Nutrition for Health Promotion

A.Y. 2024/2025
Overall hours
Learning objectives
Give a deep understanding of the role of nutrition in promoting health in both developed and developing countries. Provide knowledge on the methods to study the relationship between food/eating pattern/diet and health. Develop the knowledge of the key nutritional problems of public health importance. Provide knowledge of the nutritional characteristics of foods intended for particular nutritional uses (e.g. fortified and light foods, dietetic foods, functional foods). Inform on the EC Regulation on health and nutrition claims and the methodological approach to submit an application for authorization of a health claim.
Expected learning outcomes
Upon completion of the course students will be able to: consult and make a critical appraisal of the scientific literature on the major issues related to nutrition and health; design and follow dietary intervention studies; identify and understand the scientific evidences on the role of traditional and alternative dietary patterns and of foods intended for particular nutritional uses on health promotion; apply knowledge to implement nutritional programs aimed to improve the daily diet in the general population and in specific groups within the population.
Single course

This course can be attended as a single course.

Course syllabus and organization

Single session

Lesson period
First semester
Course syllabus
Frontal lessons (5 CFU)
- The role of nutrition in the prevention of non-communicable diseases
- Methodological approaches to study the diet-health relationship: Analysis of the different methodologies used to study the relationship between diet and health, including observational studies, dietary interventions, and meta-analyses
-The role of systematic reviews and meta-analyses in providing recommendations based on scientific evidence
- Discussion on current knowledge and controversies regarding the role of nutrients and diet in the primary prevention of cardiovascular diseases and cancers
- Nutritional characteristics of whole, light, and fortified foods, novel foods, foods for special medical purposes, food supplements and related legislation
- Characteristics and scientific evidence about the role of traditional (Mediterranean, vegetarian, vegan diet, etc.) and non-traditional (DASH diet, Nordic diet, etc.) dietary patterns in promoting health and reducing the risk of diseases
- The point on ultra-processed foods: role in the diet and evidence on health and diseases
- Health Claims and nutrition labelling in Europe: pros and cons

Practice exercise (1CFU):
- Critical analysis of the literature: activities to develop the ability to critically evaluate scientific studies and interpret their results
- Design of a dietary intervention study for the request of a health claim previously rejected by EFSA, improving the understanding of EFSA's evaluation criteria and applied research methodologies
Prerequisites for admission
Basic knowledge of biochemistry and human nutrition
Teaching methods
The teaching methods include:

-frontal lessons with guided discussions. These lessons aim to convey information and knowledge on the relationship between diet and health. During the guided discussions, students will have the opportunity to delve deeper into the topics covered and develop critical analysis skills.

-practical activities in the computer lab. These activities are designed to enhance students' ability to read and interpret the results of scientific studies. Students will learn to consult and use relevant national and international documents and guidelines.

-individual or group activities. Students will engage in activities involving the critical discussion and preparation of a health claim proposal previously rejected by EFSA. This activity will help students better understand the claim evaluation process and develop practical skills in designing scientific studies.
Teaching Resources
Teaching materials: slides, guidelines, scientific papers and reports, legislative documents. The materials will be provided to the students through the myAriel platform (
Assessment methods and Criteria
The assessment of learning will take place through a final oral exam lasting 25-30 minutes. The questions will cover the topics discussed during the course with the aim of:
- highlighting the acquired knowledge and the critical ability to evaluate methodological aspects, also through the discussion of a group project finalized to the request of a health claim previously rejected by EFSA.
- evaluating the knowledge and skills acquired on the role of specific foods and dietary patterns in promoting health and reducing disease risk in the population.
The ability to communicate and the use of correct scientific terminology will also be assessed.
At least 7 exam sessions will be scheduled per year. The dates of the exams will be communicated through the on-line University application (UNIMIA). To take the exam, students must register by the deadline specified in UNIMIA. The evaluation will be expressed as a grade out of thirty and will be communicated to each student via automated e-mail from the University's grading system.
Specific procedures for students with specific learning disabilities (DSA) or disabilities will be applied. Here the complete information:
Students are encouraged to inform the teacher by mail at least 15 days before the exam, including in the addresses [email protected] or [email protected].
MED/49 - FOOD AND DIETETIC SCIENCES - University credits: 6
Computer room practicals: 16 hours
Lessons: 40 hours
Professors: Del Bo' Cristian, Marino Mirko
Everyday under appointment
Office: via Giuseppe Colombo 62, Building 21070, First Floor
Every day by appointment
Via Giuseppe Colombo 62, Building 21070, First Floor