Nutrition and Life Cycles

A.Y. 2024/2025
Overall hours
Learning objectives
Aim of the course is to provide the biological bases that link eating habits to a person's health conditions and how different eating habits and life styles specifically affect the different phases of the human life cycle.
Expected learning outcomes
At the end of the course, students should have acquired a deep understanding of the nutrition/health relationships, with particular reference to the underlying mechanisms at the cellular and molecular levels.
Single course

This course can be attended as a single course.

Course syllabus and organization

Single session

Lesson period
Second semester
Course syllabus
I module: Embryo development and growth: morphological basis, principles and mechanisms. Placenta and development. Development alterations: diet and teratogenic effects. Ipo- and ipervitaminosis during pregnancy. Micronutrients. Oxidative stress, apoptosis and congenital malformations. Pathological status and alimentary disorders during gestation and developmental defects.

II module: Endocrine control of growth and aging. Growth, development, puberty, menopause. Nutrition in pregnancy, in the first year of life, in childhood and adolescence. Hormonal variations during aging. Aging and calcium metabolism. Free radicals, oxidative stress, antioxidants and aging. Nutrition in old age.
Prerequisites for admission
No specific knowledge requested even if a good comprehension of the basic scientific language is essential.
Teaching methods
Lectures, practical exercises, moments of discussion on topical issues.
Teaching Resources
Menegola et al.: Manuale di Biologia dello Sviluppo Animale. EdiSES.
E. Carbone, F. Cicirata, G. Aicardi Fisiologia: dalle molecole ai sistemi ed. Ermes
E.D'angelo, A. Peres Fisiologia. Molecole , cellule e sistemi ed. Ermes
Gilbert- Barresi. Developmental Biology, Sinauer.

Numerous articles related to the various topics will also be proposed.
Assessment methods and Criteria
For module I, the examination consists in an oral test that will evaluate the ability to connect different topics, the appropriateness of scientific language and the ability to synthesize the various topics covered in class. The student will be asked to prepare two scientific articles among those proposed by the teacher (and published on the Ariel platform) or agreed with the teacher. The oral exam will be on topics presented during the lessons and the teacher will ask toe present and critical discuss the selected articles. The mark is expressed in thirtieths. The minimum sufficient mark is 18/30. The written test results will be communicated by e-mail.
For module II of the course there is a written exam (duration 2 hours) with an open-ended written test. The written exam may be shifted in an oral examination for emergency security items. The test consists of 3 questions, one of which is rather detailed in order to evaluate the accuracy of the study. Also for module II, the examination will evaluate the ability to connect different topics, the appropriateness of scientific language and the ability to synthesize the various topics covered in class. The mark is expressed in thirtieths. The minimum mark to pass the test is 18/30.
The final mark will be given by the average of the marks obtained for the two modules.
Lessons: 48 hours
by appointment via email
online (Teams) or in presence, as agreed via mail
By appointment
Via Mangiagalli 32