Physics and Mathematics

A.Y. 2024/2025
Overall hours
FIS/07 ING-INF/07 MAT/05 MED/01
Learning objectives
- Saper conoscere e applicare le metodiche statistiche ed epidemiologiche riferite all'ambito biomedico e clinico;
- Conoscere gli ambiti di ricerca relativi all'analisi matematica in tutte le sue articolazioni;
- Conoscere e applicare gli le metodologie e gli strumenti di informatica di base e applicata;
- Conoscere e comprendere gli ambiti di ricerca e le competenze teorico-applicative della scienza e della tecnologia delle misurazioni elettriche ed elettroniche, nonché delle moderne strumentazioni di misura;
- Conoscere a acquisire competenze delle tecniche fisiche della diagnostica biomedica, della biofisica.
Expected learning outcomes
Single course

This course can be attended as a single course.

Course syllabus and organization

Single session

Prerequisites for admission
Teaching prerequisites are knowledge of mathematics methods and principles of elementary physics, as detailed in the admission test programs
Assessment methods and Criteria
The assessment of learning outcomes consists of written test that includes multiple choice and open questions. Complementary oral exams are considered. Exams take place during specific exam sessions, as per the Rules.
Teaching materials or notes are not allowed for consultation during testing, except statistical tables for consultation provided by the teacher.
All the modules comprised in the teaching contribute equally to determining the final mark, expressed on a scale of 30.
The Teacher in charge of the teaching provides the final verbalization according to the UNIMI model.
Electric and electronic measurements
Course syllabus
Metrology. Measurement of a physical quantity. Samples and units of measurement. Historical evolution of units of measurement. The International System of units (SI). Legal metrology. Metrological institutes. The International Vocabulary of Metrology (VIM). Definitions. Uncertainty in Measurement: definition, its evaluation and propagation. Definition of electric current, electric field and electric voltage. Measurement of voltages and currents and related instrumentation. Power sources. Conductive, insulating and semiconducting materials. Ohm's law. Power. Energy. The capacitor. Study of simple electrical circuits. Industrial electrical quantities. Notes on electrical safety. Current in human body. Direct and indirect contacts. Safety in medical clinics. Measurements and instrumentation in orthopedics. Electro-medical equipment: metrological and safety characteristics. Medical devices. Builder. Traceability. Conformity marks.
Teaching methods
The teaching consists of frontal classroom lessons, scheduled according to a timetable sent to the students
Teaching Resources
Slides and learning material provided by the teacher
Applied physics
Course syllabus
Principles of mechanics: Forces and motion of the material point: kinematics, gravitational force, elastic force. Extended body: center of mass, free and bound extended body balance. Energetic: work, mechanical energy, power. Principles of Thermology: heat and heat transport, temperature, heat capacity and specific heat, thermal conductivity. Principles of thermodynamics. Fluids: static, dynamics of ideal (Bernoulli) and Newtonian fluids (Poiseuille). Viscoelastic materials, hints.
Teaching methods
The teaching consists of frontal classroom lessons, scheduled according to a timetable sent to the students
Teaching Resources
Slides and learning material provided by the teacher
Mathematical analysis
Course syllabus
Numbers, operations between numbers, numerical sets and their properties, Cartesian product. Scientific notation. Algebra: literal calculus, monomials, polynomials, notable products, decomposition of polynomials, expressions, equations (definitions, principles of equivalence, I° equations, II° equations, fractional, literal and parametric, systems of equations with algebraic resolution, graphics resolution and meaning in the Cartesian plane); inequations (I° inequations, II° inequations, fractional). Definition of function, properties of functions; examples of functions: line, parabola, logarithmic and exponential functions; logarithmic and exponential equations. Function studies. Analytical geometry: limits of functions intuitive concept and formal definition, indeterminate shapes; the derivative of a function, definition and meaning, fundamental derivatives and theorems on derivatives; historical notes on integrals.
Teaching methods
The teaching consists of frontal classroom lessons, scheduled according to a timetable sent to the students
Teaching Resources
Slides and learning material provided by the teacher
Medical statistics
Course syllabus
General concepts on the role of statistics in clinical studies. Observational and experimental clinical studies, association measures to evaluate disease risk factors and the effectiveness of therapies
Elements of descriptive statistics: frequency distributions, graphical representation and numerical summary measures (position and dispersion indices).
The Gaussian distribution and its role in statistical inference
Elements of inference: theoretical sampling distributions for means and proportions, confidence intervals and one-sided and two-sided hypothesis tests.
Teaching methods
The teaching consists of frontal classroom lessons, scheduled according to a timetable sent to the students
Teaching Resources
Slides and learning material provided by the teacher
Applied physics
FIS/07 - APPLIED PHYSICS - University credits: 2
Lessons: 20 hours
Professor: Brocca Paola
Electric and electronic measurements
Lessons: 20 hours
Professor: Lazzaroni Massimo
Mathematical analysis
MAT/05 - MATHEMATICAL ANALYSIS - University credits: 2
Lessons: 20 hours
Professor: Rigoni Marta
Medical statistics
MED/01 - MEDICAL STATISTICS - University credits: 2
Lessons: 20 hours
Professor: Boracchi Patrizia