Pre-Professional Interdisciplinary Course 1 with Elements of Environmental and Human Sociology

A.Y. 2024/2025
Overall hours
MED/44 SPS/09 VET/06
Learning objectives
- Know the main models of economic, social and health development and environmental protection in industrialized countries
- Know and identify the processes that support or determine events, phenomena and behaviors of the individual or group, assessing their characteristics and their impact in a bio-cultural perspective, or in relation to the system or social structure in which they occur (family, group, ethnicity, organization, community)
- Develop a capacity for analysis and solution of preventive and welfare problems in a cross-cultural perspective, starting from the knowledge of the problems of the multi-ethnic society.
Expected learning outcomes
Knowledge and understanding of the functioning of prevention services in the field of health systems and useful elements for dealing with complex professional problems. Specific topics will include:
· Knowledge related to the organization of health services at national and international level and ability to understand the dynamics of their development
· Knowledge of some basic aspects related to vaccination in a preventive perspective, useful for future applications in the field of health services;
· knowledge on chemical and ergonomic risk factors and some tools for risk assessment in the field of occupational health and public health;
· Knowledge of some basic aspects of medical parasitology in a preventive perspective useful for future applications in the field of health services.
Single course

This course can be attended as a single course.

Course syllabus and organization

Single session

Prerequisites for admission
No prior knowledge is required
Assessment methods and Criteria
The exam will be written and oral. For some courses a written test will be proposed consisting of some multiple choice and open questions; in addition for some modules, an oral test will be performed
Medicina del lavoro
Course syllabus
Prof. Bonzini Matteo 2 CFU, 16 hours:
- Introduction to Occupational Medicine: methodological principles, definitions and context
- Regulatory context and actors in prevention
- Role of the Competent Doctor and his interfaces within the company system
- Main occupational diseases (including occupational cancers) and causes of injuries
- Occupational medicine and susceptibility (aging, disability, etc.)
- Work and stress: adaptive reaction, physiological and pathological responses in the worker

Prof. Fustinoni Silvia 1.75 CFU, 14 hours:
- History of occupational and environmental toxicology
- Elements of toxicodynamics
- REACH and CLP regulations; hazard classification and safety data sheets
- Carcinogenicity classification
- Toxicokinetics
- The establishment of exposure limit values and chemical risk assessment
- The search for information on hazardous substances in databases

Prof. Brembilla Monica 1 CFU, 8 hours:
- Urban Health strategies: prevention and health promotion in urban assessment (definitions, context and scenarios, scientific evidence and areas of application of UH for preventing chronic diseases and combating health inequalities)
- The multi-criteria tool for urban plan assessment I (SEA and human health: health impacts, risk factors and UH strategies, importance of multidisciplinary interventions - AS/TdP - in assessment, the qualitative-quantitative assessment tool: analysis of the Environment and Soil and Subsoil macroareas) - The multi-criteria tool for the evaluation of urban plans II (the qualitative-quantitative evaluation tool: analysis of the macroareas Sustainability and Hygiene of the built environment, Urban and social development, Mobility and transport, Outdoor spaces)
- Illustration of some concrete cases and application examples (application of UH strategies in urban regeneration interventions, experiences of participation in SEA proceedings with public administrators, urban plan drafters, representatives of associations and meaning of working in teams)

Prof. Carugno Michele 0.75 CFU, 6 hours:
- Health effects of air pollution
- Health Impact Assessment (in the context of the main permitting procedures AIA, SEA, EIA) with application examples

Dr. Boniardi Luca 1 CFU, 8 hours:
- Environment and society: environmental history, the carbon cycle, industrial revolution, environmental disasters, climate change and the response of global institutions (green economy, global agenda)
- Air pollution, definitions, hints of health/environment/society impacts, institutional warning and monitoring systems, focus on northern Italy
- Sustainable city, hints at history of urbanization and public health issues, today's main challenges for citizens' health (heat islands, air pollution, accidents, waste management) and intervention programs (e.g., vision zero, tactical urbanism and urban planning/public health linkages, participatory approaches) - Green economy, digitization and green jobs, the challenges for worker safety and health in today's world.

Dr. Galinotti Luca 1.75 CFU, 14 hours:
- The NIOSH method for risk assessment from Manual Handling of Loads.
- The Snook and Ciriello method for risk assessment in Towing and Pushing operations.
- The European and national framework of occupational diseases

Dr. Tasso Marco 1.75 CFU, 14 hours:
- Assessment of biomechanical overload risk to the musculoskeletal system in hospital patient handling using the MAPO method:
- Hospital and RSA: epidemiology of WMSDs in caregivers. - Evolution of the type of care in Europe and analysis of work organization
- Exercise in compiling a protocol for organizational analysis
- The different determinants of risk from patient handling
- Ways to conduct an inspection and analyze environmental inadequacies
- The criteria for assigning values to risk determinants
- Exercise in calculating the risk index by MAPO method
- Preventive strategies to reduce specific risk
Teaching methods
The courses will include lectures with discussion of case studies.
Teaching Resources
Educational material provided by the teacher.
Sociologia dei processi economici e del lavoro
Course syllabus
- Definition of welfare state, from its origins to nowadays. Marshall's concept of citizenship, in its various components.
- Welfare state and welfare mix. Different models of intervention in welfare policies.
- The historical evolution of the welfare state in Europe. From the origins to the seventies: creation, consolidation and expansion. The gap between the occupational model and the universalistic model.
- The socio-economic transformations of the last thirty years and the crisis of the welfare state.
- The reform of the welfare state. The concept of recalibration.
- Esping-Andersen welfare regimes and the related debate.
- The welfare state in Italy: creation, development and reform processes of the last twenty years. The Italian welfare state in comparative perspective.
- The institutional and regulatory structures of social services in Italy.
Teaching methods
Lectures using Powerpoint presentations, which will be provided to the students to prepare the final exam
Teaching Resources
Ferrera M., (2012) Le politiche sociali, Bologna, Il Mulino, limitatamente al cap. 1
Further reading information will be provided in class during the course.
Parassitologia e malattie parassitarie degli animali
Course syllabus
- Basic knowledge of medical parasitology, focusing on epidemiological, diagnostic and prevention aspects
- some models of parasitic and vector-borne diseases (including: Lyme disease; teniasis; echinococcosis; anisakidosis), through which the basic concepts of the discipline will be exemplified.
Teaching methods
The courses will include lectures with discussion of case studies.
Teaching Resources
De Carneri - Parassitologia medica e diagnostica parassitologia. A cura di Olga Brandonisio, Fabrizio Bruschi, Claudio Genchi, Edoardo Pozio.
Medicina del lavoro
MED/44 - OCCUPATIONAL MEDICINE - University credits: 10
Lessons: 80 hours
Parassitologia e malattie parassitarie degli animali
Lessons: 8 hours
Sociologia dei processi economici e del lavoro
Lessons: 16 hours