Political Sociology

A.Y. 2024/2025
Overall hours
Learning objectives
The course aims to provide students with the theoretical background for the sociological analysis of political affairs.
Starting out by observing the role the State plays in contemporary societies, the course analyses the main democratic processes (e.g. elections, political participation, social movements, public opinion, and political communication) in the light of the interdependencies and mutual influence between politics and society. The course also assesses the relationships between different social groups (differentiated by gender, generation, education, socioeconomic status, religion, etc.) and the political systems analysed.
Lectures will provide students with the tools necessary for the empirical and comparative analysis of political leanings and public opinion through the use of online resources such as national and international data sources.
Expected learning outcomes
Upon completion of the course, students will have the theoretical knowledge to understand the fundamental relations between society and politics.
Students will also be able to access the main sources of empirical data that allow them to analyse political events in an independent and informed manner.
By taking part in classroom learning, students will also develop the soft skills to construct and present an empirically grounded argument on the topics addressed during lectures.
Single course

This course can be attended as a single course.

Course syllabus and organization


Lesson period
First trimester
Course syllabus
The study of politics and society: theories, paradigms, and research methods
Theoretical and empirical tools for the analysis of ESS and WVS surveys
The State, civil society and social capital
Socio-political cleavages: from historical to recent lines of division
Participating in the political community: how to explain participation; new channels of inclusion
Movements and protest: approaches and theories; protest and social media
Recent developments of political parties: the personalized parties, the neopopulist parties
Electoral behaviour: theoretical perspectives, voting logics and types of voters
Political communication and public opinion: traditional and digital public spheres, effects of (social) media; communication in the audience democracies
Representation and disintermediation: The crisis of representative democracy and new forms of re-intermediation
Prerequisites for admission
The Comparative social systems and Political science exams are preparatory to Political sociology. Only students who have passed the preparatory course exams and who are regularly registered to the exam are allowed to take the exam in Political sociology.
Teaching methods
The instructor will use a) lectures; b) group work and exercises (analysis of international value surveys): c) discussion of the case studies presented by students in the class.
Teaching Resources
Ceccarini, L., Diamanti, I., Tra politica e società. Fondamenti, trasformazioni e prospettive, Bologna, Il Mulino, 2018.
Assessment methods and Criteria
The exam is written. It consists of 3 open-ended questions about the reference text ("Between politics and society"). The time available will be 60 minutes.
Attending students will be given the opportunity to replace part of the text for the exam with material (slides and notes) concerning the thematic focuses carried out in class.
Attending students will also have the opportunity to give a Power Point presentation in the class based on World Values Survey or European Social Survey data analysis. The grade for this presentation will add to that of the written exam.
SPS/11 - POLITICAL SOCIOLOGY - University credits: 6
Lessons: 40 hours
Professor: Barisione Mauro


Lesson period
First trimester
Course syllabus
The course includes a discussion of the following topics:

- What is political sociology. The study of politics and society
- The tools to study the relationship between politics and society: the surveys
- State, power and political system
- Socio-political cleavages
- Culture, political identity and socialization
- Electoral behavior
- Political participation and the electoral cycle

The course includes the following monographic topics:

- The study of the Italian electoral cycle 2013-2018
- Right and left in contemporary societies
- The question of immigration in the political debate and the public opinion
- Populism and conceptions of democracy

The reference for these topics are the books:
Schadee, Segatti, Vezzoni "L'apocalisse della democrazia italiana", Il Mulino 2019
An English translation of the introduction of the book is available on request.
Itanes "Svolta a destra? Cosa ci dice il voto del 2022", Il Mulino 2023
Prerequisites for admission
To follow the course and prepare for the exam, it is useful to have a good knowledge of the main notions of political science and comparative social studies.
Given the extensive reference to empirical materials and research in the context of the study of political behavior, it is very useful to have a basic knowledge of statistical methods for data analysis. Nonetheless, no previous statistical knowledge is required.
Teaching methods
During the course, different teaching methods will alternate:
- Traditional lectures;
- Work sessions in which the teacher provides a very precise written work plan and instructions, followed by the proposal of a more creative task at the end of the course.

The platform for student-teacher interactions is MC Teams.
Office hours will take upon request by email.
Teaching Resources
Ceccarini, L., Diamanti, I., Tra politica e società. Fondamenti, trasformazioni e prospettive, Bologna, Il Mulino, 2018.
Introduzione; Cap.1, parts 1, 2, 3, 4; Cap. 2, all; Cap. 3, all; Cap. 4, parts 4 e 5; Cap. 8, all
The book is available online at:
(Free access to the Introduction)

Itanes (2018) "Vox populi. Il voto ad alta voce delle elezioni 2018" Bologna: il Mulino.
Capitolo X. Immigrazione e insicurezza economica nelle urne, di Cristiano Vezzoni
Capitolo XII. Ancora sinistra-destra?, di Delia Baldassarri e Paolo Segatti

Schadee, Segatti, Vezzoni (2019) "L'apocalisse della democrazia italiana" Bologna: Il Mulino.
An English translation of the introduction of the book is available on request.

Itanes "Svolta a destra? Cosa ci dice il voto del 2022", Il Mulino 2023

For students who are not fluent in Italian, an alternative program can be agreed on request.
Assessment methods and Criteria
The evaluation will take place through a written test. The test consists of a series of multiple-choice questions on the study books.
The time available is 40 minutes.
SPS/11 - POLITICAL SOCIOLOGY - University credits: 6
Lessons: 40 hours
Professor: Vezzoni Cristiano
Thursday 11.30 am - 2.30 pm
room 209 - 2nd floor
Please, send an e-mail to fix an appointment.
Room 4, First floor, Via Conservatorio or MS Teams Platform