Papyrology Ma

A.Y. 2024/2025
Overall hours
Learning objectives
The course aims at introducing advanced students in reading, interpreting and editing unpublished Greek texts on papyri and ostraca.
Expected learning outcomes
Knowledge: The students will become familiar with ancient writing and they will learn to overcome the difficulties of unpublished texts. At the same time, they will acquire knowledge on bibliographic resources, optical systems and digital tools commonly used by papyrologists.
Skills: By training on images of papyri and ostraca, students will be able to read, understand and interpret unpublished texts. Furthermore, they will learn how to use special optical systems essential for reading and reproducing papyri and texts on pottery sherds.
Single course

This course can be attended as a single course.

Course syllabus and organization

Single session

Lesson period
Second semester
Course syllabus
The course is organized in three parts.
1. (a) Assessment and consolidation of the basic papyrological knowledge of the participants.
(b) Greek palaeography: bookhands, informal and documentary hands, dating methods.
(c) The critical edition of a text: the Leiden System; practice through the study of relevant literary and documentary texts that have already been published. Problems of interpretation of a damaged text that has been partially reconstructed through conjecture, and its exploitation as historical source in the study of the ancient world.

2.Unpublished texts of the Roman period.

3. Unpublished text of the Byzantine period.
During the third part of the course each student will produce a critical edition of an unpublished text transmitted on papyrus and other writing materials under the teacher's supervision. This edition should be submitted to the teacher by the end of the course.
Prerequisites for admission
Good knowledge of ancient Greek and Latin, and Graeco-Roman civilization. A basic knowledge of Papyrology is desirable.
Teaching methods
Lecture format and class discussions. Students will be supervised individually in the preparation of the edition of an unpublished fragment.
Teaching Resources
Reference handbook:
Nicola REGGIANI, Papirologia. La cultura scrittoria dell'Egitto greco-romano, Parma 2021.
The digital images of the texts that will be deciphered and/or examined in the lectures, and of the unpublished fragments to be edited individually, the Power Point Presentations used by the teacher and other relevant items will be available on the site Ariel (
Assessment methods and Criteria
The oral exam tests the competences in deciphering, reading, translation, comprehension and contextualization of a text written on papyrus (or other writing materials), the ability to use the technical terminology specific to papyrology and palaeography as well as the ability to critically illustrate topics concerning the development of the field and the role that papyri play as sources for social, political, economic, cultural and literary history in an interdisciplinary perspective. Moreover, part of the exam l consists of a discussion of the edition of the unpublished fragment prepared by the student under the teacher's supervision.
Attendance is recommended. Students that cannot attend the course should contact the teacher as soon as possible.
L-ANT/05 - PAPYROLOGY - University credits: 9
Lessons: 60 hours
Professor: Colomo Daniela
Educational website(s)