Morphological Evaluation and Ethnology in Animal Production
A.Y. 2024/2025
Learning objectives
The course will provide scientific and cultural bases to contribute to the development and improvement of animal husbandry in a continuous changing environment.
Expected learning outcomes
During the course it will be acquired the following informations: the basics of animal domestication, demographic analysis and production of the main farmed breeds, the methodology currently used for morphological
and functional evaluation of the subjects.
and functional evaluation of the subjects.
Lesson period: Second semester
Assessment methods: Esame
Assessment result: voto verbalizzato in trentesimi
Single course
This course can be attended as a single course.
Course syllabus and organization
Single session
Lesson period
Second semester
Course syllabus
The following topics will be covered during the course.
The program covers the following topics:
1. Study of the domestication process of animals of livestock interest, acquiring the ability to distinguish between domesticable and non-domesticable species. 2. Study of the demography of the main species of livestock in order to learn the economic importance of different species in different parts of the world. 3. In-depth study of the production parameters of the main cattle breeds raised thereby enabling a thorough understanding of the relationships between breeds and the territories in which they are mainly raised. 4. Study of the principles of morpho-functional evaluation (zoognostics) for an understanding of its importance even in an age where genetics seems to take over in animal evaluation processes. 5. Study of the various anatomical regions of the bovine species and the relationships between them and morpho-functional evaluation. 6. Analysis of somatic measurements and creation of zoometric indices. 7. In-depth study of linear morphological evaluation in dairy, beef and dual-purpose cattle. 8. Evaluation of the usefulness and applicability of the latest genetic analysis technologies.
The program covers the following topics:
1. Study of the domestication process of animals of livestock interest, acquiring the ability to distinguish between domesticable and non-domesticable species. 2. Study of the demography of the main species of livestock in order to learn the economic importance of different species in different parts of the world. 3. In-depth study of the production parameters of the main cattle breeds raised thereby enabling a thorough understanding of the relationships between breeds and the territories in which they are mainly raised. 4. Study of the principles of morpho-functional evaluation (zoognostics) for an understanding of its importance even in an age where genetics seems to take over in animal evaluation processes. 5. Study of the various anatomical regions of the bovine species and the relationships between them and morpho-functional evaluation. 6. Analysis of somatic measurements and creation of zoometric indices. 7. In-depth study of linear morphological evaluation in dairy, beef and dual-purpose cattle. 8. Evaluation of the usefulness and applicability of the latest genetic analysis technologies.
Prerequisites for admission
To follow the course, there are no prerequisites required. Both those who will attend the classes and those who won't are covered by this notification.
Teaching methods
In this course, lectures will be given in person along with classroom activities. A teaching excursion is also scheduled to reinforce the lessons covered in the lectures.
Teaching Resources
All the material needed to understand the topics covered and to prepare for the exam are available in TEAMS.
For further information on the domestication I recommend:
Storia della domesticazione animale. Juliet Clutton-Brock. ISBN 88-339-5670-9
For further information on the domestication I recommend:
Storia della domesticazione animale. Juliet Clutton-Brock. ISBN 88-339-5670-9
Assessment methods and Criteria
The acquired knowledge and skills will be verified during an interview.
Lessons: 32 hours
Parma Pietro
Parma PietroProfessor(s)
by appointment
Agricultural and Environmental Sciences - Production, Landscape, Agroenergy, Building 6