Precision Pharmacology and Gender Therapy
A.Y. 2024/2025
Learning objectives
Modulo- Medicina di Genere - Gender Therapy
The incidence, clinical manifestations, response to therapy and side effects of some pathologies, as well as lifestyles and response to nutrients can be very different depending on sex. In this context, hormones play an important role in determining these sexual differences. Based on these concepts, it is clear how endocrine and metabolic disorders frequently show marked gender differences. This requires a specific approach based on gender to optimize the diagnostic and therapeutic pathway. This course aims to provide the basis to understand the specific molecular, cellular and biological mechanisms on which the peculiar physiopathological differences of gender are based and which determine the different response to drugs.
Modulo: Farmacologia di precisione - Precision Pharmacology
L'insegnamento si propone di fornire agli studenti le basi teoriche per comprendere, nel trattamento e nella prevenzione delle malattie, gli approcci emergenti di farmacologia di precisione che tengano conto del genere e della variabilità individuale, per quanto riguarda sia le caratteristiche genetiche, che di ambiente e di stili di vita. Verranno discussi esempi concreti di come la combinazione di dati genomici e comportamentali con dati di farmacocinetica e farmacodinamica consentano di individuare terapie che agiscono direttamente e in modo estremamente specifico sulla causa della malattia nel singolo individuo o in sottopopolazioni di pazienti. Le esercitazioni permetteranno di analizzare l'impatto di polimorfismi genetici sulla risposta farmacologica.
The incidence, clinical manifestations, response to therapy and side effects of some pathologies, as well as lifestyles and response to nutrients can be very different depending on sex. In this context, hormones play an important role in determining these sexual differences. Based on these concepts, it is clear how endocrine and metabolic disorders frequently show marked gender differences. This requires a specific approach based on gender to optimize the diagnostic and therapeutic pathway. This course aims to provide the basis to understand the specific molecular, cellular and biological mechanisms on which the peculiar physiopathological differences of gender are based and which determine the different response to drugs.
Modulo: Farmacologia di precisione - Precision Pharmacology
L'insegnamento si propone di fornire agli studenti le basi teoriche per comprendere, nel trattamento e nella prevenzione delle malattie, gli approcci emergenti di farmacologia di precisione che tengano conto del genere e della variabilità individuale, per quanto riguarda sia le caratteristiche genetiche, che di ambiente e di stili di vita. Verranno discussi esempi concreti di come la combinazione di dati genomici e comportamentali con dati di farmacocinetica e farmacodinamica consentano di individuare terapie che agiscono direttamente e in modo estremamente specifico sulla causa della malattia nel singolo individuo o in sottopopolazioni di pazienti. Le esercitazioni permetteranno di analizzare l'impatto di polimorfismi genetici sulla risposta farmacologica.
Expected learning outcomes
Modulo- Medicina di Genere - Gender Therapy
At the end of the course, students have to demonstrate they possess the basic knowledge of gender differences and know how to decline them within the pathophysiological contexts addressed in the course.
Modulo: Farmacologia di precisione - Precision Pharmacology
At the end of the course, the student will be able to: 1) define how genetic and environmental profiles can influence individual responses to pharmacological agents; 2) predict the necessary changes that should be made to a drug's dosage in order to reduce its side effects and/or optimize its efficacy, and test whether and how already marketed drugs may be used for new and different therapeutic indications ("repurposed" drugs); 3) test how diagnostic and prognostic biomarkers of disease, already in use or recently introduced, can be employed to predict the in vivo action of drugs; 4) critically interpret data on the effects of pharmacological agents taking into account available pharmacogenomic information; 5) use genetic databases and critically analyze data reported in the scientific literature.
At the end of the course, students have to demonstrate they possess the basic knowledge of gender differences and know how to decline them within the pathophysiological contexts addressed in the course.
Modulo: Farmacologia di precisione - Precision Pharmacology
At the end of the course, the student will be able to: 1) define how genetic and environmental profiles can influence individual responses to pharmacological agents; 2) predict the necessary changes that should be made to a drug's dosage in order to reduce its side effects and/or optimize its efficacy, and test whether and how already marketed drugs may be used for new and different therapeutic indications ("repurposed" drugs); 3) test how diagnostic and prognostic biomarkers of disease, already in use or recently introduced, can be employed to predict the in vivo action of drugs; 4) critically interpret data on the effects of pharmacological agents taking into account available pharmacogenomic information; 5) use genetic databases and critically analyze data reported in the scientific literature.
Lesson period: Second semester
Assessment methods: Esame
Assessment result: voto verbalizzato in trentesimi
Single course
This course can be attended as a single course.
Course syllabus and organization
Single session
Lesson period
Second semester
Prerequisites for admission
Knowledge of anatomy, physiology, biochemistry, pharmacology, and molecular biology is required.
Assessment methods and Criteria
A 20-min oral exam is scheduled for each of the two modules. Learning of the practical part will be assessed with a test in the computer room. The final grade consists of the weighted average of the 3 grades obtained in the respective exams.
Precision Therapy
Course syllabus
- Precision pharmacology basics: principles of pharmacogenetics and pharmacogenomics; molecular biology applied to precision pharmacology; personalized pharmacokinetics and pharmacodynamics.
- Tools and technologies: sequencing techniques; bioinformatics tools for genetic analysis; biobanks in drug research; advanced cell therapies and gene therapy.
- Clinical applications: precision oncology, immunology and immunomodulatory therapies; genetic diseases and rare diseases; cardiovascular and metabolic diseases.
- Ethical and regulatory aspects: ethical considerations in precision pharmacology; new horizons of precision pharmacology; health policies and access to personalized treatments.
- Tools and technologies: sequencing techniques; bioinformatics tools for genetic analysis; biobanks in drug research; advanced cell therapies and gene therapy.
- Clinical applications: precision oncology, immunology and immunomodulatory therapies; genetic diseases and rare diseases; cardiovascular and metabolic diseases.
- Ethical and regulatory aspects: ethical considerations in precision pharmacology; new horizons of precision pharmacology; health policies and access to personalized treatments.
Teaching methods
Frontal lessons with the support of slides and videos are planned. Computer exercises are planned during which the use of software and databases for sequencing data analysis will be demonstrated; some case studies will be discussed and simulations of a treatment plan based on genetic profiles will be carried out.
Teaching Resources
Slides and additional materials provided by lecturers and available on MyAriel.
Gender Medicine
Course syllabus
- General concepts of Endocrinology
- Endocrine bases for geneder medicine
- Sexual differentiation of the gonads and nervous system
- Role of sex chromosomes and sex hormones
- Pathophysiology of gender diseases and response to drugs
- Endocrinopathies and gender: Pathophysiology of the thyroid, bone metabolism, pituitary gland and metabolism
- Endocrine bases for geneder medicine
- Sexual differentiation of the gonads and nervous system
- Role of sex chromosomes and sex hormones
- Pathophysiology of gender diseases and response to drugs
- Endocrinopathies and gender: Pathophysiology of the thyroid, bone metabolism, pituitary gland and metabolism
Teaching methods
Active lecture
Teaching Resources
Slides provided by the teacher
Gender Medicine
MED/13 - ENDOCRINOLOGY AND METABOLISM - University credits: 3
Lessons: 24 hours
Melcangi Cosimo
Precision Therapy
BIO/14 - PHARMACOLOGY - University credits: 8
Practicals: 16 hours
Lessons: 56 hours
Lessons: 56 hours
Abbracchio Maria Pia, Lecca Davide
Educational website(s)
Request an appointment by email
Office in Via Balzaretti 9 (3rd floor)