Places and Representations of Contemporary Italy
A.Y. 2024/2025
Learning objectives
This course aims to provide the main tools for a formal (i.e. linguistic and structural) analysis of literary texts, and to study the connection of such texts with their historical and social context. The focus is on the representation of places and the underlying world views.
Expected learning outcomes
By the end of the course, students are expected to master the tools for a formal analysis and historical and social interpretation of texts, being able to define such tools and properly adopt them when reading texts on their own.
Lesson period: First semester
Assessment methods: Esame
Assessment result: voto verbalizzato in trentesimi
Single course
This course can be attended as a single course.
Course syllabus and organization
Single session
Lesson period
First semester
Course syllabus
This course focuses on Milan in the second half of the 20th century and the early 2000s. The different ways in which the city has been 'narrated' will be investigated. Teaching Unit 1 will consider two of the popular non-fiction texts that have had the greatest resonance in recent years: those of the English historian John Foot ("Milano dopo il Miracolo", 2001) and the Italian writer Aldo Nove ("Milano non è Milano", 2004).
In Learning Unit 2, two narrative texts from the 1950s and 1960s will be analysed: Pier Paolo Pasolini's first film script ("La Nebbiosa", 1959) and Umberto Simonetta's debut novel ("Lo Sbarbato", 1961).
Some film narratives of the city will also be considered.
This course focuses on Milan in the second half of the 20th century and the early 2000s. The different ways in which the city has been 'narrated' will be investigated. Teaching Unit 1 will consider two of the popular non-fiction texts that have had the greatest resonance in recent years: those of the English historian John Foot ("Milano dopo il Miracolo", 2001) and the Italian writer Aldo Nove ("Milano non è Milano", 2004).
In Learning Unit 2, two narrative texts from the 1950s and 1960s will be analysed: Pier Paolo Pasolini's first film script ("La Nebbiosa", 1959) and Umberto Simonetta's debut novel ("Lo Sbarbato", 1961).
Some film narratives of the city will also be considered.
Prerequisites for admission
Basic knowledge of Italian literary history and culture from the Unification of Italy to the end of the 20th Century. Basic knowledge of narratology and rhetoric.
Teaching methods
Taught class, participatory learning. Combination of historiographical, sociological and literary investigation.
Teaching Resources
Bibliography and other didactic materials
Teaching Unit 1:
- John Foot, "Milano dopo il miracolo. Biografia di una città", Feltrinelli, 2001;
- Aldo Nove, "Milano non è Milano", Laterza, Roma-Bari, 2004.
Teaching Unit 2:
- Pier Paolo Pasolini, "Le Nebbiosa" (1959), il Saggiatore, Milano, 2013;
- Umberto Simonetta, "Lo sbarbato" (1961), Baldini+Castoldi, Milano 2021.
Critical bibliography:
- Luca Daino, "Milanesi, ipocriti e infelici, insomma borghesi. Note su 'La Nebbiosa'
di Pier Paolo Pasolini e 'Lo Sbarbato' di Umberto Simonetta", «Letteratura e letterature», 18, aprile 2024, pp. 87-101;
- Luca Daino, «Non ci ho niente da spartire con nessuno». Saggio su "Tirar mattina" di Umberto Simonetta, «Allegoria», 80, luglio-dicembre 2019, pp. 125-147.
Teaching Unit 1:
- John Foot, "Milano dopo il miracolo. Biografia di una città", Feltrinelli, 2001;
- Aldo Nove, "Milano non è Milano", Laterza, Roma-Bari, 2004.
Teaching Unit 2:
- Pier Paolo Pasolini, "Le Nebbiosa" (1959), il Saggiatore, Milano, 2013;
- Umberto Simonetta, "Lo sbarbato" (1961), Baldini+Castoldi, Milano 2021.
Critical bibliography:
- Luca Daino, "Milanesi, ipocriti e infelici, insomma borghesi. Note su 'La Nebbiosa'
di Pier Paolo Pasolini e 'Lo Sbarbato' di Umberto Simonetta", «Letteratura e letterature», 18, aprile 2024, pp. 87-101;
- Luca Daino, «Non ci ho niente da spartire con nessuno». Saggio su "Tirar mattina" di Umberto Simonetta, «Allegoria», 80, luglio-dicembre 2019, pp. 125-147.
Assessment methods and Criteria
The exam consists of an oral interview on the topics of the program, aimed at ascertaining the knowledge of the main topics, the acquisition of the basic methodological tools for the interpretation of literary texts and the ability to apply them appropriately and independently to the scheduled texts. There are no intermediate tests or examinations with partial syllabuses; students must present all teaching units for examination without exception. The final grade will be derived from the average of the marks obtained during the interview in the individual units.
Attendance at lessons is strongly recommended for better exam preparation.
Attendance at lessons is strongly recommended for better exam preparation.
Lessons: 40 hours
Daino Luca
Educational website(s)