Pediatric Sciences 1

A.Y. 2024/2025
Overall hours
MED/30 MED/35 MED/38 MED/39
Learning objectives
- To acquire an adequate knowledge of the main physical diseases of the developmental age in the context of a unitary and global vision of human pathology and their therapeutic approach;
- To Acquire the ability to recognize the main alterations of behavior and subjective experiences;
- To acquire the knowledge of the main psychiatric pathologies of the developmental age and their therapeutic approach
Expected learning outcomes
Knowledge and understanding:
- general and clinical nursing issues for the understanding of pediatric nursing's fields of intervention, clinical method leading to effective clinical approach intervention techniques and evidence supporting the decision making and the delivery of the pediatric nursing care.

Ability to apply knowledge and understanding:
- integrate the knowledge and skills stemming from the nursing discipline, from biomedical, psychological, socio-cultural and humanistic features to recognize the care needs of the newborn, children , adolescents and the family and provide appropriate, effective and evidence-based pediatric nursing care;
- apply the nursing care on the basis of the reference disciplinary theoretical models to assess and diagnose health status and care needs in their physical, psychological and socio-cultural dimensions, plan goals, implement and evaluate the care provided and outcomes achieved;
- conduct a complete and systematic evaluation of data relating to the care needs of the newborn, children , adolescents to facilitate growth, development and adaptation in health promotion, maintenance and recovery;
- analyze and accurately interpret the data collected through clinical reasoning;
- interpret and apply the results of research to nursing practice and link research paths to the theoretical development of the nursing discipline;
- provide nursing care in different care settings, both in- and out- of-hospital settings.
Single course

This course can be attended as a single course.

Course syllabus and organization

Single session

Prerequisites for admission
In order to enrol in second year course, the student must have passed at least three exams related to teaching courses, of which: - Human anatomy and physiology, Maternal and infant care basics. Passing the annual internship exam is mandatory for enrollment in the following year
Assessment methods and Criteria
Oral examination. In oral exam the main criteria to be considered in the assessment of the answer are the completeness and correctness of the contents, the ability to link knowledge and clarity of exposition.
Eye diseases
Course syllabus
Visual system anatomy. Visual development. Refration and Refractive errors: theory and practice
History and examination in newborn and child
Further investigation: diagnostic ultrasound, pediatric visual electrodiagnosis, visual field, optical coherence tomograghy (OCT), fluorescein angiography (FA).
Amblyopia and strabismus.
Normal and abnormal visual development. Pre- and postnatal grow of the eye, adnexa, visual system and emmetropization.
Adnexa and eye examination by Pediatrician. Red Reflex test. Orbital, adnexa and eye developmental anomalies.
Ocular manifestations of intrauterine infections.
Anterior segment disorders.
Ocular infections: conjunctivitis of the newborn, preseptal and orbital cellulitis. Allergic conjunctivitis. Congenital cataract.
Childhood glaucoma. Ocular trauma. Child abuse and nonaccidental injury (Shaken baby syndrome). Optic neuropathy and papilledema. Inborn error of metabolism and the eye.
Retinopathy of prematurity (ROP) and abnormal visual development in preterm newborn.
Teaching methods
Frontal lessons
Teaching Resources
N. Orzalesi "Oftalmologia" Antonio Delfino Editore
R. Brancato "Malattie dell'apparato visivo" Poletto Editore.
Dermatological and venerological diseases
Course syllabus
· Anatomy
· Skin in making before and after birth
· Investigations in pediatric dermatology
· Clinical approach to dermatological patient: elementary lesions, clinical presentation modalities, methods
Special observation
· Principles of dermatological therapy: pharmacological and topical treatment; dermocosmetic treatment, treatments physical and surgical
· Pharmacological and non-pharmacological therapy of Atopic Dermatitis
· Acne
· Vascular anomalies of dermatological interest
· Skin and extracutaneous problems of congenital nevi
Teaching methods
Frontal lessons
Teaching Resources
Manuale di dermatologia medica e chirurgica 6a edizione, T cainelli, A. Giannetti, A Rebora. 2017
General and subspecialty paediatrics
Course syllabus
Breastfeeding in the first months of life. role and characteristics of breast milk. Methods of conducting breastfeeding. Breast milk collection, storage and feeding with bottles. Artificial feeding and the various formulas on the market. Baby bottles and teats. Preparation from powdered milk and risk of pollution. Special milks and using conditions.
Weaning: when, how and why. Preparation of baby food. Gluten introduction. The inclusion of potentially allergenic foods and whole cow's milk in the diet.
Nutrition in later periods of life. The problem of calorie intake and the risk of thinness or obesity.
Blood cells. Origin, maturation and function of white blood cells, red blood cells and platelets. Their normal values in bloodstream. Performing bone marrow biopsy. The different types of anemia and their respective frequency in pediatric ages. Main symptoms of anemia depending on its severity. White blood cells in different morbid conditions. Neutropenia and prevention of infections with appropriate behavior. Platelet diseases: thrombocytopenia and thrombocytopathy. Precautions in different morbid conditions. Childhood tumors. Frequency and type. The different types of leukemia and lymphoma. Nursing control of the child with oncohematological pathology. Logistical support for infection prevention. Psychological support for children with oncohematological pathology.
The immune system as a cause of disease.
Juvenile idiopathic arthritis. Classification and clinical characteristics of the three forms.
Diagnosis and therapy. Patient follow-up.
Peculiarities in the pediatric age of other autoimmune diseases (SLE, Panarteritis nodosa, Dermatomyositis, Scleroderma)
Rheumatic disease. Epidemiology, clinical manifestations and diagnostic criteria. Therapy and prophylaxis. Follow-up of patients with heart disease.
Kawasaki disease. Clinical manifestations and diagnostic criteria. Short-term and long-term cardiovascular complications. Therapy and follow-up of patients with complications.
Schonlein-Henoch purpura. Clinical manifestations, diagnosis, complications and therapy.
Primary immunodeficiencies
The development of immune defenses and characteristics in the mature organism.
Laboratory tests to assess the efficiency of defenses. The normal and pathological values of the different laboratory parameters.
The various forms of immunodeficiency and the relative modalities and timing of appearance.
The possibilities of therapeutic approach in the different immunodeficiencies.
Psychomotor development. Cerebral palsy. Intellectual disability. Neonatal seizures and pediatric epilepsy. Headaches.
Teaching methods
Frontal teaching
Teaching Resources
Gianni Bona, Roberto Miniero. Pediatria Pratica. Editore Minerva Medica. Ultima Edizione.
G.V. Zuccotti - Manuale di pediatria. La Pratica Clinica. Ed. Esculapio Medicina II ed. 2016
Child neuropsychiatry
Course syllabus
New conceptualization of neurological development disorders
Diagnosis and treatment tools in child neuropsychiatry
Organization of Child and Adolescent Neuropsychiatry
Autism spectrum disorders and intellectual disability
Communication disorders
Specific languages and learning disabilities
Attention deficit disorder with hyperactivity and conduct disorders
Developmental disabilities
Epilepsies of the developmental age: clinical features, diagnostic approach, principles of therapy, "acute" crisis management
Movement disorders
Neuromuscular diseases: diagnostic picture and enabling approaches
Anxiety disorders
Mood disorders
Food problems
Acute psychiatric adolescence
Teaching methods
Frontal teaching
Teaching Resources
"Psichiatria dell'età evolutiva "di S.Vicari, Pensiero scientifico editore , 2012
"Argomenti di neuropsichiatria infantile per le professioni di aiuto" di M.Cannao - Franco Angeli 2011
Child neuropsychiatry
MED/39 - CHILD NEUROPSYCHIATRY - University credits: 1
Lessons: 15 hours
Dermatological and venerological diseases
Lessons: 15 hours
Eye diseases
MED/30 - OPHTHALMOLOGY - University credits: 1
Lessons: 15 hours
General and subspecialty paediatrics
MED/38 - PAEDIATRICS - University credits: 2
Lessons: 30 hours
Fondazione IRCCS Ca' Granda Ospedale Maggiore Policlinico Milano - Clinica Mangiagalli Via della Commenda 12, 2nd floor, Centro studi Motta"
Reception by appointment (mail to [email protected])