Processing of Sensitive Data

A.Y. 2024/2025
Overall hours
Learning objectives
The objective of the course is to provide a basic legal knowledge on the processing of sensitive data, illustrating, in particular, the main applicable legal norms on the topic, company policies and contractual drafts so to provide a theoretical and practical approach.
Expected learning outcomes
At the end of the course, the student will be able to identify and analyse the main legal framework regulating data protection and trade secrets, from both an Italian and EU perspective. The student will have also acquired the main basic notions referred to the world of new technologies.
Single course

This course cannot be attended as a single course. Please check our list of single courses to find the ones available for enrolment.

Course syllabus and organization

Single session

Lesson period
First semester
Course syllabus
The course in Processing of sensitive data aims to provide students with an introduction to the philosophical-legal definitions, as well as to the so called living law, on the subject. The perspectives of the national legislator and those of the European one in the context of the GDPR will be taken into specific consideration, as well as the NIS legislation dedicated to critical infrastructures and the so-called AI act that will be further explored. The "living" perspectives that look at doctrine, jurisprudence and administrative practices will also be the subject of in-depth analysis, also looking at the issue of migration, border control, international protection and administrative detention of irregular migrants as a specific case study.
Prerequisites for admission
Teaching methods
As far as applicable, relevance and application will be given to the so-called clinical-legal method, i.e. the taking charge of real cases relevant to the subject. Some lectures will be seminars, allowing the opening of interdisciplinary research paths also for the purpose of thesis, alongside more frontal lectures.
Teaching Resources
will be communicated by the teacher later on a definitive basis.
While which manual will be adopted for the technical part relating to legal informatics and the processing of sensitive data is being currently evaluated, for the case study related to migration and administrative detention, the reference text is Matteo Buffa, "Trattenuti e trattamenti. Esistenze e spazi nella nemesi del diritto", Ombre corte, Verona, 2023.
Assessment methods and Criteria
The exam is oral.
The questions will focus on the topics covered in the classroom and on the bibliography indicated and discussed during the course of the lessons, as well as on the analysis of real cases and related acts eventually produced.
The following will be evaluated:
1) the degree of knowledge, in-depth analysis and critical understanding of the contents;
2) the ability to argue and establish relationships between the main issues;
3) the ability to express oneself using appropriate terminology.
Assessment criteria:
To obtain an overall grade between 27 and 30 laude, students will have to demonstrate: an organic vision of the topics addressed in class and/or studied in the manuals and critical texts in the bibliography; an excellent ability to critically analyze the topics covered and an excellent ability to express and argue; excellent knowledge of the technical language.
An overall grade between 23 and 26 will be awarded to those who demonstrate: a good knowledge of the program; a good ability to critically analyze the topics covered and a good ability to express and argue; a good property of language with some uncertainty in the exposition and/or imprecision in the use of technical language.
An acceptable but superficial knowledge of the program, a superficial understanding of the texts, a limited capacity for critical analysis and an expression that is not always appropriate will lead to barely sufficient evaluations (between 18 and 22).
Poor knowledge of texts, inadequate critical analysis skills; Incorrect or inappropriate written and oral expression will result in a negative evaluation. In case of insufficient grade, students will have to repeat the exam.
IUS/01 - PRIVATE LAW - University credits: 6
Lessons: 48 hours
Professor: Buffa Matteo