Plant Biology

A.Y. 2024/2025
Overall hours
BIO/01 BIO/03
Learning objectives
The course aims to provide basic knowledge of plant cytology useful for understanding the structural organization of higher plants and preparatory to the study of biochemical and physiological processes that determine productivity.
The course aims to provide basic knowledge of cytology, heredity and plant morphology useful for understanding the structural organization of higher plants and preparatory to the study of biochemical and physiological processes that determine Productivity.
Expected learning outcomes
Knowledge of the composition, function and characteristics of biological molecules and plant cell structures.
Knowledge of the systems and tissue of plant organs. Understanding of biological processes of growth, differentiation, reproduction and heredity.
Single course

This course can be attended as a single course.

Course syllabus and organization

Single session

Lesson period
Course syllabus
Mod. 1_Biology of Plant Cell
The characteristics of living organisms. The role of the plant in the biosphere. Energy and metabolism. Autotrophy and heterotrophy. Overview of the Plant Kingdom. Principles of biological chemistry. Chemical bonds and chemical functional groups. Water and the hydrogen bond. The structure and function of biological molecules: carbohydrates, lipids, proteins, nucleic acids. The theory of the cell. Prokaryotic and eukaryotic cells. The structure and function of biological membranes. Cytosol and cytoskeleton. Endomembranes: endoplasmic reticulum and dictyosomes. Ribosomes, microbodies and spherosomes. Mitochondria: structure and function. The plant cell: genesis, structure and function of plastids, vacuole and cell wall. Osmosis and cell enlargement. The nucleus and chromosomes. Cell division: DNA replication, mitosis. Genes and karyotype. From genotype to phenotype: the genetic code, DNA transcription and translation. Mutations. Short accounts on recombinant DNA techniques.

Mod. 2_Morphology and Anatomy of Plants
Plants with pseudo-tissues and plants with true tissues. Alternation of generations (metagenetic cycles): aplontic, diplontic, aplodiplontic. Examples of metagenetic cycles and the development of structures during adaptation to terrestrial habitats: algae, bryophytes, pteridophytes, spermatophytes. Gymnosperms and Angiosperms (mono- and dicotyledons). Tissues and tissue systems: meristematic tissues and adult tissues. The primary body of the plant: organography and anatomy of the root and stem. Leaf morphology and anatomy. The secondary body of the plant: origin, development and functioning of the cribro-vascular and subero-phelodermic changes, development of the secondary structure of the root and stem. The flower: organography and anatomy. Agamic and gamic reproduction: micro- and macrosporogenesis, micro- and macrogametogenesis. Development of the embryo and seed. The germination of the seed and the formation of the seedling. Structure and type of fruit. Sexual reproduction and meiosis. Character inheritance: Mendelian and post Mendelian models.
Prerequisites for admission
Being an exam of the first year, first semester, there are no specific prerequisites other than those required for access to the degree course
Teaching methods
Teaching Resources
Mod. 1_Biology of Plant Cell
Teaching material will be available for students at the Ariel website
Recommended textbooks: 1.Sadava D, Hillis D.M., Heller H.C., Hacker S. "Elementi di Biologia e Genetica", ed. Zanichelli; 2. Solomon, Berg, Martin "La cellula" e "Genetica: la continuità della vita", ed. EdiSES
Other textbooks: Alberts B., Bray D., Hopkin K., Johnson A., Lewis J., Raff M., Roberts K., Walter P. "L'essenziale di Biologia molecolare della cellula", ed. Zanichelli

Mod. 2_Morphology and Anatomy of Plants
Teaching material will be available for students at the Ariel website
Pasqua G., Abbate G., Forni C. "Botanica Generale e Diversità Vegetale", ed. Piccin
Assessment methods and Criteria
Mod. 1_ Biology of Plant Cell
Biology of Plant Cell exam will include 1 written test in attendance at the end of the course. The written test will include: 23 closed-ended questions (verification of knowledge learning) + 4 open-ended synthetic questions (verification of comprehension and ability to synthesize) + a figure description + a broad open-ended question on a topic of the program (verification of ability to set out a detailed discussion on a scientific theme). The evaluation will be graded out of thirty and the grade will be communicated through the Ariel website. There will be only one exam format, to be undertaken by both attending and non-attending students. For DSA students the test will be written in capital letters and double space and will comprise 28 closed-ended questions + 2 open-ended synthetic questions; additional time (+30%) is foreseen. For further information visit the website

Mod. 2_Morphology and Anatomy of Plants
The Morphology and Anatomy exam will include a written test in person at the end of the course, consisting of: 20 closed-ended questions + two broad open-ended questions. The evaluation will be graded out of thirty and will be communicated through the Ariel website. There will be only one exam format, to be undertaken by both attending and non-attending students.

The final assessment of Plant Biology will be calculated as the average of the grades obtained in the tests of the two modules (Biology of the Plant Cell + Morphology and Anatomy of Plants).
For both modules, all info will be communicated through the relative ARIEL websites.

Students with SLD or disability certifications are kindly requested to contact the teacher at least 15 days before the date of the exam session to agree on individual exam requirements. In the email please make sure to add in cc the competent offices: [email protected] (for students with SLD) or [email protected] (for students with disability).
BIO/01 - GENERAL BOTANY - University credits: 4
Lessons: 64 hours
Professors: Negrini Noemi, Pierce Simon