Organisational Theory and Management

A.Y. 2024/2025
Overall hours
Learning objectives
The course aims to contribute to the achievement of the objectives of the program in Management of Organizational Labour by developing knowledge and skills related to organizational design and the analysis of changes brought about by digital transformation, both in terms of organizational design and the management of social dynamics within organizations. The future expert in human resource management will acquire knowledge of the main theories and models of organizational design and will be able to identify the most appropriate tools to use in various phases of the process. Furthermore, they will delve into the main issues related to technological change in organizational contexts and will be able to identify the most suitable actions and methods to facilitate the introduction of technologies in organizational settings. Lastly, they will be able to recognize the processes and social dynamics that occur within organizations and discuss how these are impacted by new technologies.
Expected learning outcomes
At the end of the course, students will be able to:
- Describe the main phases and characteristics of organizational design (activation, definition of actors, communication, analysis, design, change management, verification, and evaluation).
- Explain the differences between various organizational structures (simple, functional, divisional, hybrid, matrix) and their respective strengths and weaknesses.
- Apply the acquired knowledge to analyze and map organizational processes.
- Apply the acquired knowledge to design organizational structures.
- Discuss the types of organizational change (strategy and structure, products and services, culture, technology) and the phases of the change process (unfreezing, moving, refreezing).
- Discuss the impacts of digital transformation on organizational design and new ways of working.
- Critically evaluate the effects of technology adoption on organizational design in the manufacturing and service sectors.
- Analyze the effect of technology on companies' competitive advantage.
- Describe the processes of sharing organizational knowledge and the role of technology and social media.
- Analyze individual and group decision-making problems and processes.
- Recognize types and styles of managing organizational conflicts.
- Recognize the main models of organizational culture
- Critically describe the evolutions of the concept of leadership in light of digital transformation.
- Illustrate the main issues related to diversity management in a company.
- Describe the necessary phases to design and implement organizational interventions aimed at enhancing diversity in a company.
Single course

This course can be attended as a single course.

Course syllabus and organization

Single session

Lesson period
Second trimester
Course syllabus
Unit 1: Fundamentals of organization design
- Organizational design
- Organizational analysis
- Process mapping
- Job design
- Functional structure
- Divisional structure
- Hybrid structure
- Change management

Unit 2: Technological evolution and organizational change
- Digital transformation
- Manufacturing and service technology
- Knowledge management and enterprise social networking
- Big Data and Internet of Things
- Smartworking

Unit 3: Managing social processes within organizations
- Teamworking and virtual teams
- Conflict and negotiation
- Diversity management
- Decision making processes
- Organizational culture
Prerequisites for admission
Teaching methods
Lectures, Case studies, Company case histories, classroom simulations, Exercises
Teaching Resources
Due to the fast-evolving nature of the subject taught in this course, especially concerning technological changes and their impacts on organizations, an updated list of references for attending and non-attending students will be provided at the beginning of the course (January 2025). However, for those taking the exam by January 2025, the reference materials suggested for the academic year 2023-2024 will remain valid.
Assessment methods and Criteria
The achievement of the expected learning outcomes will be assessed through a written test based on 10 multiple-choice questions (MCQs) and 2 open-ended questions. As regards the MCQs, there will be only one correct answer and one point will be awarded for each correct answer (zero points for each wrong or missing answer). For each open-ended questions, the student will get a grade from 0 to 10. The final grade of the test (sum of the grade in the MCQs test + grade of the open questions) will go from 0 to 30 with honors.
The student will have 1 hour to complete the test.
Lessons: 60 hours
Professor: Lazazzara Alessandra