Physical Chemistry Ii with Lab

A.Y. 2024/2025
Overall hours
Learning objectives
The aim of the course is to study the basic principles of chemical and electrochemical kinetics and catalysis.
Expected learning outcomes
The student will acquire knowledge of chemical and electrochemical kinetics and will be able to apply them in simple laboratory experiments.
Single course

This course can be attended as a single course.

Course syllabus and organization

Single session

Lesson period
First semester
Course syllabus
The course contents reflect the objectives and learning outcomes.
Chemical Kinetics: Rate expressions and rate constants. First order, second order, zero order reactions. Parallel, consecutive and opposite reactions, the steady state approximation; the reaction mechanism, the rate determining step.
Temperature effects on the reaction rates: the Arrhenius equation, the collisions theory for bimolecular and unimolecular reactions; the transition state theory, potential energy surfaces, the Eyring equation, the activation parameters.
Basic on kinetics of catalytic processes.
Formation of electrified interfaces: formation of the electric double layer. The double layer models of Helmholtz, Guy-Chapmann and Stern. Mass transfer processes. Electrochemical kinetics: Butler Volmer equation and Tafel equation and their modification in relation to mass transfer. The limiting current density.

Laboratory experiences
· Kinetics of acidic hydrolysis of an ester;
· Kinetics of the Clock reaction;
· Enzymatic kinetics;
· Kinetics of the electrochemical oxygen reduction reaction on the rotating disk electrode;
· Kinetics of the bromination of a ketone.
Prerequisites for admission
Basic knowledge of Mathematics and Physics, acquired during the first year courses of the Bachelor degree in Chemistry, and of Chemical Themodynamics, acquired in the Laboratory of Physical Chemistry I, second year of the Bachelor degree in Chemistry.
Teaching methods
Lectures: Lectures with the aid of projections. Solving numerical exercises.
Laboratory: Recorded lectures with the aid of projections and supervision of students' laboratory practice.
Teaching Resources
- Lectures notes and/or Power Point presentations provided by the Professors.
- J.O.M. Bockris, A.K.N. Reddy "Modern Electrochemistry - 2A" Kluwer Academic Publishers;
Assessment methods and Criteria
During the oral examination the student will be asked to discuss all topics presented during the lectures and to solve exercises of chemical and electrochemical kinetics His/her ability to comment and discuss the equations and the graphs presented during the lectures will also be verified.
For the lab module the student is asked:
- a written report about laboratory experiences and the data collected will be required, and it will be evaluated before the oral exam;
- the student will be asked to illustrate and comment on an experience carried out in the laboratory.
The rating is out of thirty. In order to pass the exam, each of the three parts, theory, exercise and laboratory must be sufficient (minimum 18/30)
CHIM/02 - PHYSICAL CHEMISTRY - University credits: 6
Laboratories: 48 hours
Lessons: 24 hours
Corso A
Professor: Dozzi Maria Vittoria
Corso A + B
Professors: Dozzi Maria Vittoria, Longhi Mariangela
Corso B
Professor: Longhi Mariangela
By appointment via email