
A.Y. 2024/2025
Overall hours
Learning objectives
The aim of the course is to provide the necessary basis for the understanding of the main physical phenomena of general interest, with particular focus on subjects linked to other Degree courses.
Expected learning outcomes
The student acquires basic knowledge necessary for the understanding and interpretation of main physical phenomena, in particular in the field mechanics, fluid dynamics, thermodynamics and light-matter interaction.
Single course

This course can be attended as a single course.

Course syllabus and organization

Single session

Lesson period
Second semester
Course syllabus
. Fundamental physical quantities and units of measurement.
. Significant figures in numerical calculations.
. Review of elementary trigonometry.
. The meaning of derivative and integral.
. Scalars and vectors.
1. Static:
. Equilibrium conditions for the material point and for extended bodies,
. moment of a force.
. Levers.
2. Kinematics:
. Position and hourly law,
. speed and acceleration.
. Uniform and uniformly accelerated motion.
. Vector form of the laws of motion.
. Relationship between rotational and linear motion. Angular speed.
. Periodic motions (circular, harmonic)
3. Dynamics:
. Strength and mass.
. Principles of dynamics.
. Weight and gravitational force.
. The friction.
. Work and kinetic energy.
. Conservation of mechanical energy.
. Mechanical power.
. Center of mass and static equilibrium.
. Molecular interaction forces and properties of fluids.
. Pressure and density.
. Fundamental laws of fluid statics.
. Surface tension.
. Wettability and phytoprotective treatments. Insects walking on water.
. Adhesion, cohesion and capillarity.
. Volumetric flow rate and continuity equation.
. Bernoulli's theorem.
. Real viscosity and fluids.
. Transport of fluids in plants.
. Heat, energy, temperature.
. Specific heat and heating of bodies.
. State changes. Latent heat.
. Humidity, evaporation. Drying of agricultural products.
. Heat transmission.
. Temperature and internal energy of a body.
. Work of a fluid under pressure.
. Heat-work equivalence.
. 1st law of thermodynamics.
. Thermodynamic efficiency.
. The heat engine, Carnot cycle, II principle of thermodynamics, entropy.
. Third law of thermodynamics.
. Electric charge. Coulomb's law.
. Work and electric potential.
. Dielectrics and conductors.
. Electric current.
. Energy and electrical power.
. Resistance and Ohm's laws.
. Nature of the magnetism of matter.
. Electromagnetic induction.
. AC.
. Outline of Maxwell's equations.
. Transformer.
. Electromagnetic radiation.
. Wavelength and electromagnetic spectrum.
. Nature of light.
. Chlorophyll and photosynthesis.
. Elements of geometric optics, reflection, refraction, diffraction, dispersion.
. Thermal radiation. Greenhouse effect and global warming.
. Notes on ELF, RF electromagnetic waves.
. Outline of radioactivity and environmental radioactivity: impact and applications in agriculture.
. Radon pollution.
Prerequisites for admission
Elementary algebra; trigonometry; logarithms; functions and their properties; derivative and definite integral (their geometric interpretation and physical meaning).
These concepts should already be acquired by the first semester mathematics course.
Teaching methods
The course includes lectures with exercises. The lessons will be carried out with the help of slides.
The slides of the course will be made available on the Ariel website of the course, at the end of each lesson / topic; They will NOT be provided in advance of the lessons.
Exercises are proposed at the end of each topic treated so that students can better understand the subject matter and practice in view of the final exam.
Attendance of lectures and exercises is strongly recommended.
Students with SLD or disability certifications are kindly requested to contact the teacher at least 15 days before the date of the exam session to agree on individual exam requirements. In the email please make sure to add in cc the competent offices: [email protected] (for students with SLD) o [email protected] (for students with disability).
Teaching Resources
The whole program is covered in several textbooks.
There is no preference.
As a discursive book we highly recommend Lev D. Landau, Evgenij M. Lifsits "Physics for all"
Recommended university-level texts:
- Giancoli, "Physics", or "Physics with Modern Physics"
- Halliday, Resnick, Walker, "Fundamentals of Physics";
- Jewett, Serway - "Principles of Physics".
The texts are available in university libraries, and are new and used in bookstores.
The teaching slides will be made available but do not replace the study on a textbook, even different from those recommended, even for secondary school.
There are no differences between "attending" and "non attending" students.
Assessment methods and Criteria
The exam consists of a written test lasting 2 hours, with exercises and possibly simple theoretical questions, and an oral interview.
The grade of the written exam is published on the Ariel website using the matriculation number as an identifying element in order to respect privacy.
The sufficiency of the written test (> = 18/30) allows access to the oral exam.
The oral exam is NOT confirmation of the written exam.
There are no partial tests (in itinere), but only an "exam test" that will not affect the final result.
During the written tests it is possible to consult the books, notes, forms.
The use of mobile phones or communication media with the outside is strictly forbidden.
FIS/07 - APPLIED PHYSICS - University credits: 6
Practicals: 24 hours
Lessons: 36 hours
Professor: Broggi Francesco
Professor: Broggi Francesco