Political Theory

A.Y. 2024/2025
Overall hours
Learning objectives
The teaching of Political Theory aims to provide analytical tools to orient oneself in the interpretation of political phenomena, with particular regard to three fields of study: the theory of institutions, the theory of power and the theory of democracy. Within this general framework, the course aims in particular to provide students with knowledge, concepts and notions related to the genesis and functioning of the political community; the role of institutions and institutional thinking; the mechanisms and dynamics of power and its legitimation; the characteristics of democracy and its current processes of transformation.
These skills will be developed not only through lectures, but also by utilizing the language of cinema and by providing participants with the opportunity to present and discuss with the class their own in-depth analysis on a topic agreed upon with the teacher.
Expected learning outcomes
At the end of the course, students will be able to:
A) Know and understand of the concepts and theories exposed regarding institutions, power and democracy. B) Apply of the acquired knowledge to the analysis of the national and international political-istitutional context and its transformations. C) Interpret critically and autonomously the political dynamics of the contemporary world, with particular reference to the crisis or transformations of the democratic regime. D) Express the knowledge acquired with argumentative consistency and language properties, with respect to political action and facts. E) Develop understanding, autonomous and group argumentation skills, relating the different thematic areas covered by the course and knowing how to distinguish between descriptive, normative and political judgment dimensions.
Single course

This course can be attended as a single course.

Course syllabus and organization

Single session

Lesson period
Second trimester
Course syllabus
The course will develop along three main lines of study:
1. Theory of institutions.
2. Theory of power.
3. Theory of democracy.

In particular, the following topics will be addressed:
- Genesis of the political and theories on politics
- Function and functioning of institutions
- Power: authority, domination, legitimation
- Obedience, revolt, revolution
- Democracy as a tragic regime
- Pluralism: basis and challenge of democratic regimes.
- Democracy today: crisis or transformation?
- Populism and technocracy
Prerequisites for admission
No previous knowledge required.
Teaching methods
Frontal lessons. Some lessons will be dedicated to viewing and analyzing some movies useful to deepen the course topics.
A part of the course will be conducted in a seminar mode on exemplary texts and video, also with the active participation of students who will be able to produce specific researches to be presented during the lessons.
Teaching Resources
For attending students:
- D. Palano, Politica, Scholé - Morcelliana, 2024 (tranne il cap. 3);
- R. Escobar, Metamorfosi della paura, il Mulino, 2015;
- Un testo a scelta tra: C. Galli, Il disagio della democrazia, Einaudi, 2011;; J. Dorado Romero, Democrazia tragica, Liberedizioni, 2024; R. Escobar, Rompere il silenzio. Il male e la responsabilità, Giappichelli, 2023; D. Palano, Bubble democracy. La fine del pubblico e la nuova polarizzazione, Scholé - Morcelliana, 2020.
- Materials and handouts that will be delivered during the lessons.

For non-attending students:
- D. Palano, Politica, Scholé - Morcelliana, 2024 (tranne il cap. 3);
- R. Escobar, Metamorfosi della paura, il Mulino, 2015;
- Un testo a scelta tra: C. Galli, Il disagio della democrazia, Einaudi, 2011;; J. Dorado Romero, Democrazia tragica, Liberedizioni, 2024; R. Escobar, Rompere il silenzio. Il male e la responsabilità, Giappichelli, 2023;
- Un testo a scelta tra: D. Palano, Bubble democracy. La fine del pubblico e la nuova polarizzazione, Scholé - Morcelliana, 2020 e Yves Mény, Le vie della democrazia, il Mulino, 2024.
Assessment methods and Criteria
Oral exam on the bibliography and, for attending students, on the contents of the lessons.
Other methods will be indicated in class.
SPS/01 - POLITICAL PHILOSOPHY - University credits: 9
Lessons: 60 hours
Professor: Cammarata Roberto
Professor: Cammarata Roberto
Educational website(s)