Organisations and Digital Societies

A.Y. 2024/2025
Overall hours
Learning objectives
The course is the natural complement and extension of the Digital Technologies for Organizations course and it refers to the general area of Data Analysis for the Social Sciences, as well.

It has three general objectives:
1) Familiarize students with changing technology for data analysis and visualization, and the contextual usage of more than just one (R and Python);
2) Extend the usage of open data: data provided by public organizations and associations both Italian and international, institutes of Statistics both Italian (ISTST) and international (Eurostat, etc.), and other data in the public domain; requiring analysis and transformation operations of medium or medium-high complexity;
3) Improve data visualization practice and theory through an extended graph gallery and the study of theoretical principles and professional examples.

More specific objectives are:
1) Data analysis with Python: lists, arrays, dataframes, multiindex, and pivoting;
2) Adoption of Jupyter Notebook/Lab for documents containing narrative text, executable code, and results (data or plots);
3) Use of Github as a personal repository and versioning system;
4) Data visualization and dynamic maps for georeferenced datasets: Seaborn library and annotated choropleth maps (folium and geopandas libraries)
Expected learning outcomes
A student should demonstrate to have acquired a good knowledge of analysis methods and to have become familiar with open source tools for data analysis and visualization. Learning outcomes should also demonstrate that the student's preparation is not limited to a sufficient usage of technologies, but she/he has understood critical aspects of a data analysis, the appropriate way of conducting a data analysis, and she/he is able to produce well-motivated evaluations of both open data analyses and the graphical representation of results.
Single course

This course can be attended as a single course.

Course syllabus and organization

Single session

Lesson period
First trimester
Course syllabus
1. Data Visualization: Introduction, grammar of graphics
2. Data Visualization with R: the ggplot2 library
3. Static graphics with continuous and categorical variables
4. Introduction to Data Science with Python e and Jupyter Notebook usage
5. Data Science with Python: dataset import, transformation operations, aggregations, join
6. Data Visualization with Python: The Seaborn library for static graphics with continuous and categorical variables

During the course, several exercises with Open Data, of increasing complexity, should be completed in order to acquire the skills necessary to analyze real case studies. For a successful preparation, it is required to also work autonomously on several exercises.
Prerequisites for admission
English reading and understanding: basic knowledge.
To be familiar with personal computer usage and with the internet.
Highly recommended to have attended to the Tecnologie Digitali per le Organizzazioni course of the 1st year. This course assumes as given the knowledge provided by that first course.
Teaching methods
Classes are in person and it is recommended to bring a laptop in order to follow examples and exercises discussed during classes.

Some additional exercises will be taught by the course tutor. Note that these are extra hours in addition to 40 hours of the course, they will not include new contents with respect to the official program, and therefore they are not mandatory for the exam preparation. However, they are a useful learning support for several students.
Teaching Resources
DATA VISUALIZATION, Marco Cremonini, Egea Editore, settembre 2023, ISBN/EAN: 978-88-238-2349-5
Of this textbook, we will use the First Part.

Marco Cremonini, Egea Editore, Giugno 2023. ISBN/EAN: 9788823823501
This textbook is the same of the Tecnologie Digitali per le Organizzazioni course, and we will use sections dedicated to the Python language.
Assessment methods and Criteria
The exam is exclusively in written form with practical exercises requiring to use a personal computer and softwares employed during the course.
No intermediate exams are provided.
The evaluation will consider to what extent computational logic has been understood, the familiarity achieved with data analysis principles, and usage of software employed during classes.
INF/01 - INFORMATICS - University credits: 6
Lessons: 40 hours
Professor: Cremonini Marco
Professor: Cremonini Marco