Occupational Health and Safety

A.Y. 2024/2025
Overall hours
Learning objectives
The course aims to provide the basic knowledge relating to the Consolidated Law 81/08 and the evolution of related legislation. It also proposes to provide knowledge concerning health and safety in the workplace and to analyze the operational tools in support of the prevention service for workers' health and safety.
Expected learning outcomes
At the end of the course, the student will have acquired the ability to organize a system for prevention by identifying the roles required by law and defining the concepts of risk, damage, protection, and prevention. He will be competent in the selection of Personal and Collective Protection Devices and safe machines for the agricultural sector.
Single course

This course can be attended as a single course.

Course syllabus and organization

Single session

Lesson period
Second semester
Course syllabus
1 General Part
The genesis of TU 81/08 from Law 626/1994 to the present (Law 215/2021). The influence of the European legislation on the Consolidation Law 81/08. Analysis of the Consolidation Law with particular reference to the operative articles and the sanctions provided for. Concepts of risk, probability, prevention, protection; organization of corporate prevention; rights, obligations, and sanctions for the various corporate entities; supervisory, control, and assistance bodies.
CE marking of equipment: technical directives and solutions. The Machinery Directive. The concept of technical standards and harmonized standards. The legislation on installations (Legislative Decree 37/2008). Fire prevention legislation. The concept of personal protective and equipment (PPE) is the organization of a first aid service in a company according to Legislative Decree 81/2008. The world of safety regulations: ISO 45001. ISO 27001. The certification process.
2-Application part
Application of general concepts to the production chain: field, protected crops, livestock, processing. Biosecurity and cybersecurity as transversal aspects of the production chain.
3-Certification State-Regions Agreement
Issued by a company expert for the implementation of the program foreseen by the State-Regions Agreement on the basic training of workers in the field of health and safety, which includes a test of knowledge required for these 4 hours to obtain the certificate of the basic safety course.
Prerequisites for admission
Knowledge of the production process typical of the agricultural sector. The student has to be able to contextualise the examples given during the lectures to understand the specificities of the sector and the links with the health and safety of the operators.
Teaching methods
24 hours of face-to-face teaching.
During the course, an in-depth study of 4 hours is planned, carried out with an external expert, to obtain the Basic Safety Certificate required by the State-Regions Agreement. This lesson examines the organization of the Health and Safety Service according to the current legislation (T.U. 81/2008). At the end of the course, there will be an assessment test to verify what has been learned and to issue the certificate.
Teaching Resources
Notes from the lectures.
Material (Slides) provided on the MYARIEL website of the course;
R. Guidetti, A. Vitale - Manuale della sicurezza sul luogo di lavoro in una azienda alimentare - Seconda Edizione, Franco Angeli (Milano), 2018.
Assessment methods and Criteria
The actual achievement of the learning outcomes expected of the student will be assessed using an oral examination (three open questions).
The following will be evaluated: the critical sense and the knowledge developed by the student concerning both the legislative and technical aspects underlying the organization and management of health and safety systems, mainly in the context of catering services.
To take the exam, it is necessary to register on the UNIMIA platform (http://www.unimi.it/) before the deadline.
The evaluation is expressed by a mark out of thirty.
The grade is communicated to each student by e-mail, automatically generated by the University's verbalization system.
Students with SLD or disability certifications are kindly requested to contact the teacher at least 15 days before the date of the exam session to agree on individual exam requirements. In the email please make sure to add in cc the competent offices: [email protected] (for students with SLD) o [email protected] (for students with disability).
- University credits: 3
Lessons: 24 hours
Professor: Giovenzana Valentina