Physical Exercise in Water

A.Y. 2024/2025
Overall hours
M-EDF/01 M-EDF/02
Learning objectives
The course provides knowledge and skills in the teaching, theory, methodology, and techniques of physical exercise in water for education, recreation, prevention, and maintenance of health and adequate psychophysical well-being in different user categories and contexts.
Expected learning outcomes
Students will acquire skills in planning, organizing, and managing physical exercise in water for the prevention and maintenance of health and the promotion of well-being.
Single course

This course can be attended as a single course.

Course syllabus and organization

Single session

Lesson period
Second semester
Course syllabus
Analysis of different types of exercise in water for different purposes (education, recreation, prevention, well-being, recovery of psychophysical efficiency. Results of research on exercise in water and current trends in methodology. Characteristics of sports facilities and equipment for physical exercise in water.
Organization, planning, didactic management, monitoring of physical exercise in water for different age groups, special needs and conditions (young children, adults, elderly, pregnancy, functional recovery, physical strengthening, etc.)
Prerequisites for admission
Basic skills in the use of exercise for health, psychophysical well-being, and education in individuals.
Teaching methods
Frontal interactive lectures and cooperative learning-based workshop sessions in the lecture hall and sports facilities.
Teaching Resources
All educational support material will always be made available through the Ariel platform.

Reading list
Adams H., Norton C., Tilden H., Aquatic Exercise Toolbox, Human Kinetics 2006
Aquatic Exercise Association, Aquatic Fitness Professional Manual, Hunan Kinetics 2006
Brody L., Geigle P., Aquatic for Rehabilitation and Training, Human Kinetics 2009
Goldstein M., Tanner D., Swimming past 50, Human Kinetics 1999
Langendorfer S.J., Bruya L.D., Aquatic Readiness, Human Kinetics 1995
Assessment methods and Criteria
The final exam is composed of:
- a compulsory written exam (max. grade 27) with 6 open questions covering the course content (max. 4.5 points for each satisfactory answer); 2 hours duration
- an essay paper (about 4 pages, topic agreed on with course instructor) in which the student will demonstrate skills acquired during the course (structured essay: background to the problem; relevance for teaching coherent with the current scientific context; bibliography) (max. grade 3 points).
Lessons: 36 hours