Parasitology and Toxicology

A.Y. 2024/2025
Overall hours
VET/06 VET/07
Learning objectives
The objective of the integrated course is to provide the student with basic knowledge on parasites, parasitic diseases, classes of drugs and potentially toxic compounds concerning animals of zootechnical interest.
The student will have to acquire the knowledge to evaluate and implement biosecurity plans for parasitic diseases and the basic principles that regulate the kinetic and dynamic behavior of drugs and toxic compounds in the various species of zootechnical interest, as well as know the regulatory bases governing the use of the drug in livestock.
Finally, students will acquire skills in relation to zoonotic parasitic agents and the environmental impact of drug and toxic residues through the use of sewage deriving from food-producing animals.
Expected learning outcomes
The student must be able to understand the criteria relating to the control of parasitic diseases of animals of zootechnical interest and the main mechanisms of action of drugs and toxic substances that enter animal production and their kinetic behavior. He will need to use this knowledge for the prevention and management of parasitic diseases and to assess the different circumstances that can be potentially hazardous with respect to the drug and toxic compounds.
Single course

This course can be attended as a single course.

Course syllabus and organization

Single session

Lesson period
First semester
Prerequisites for admission
No prior knowledge is required
Assessment methods and Criteria
For the module "Toxics and drugs in animal production and their environmental impact" The exam will consist of a written test lasting 1 hour, divided into 3 free-answer questions. For parasitology module the exam will be in written form, based on 15 multiple choice questions (2 points per question) and an open question; time allowed 1 hour
Parasitology and prevention of parasitic diseases
Course syllabus
- Foundations of parasitology: definition of parasite, animal-parasite-environment relationship and host specificity (8 hours)
- Parasites of livestock: protozoa, fungi, helmints, arthropods (8 hours)
- Prevention of parasitic diseases: strategies and practices in farm management (24 hours)

- Activities in laboratory and educational farm, and computer classroom (16 hours)
Teaching methods
Frontal lessons focused on the foundations of animal parasitology, the identification and monitoring of livestock, and even zoonotic, parasites, and the control policies at the farm level, both intensive and extensive. Practical activities on the computer, laboratory and in-field methodologies supporting parasite control strategies.
Teaching Resources
- Slides of the course, available on the Ariel platform
- Taylor, Coop, Wall. Parassitologia e malattie parassitarie degli animali. Ed. EDRA
Toxic compounds and veterinary drugs in animal production and their environmental impact
Course syllabus
The aim of the course is to give the student the notions concerning the toxicity of contaminants and drugs with particular reference to the mechanisms of action, the assessment of the toxicological risk for the human consumer of foods of animal origin and the environmental impact deriving from the use of drugs and pesticides.
Introduction: Chapters and aims of toxicology and history of toxicology (2 hours)
Introduction: Classification and source of contaminants (2 hours)
Toxicokinetics: Exposure, absorption, distribution, metabolism, excretion (4 hours)
Toxicodynamics and mechanisms of action of toxic substances (2 hours)
Exogenous and endogenous factors influencing toxicity (2 hours).
Lethal dose (DL 50) - "Maximum Tolerated Dose" in large animals (2 hours)
Experimental models and meaning of "Subacute Toxicity" and "Chronic Toxicity" (2 hours)
Specific toxicities: mutagenesis, carcinogenesis, teratogenesis, effects on reproduction (2 hours)
Determination of Threshold Doses (DGA, ADI, TDI, TWI, etc.) (2 hours)
Determination of the Tolerance Level - MRL (2 hours)
Principles of environmental toxicity (2 hours)
Evaluation of the environmental impact of residues present in animal manure (2 hours)
Characterization risk management and communication (2 hours)
Insecticides and molluscicides (4 hours)
Rodenticides (2 hours)
Herbicides and fungicides (2 hours)
Metals or Minerals (2 hours)
Persistent organic pollutants and household products (2 hours)
Toxic plants (2 hours)
Mycotoxins (4 hours)
Poisoning by non-protein nitrogen compounds (1 hour)
Analytical toxicology (1hours)
Teaching methods
Frontal lessons (6CFU) through presentations of slides
Teaching Resources
Slides available on the Teacher's ARIEL website
Tossicologia Veterinaria - L. Intorre & V. Meucci - Idelson Gnocchi 2023
G. D. Osweiler. Toxicology, Lippincott William & Wilkins.
C.L.Galli, E. Corsini, M.Marinovich. Tossicologia, Piccin.
Curtis D. Klaassen (Editor). Casarett & Doull's Toxicology: The Basic Science of Poisons, McGraw-Hill Professional.
Parasitology and prevention of parasitic diseases
Practicals: 16 hours
Lessons: 40 hours
Professor: Mortarino Michele
Professor: Mortarino Michele
Toxic compounds and veterinary drugs in animal production and their environmental impact
Lessons: 48 hours
Professor: Villa Roberto Edoardo
Wednesday 11.00-12.00
DIVAS - - Lodi Via Dell'Università 6
By appointment from Monday to Friday
Dep. DIVAS Lodi