
2. Analytical accounting practices
· Calculation of costs, revenues, and margin: the Break-Even point
· Allocation of indirect costs
Teaching methods
The module consists of 16 hours of frontal lessons that take place in the classroom with the help of slides and the deepening of theoretical topics through exercises.
Teaching Resources
Principi di Microeconomia. Mankiw, Taylor, Ed. Zanichelli
Economia e organizzazione aziendale. Introduzione al governo delle imprese. Antoldi, Ed. McGraw-Hill
Slide and exercises published online
Veterinary professional communication
Course syllabus
- Technical aspects of communication are seen as relationship, information, and action. The meaning of communication for the veterinarian (2 hours);
- Communication tools in veterinary practice: verbal, paraverbal, and non-verbal language. Proxemics and kinesics skills useful in the relationship with the animal owner in veterinary practice (2 hours);
- Communicating during the veterinary visit: open-ended questions, closed-ended questions, and practical application of the Calgary Cambridge Guides to the veterinary visits (2 hours);
- Formats and tools for communicating to the public: from internal communication to events, from peer-to-peer communication to public engagement (2 hours);
- Public speaking: focus on audience analysis and definition of communication objectives (2 hours);
Practical training
- Communication coping with difficult situations: appropriate setting, high-cost estimates, bad news, ethical dilemmas, risk/benefits associated with diagnostics and therapy, euthanasia (9 hours)
- Communication among colleagues: oral and written (reporting, (reporting, SBAR method in the handover of hospitalized patients) (3 hours)
- Team communication: improve morale and productivity, giving and receiving feedback, managing team conflicts (4 hours)
Teaching methods
The course consists of 8 hours of lectures and 16 hours of practical training. The practical training involves discussion, in small groups, of simulated cases, with different methodologies including role plays.
Class activities will be reinforced by in-class discussions, in order to stimulate the critical analysis of communication processes, and will be strengthened by a learning-by-doing approach. Furthermore, small-group activities and role-plays will stimulate discussion and collaboration among students
Teaching Resources
Pradelli Danitza, Practice management per la professione veterinaria, Edra Editore, 2019
Pradelli Danitza, La comunicazione nella professione veterinaria, Edra Editore, 2023
Educational material published on the MyARIEL portal
Bioethics 2
Course syllabus
Background to bioethical theories, ethical status of animals (1 hour)
Bioethical approach to euthanasia (2 hours)
Bioethical approach to therapy: the risk of overtreatment, cost of therapy, defensive medicine (2 hours)
Bioethical approach to the use of animals to satisfy human interests (1 hour)
Bioethical issues in animal research (2 hours)
Teaching methods
The course consists of 8 hours of interactive lectures. Analysis and discussion of real cases observed during clinical activities and simulated cases, with different techniques including role plays, in small groups under direct guidance of the teacher.
Teaching Resources
Educational material published on the MyARIEL portal.
Animal husbandry economics
Lessons: 16 hours
Professor: Gaviglio Anna Antonia Maria
Bioethics 2
M-FIL/03 - MORAL PHILOSOPHY - University credits: 1
Lessons: 8 hours
Professor: Fossati Paola
Professor: Fossati Paola
Legal Medicine and Veterinary Legislation
VET/08 - VETERINARY CLINICAL MEDICINE - University credits: 2
Lessons: 16 hours
Professor: Ruffo Giancarlo
Professor: Ruffo Giancarlo
Veterinary practice management
SECS-P/08 - MANAGEMENT - University credits: 2
Lessons: 16 hours
Professor: Demartini Eugenio
Professor: Demartini Eugenio
Veterinary professional communication
Practicals: 16 hours
Lessons: 8 hours
Professor: Pradelli Danitza
Professor: Pradelli Danitza