Models of Solidarity and Social Politics

A.Y. 2024/2025
Overall hours
Learning objectives
The course aims to illustrate the values and objectives underlying different 'models of solidarity', to provide students with a general understanding of the functioning of different welfare regimes in different countries and geographical areas, and to show how they are the result of the interaction among four areas of social regulation - the market, the state, the family, and the community. Adopting this perspective from a historical-evolutionary angle also allows us to understand the dynamics of transformation of welfare systems, outlining the role of specific factors - such as economic growth, changes in the mode of production, demographic trends, institutional factors, social demands and strictly political dynamics.

In line with the overall objectives of the faculty, the course aims in particular at understanding the specific role of political factors - regime type, form of government, party systems, dynamics of political-electoral competition - in the institutionalisation of different 'solidarity models' and in shaping the content of specific welfare reforms. To do so, we will first introduce the basic concepts for the study of social policies and the analysis of the historical-comparative evolution of welfare systems. Subsequently, through an in-depth examination of different political science approaches aimed at explaining institutional change in social protection systems, we aim to allow students to understand and interpret the most recent welfare transformations.
Expected learning outcomes
The course aims primarily at providing students with the knowledge and analytical tools necessary to study social policies in a comparative perspective. The focus on concepts and main analytical dimensions, as well as the adoption of the comparative-historical perspective, should enable students to develop the ability to analyse complex systems such as welfare regimes, by understanding the interactions between these and economic, demographic, social and, above all, political dynamics. Studying for the exam will therefore allow students to acquire the tools to understand, describe and interpret the political, institutional, economic and social dynamics shaping the transformation of welfare states.
Specifically, the course aims to provide the information and skills necessary to: i) analyse and make independent judgments about social policy proposals and reforms; ii) analyse the economic, social and political consequences of welfare reforms; iii) identify the underlying reasons for a given social policy decision. In addition, students will learn to find and use the main qualitative and quantitative information sources (databases) to analyse welfare systems and related political dynamics.
Single course

This course cannot be attended as a single course. Please check our list of single courses to find the ones available for enrolment.

Course syllabus and organization

Single session

Lesson period
Third trimester
Course syllabus
The course aims to provide the basic knowledge and conceptual tools to understand normative reference models, the functioning, and the evolution of social protection systems. Initially, fundamental concepts for the study of social policies and the analysis of the historical-comparative evolution of welfare systems will be introduced. Subsequently, the course focuses on the main challenges that social protection systems must respond to in light of the major economic, social, and institutional transformations that have occurred over the past three decades. Finally, the course aims to analyze the mechanisms that influence the processes of transformation of social protection systems, particularly focusing on the role of institutional factors, actors, and political competition dynamics.

More specifically, the course is divided into two modules. Unit 1 provides: a) the fundamental analytical tools for the study of social protection systems in a comparative perspective; b) an analysis of developmental factors and dynamics; c) a presentation of the different welfare/welfare state models and regimes; d) a discussion of the "crisis" of the welfare state, paying special attention to its endogenous and exogenous determinants;

Unit 2 focuses on the main economic, social and institutional challenges social protection systems faced over the last three decades. In details, it will focus on: a) family and gender transformations; labour market flexibility, precariousness and welfare state change; youth, citizenship model and social protection systems; climate change, welfare state and eco-social policies; European integration and its consequences for national social protection models
Prerequisites for admission
No preliminary knowledge is required to attend the course/take the exam.
Teaching methods
This is an interactive course, which envisages active participation on the part of the students. The course is based on 20 lecture-based sessions, conducted in a very interactive way in order to: a) favour discussion, both student/professor and among students b) stimulate critical thinking c) fine tuning the course content in accordance with students' interests
d) strenghten students' oral communication skills. By attending classes, students take on the obligation to: do all the readings in advance and come to class prepared to discuss; actively participate in class discussions; take the moderator role in discussions when requested; make presentations when required
Teaching Resources
A list of required readings for the Units 1-2-3 will be circulated at the beginning of the course. Lecture slides will be made available on the course website and are part of the programme.
Assessment methods and Criteria
The assessment will be based on: participation in class debates and discussion; presentations in class and acting as a scheduled discussant; final (written) exam on slides and articles listed by the instructor on the course website.
The written test includes multiple-choice and open questions, both aiming to test the acquisition of basic skills in social policy analysis. One or more open-ended questions will be designed to test your ability to make informed and critical use of the key concepts underlying the study of social policy.
SECS-P/03 - PUBLIC ECONOMICS - University credits: 6
Lessons: 40 hours
Professor: Natili Marcello Maria