Physics of the Earth and Laboratory

A.Y. 2024/2025
Overall hours
Learning objectives
To provide students with the capacity of comprehending the major processes occurring in our planet from the physico-mathematical perspective. In order to score this target, the formulation of continuum mechanics is the most advanced, deeply a mathematical one. The physical processes over which attention is focused are relative to the crust and Earth's mantle and those responsible for the structure of the oceanic lithosphere and subduction. Major attention is also devoted to the most relevant processes in the field of the Earth's gravity.
Expected learning outcomes
Acquiring capabilities in the mathematical and physical modelling of the processes occurring on the surface of the Earth and in its interior, in a modern and advanced fashion, in order to allow the students to compete in the labour market with a solid know-how, representing a solid basis also in the field of applications for informatics and computer science.
Single course

This course can be attended as a single course.

Course syllabus and organization

Single session

Lesson period
Second semester
Course syllabus
1. Continuum Mechanics. Stress and strain. Equation of motion of a continuum medium. Outline on the Elastic behavior of rocks. Equation for the propagation of seismic waves. Models of Isostatic Compensation.
2. Propagation of heat by thermal conduction in the Earth. Thermal structure of the terrestrial lithosphere, both continental and oceanic environment.
3. Earth's Gravity Field. Gravimetric anomalies and their interpretation.
Prerequisites for admission
Good knowledge of basic Physics and Mathematics
Teaching methods
The teaching is held through traditional frontal lessons carried out by the teacher using of the blackboard. During the laboratory lessons the student will be involved in solving the exercises.
Teaching Resources
A summary of the topics covered during lessons will be made available on the web page accessible through the ARIEL portal.

Reference text: Geodynamics by Donald Turcotte and Gerald Schubert (any Edition), available at the Library of Earth Sciences, both in hardcopy and online.
Assessment methods and Criteria
The exam will take place in written form and will be aimed at verifying the student's knowledge of the arguments addressed during the classes.
GEO/10 - SOLID EARTH GEOPHYSICS - University credits: 9
Practicals: 36 hours
Lessons: 48 hours
Professor: Marotta Anna Maria
every day, by appointment via e-mail
Office - Botticelli 23 - R054