Migration Processes

A.Y. 2024/2025
Overall hours
Learning objectives
The course aims at providing students with an adequate knowledge of the general framework of international migrations in contemporary societies.
In the first part, the students will be guided to grasp the general trends of these processes, their main causes, their connections with other social phenomena (in particular, globalization and evolution of the labour market).
In the second part, the knowledge of some specific parts of the immigrant population will be deepened: women and families, second generations, refugees.
In the third part, the analysis of migration policies will been developed, with reference both to regulation policies (entrance and settlement) and to integration policies (social inclusion and citizenship).
Expected learning outcomes
Students will be conducted to acquire a knowledge and a capacity to understand the trends of international migrations in the contemporary world, inserting the Italian case in a global scenario.
At the end of the course, they will have to be able to apply the knowledge they will have acquired to a critical analysis, first of the main models of governance of this phenomenon, and second to the processes of labelling and stereotyping migrant populations and Roma and Sinti minorities.
They will be required to develop a knowledge and a capacity to judge the ways in which issues related to migrations are presented and discussed in the public debate.
Providing space for debating during the classes, students will be encouraged to actively take part in the discussion and to express tidily their opinion about the arguments developed in the course.
Single course

This course can be attended as a single course.

Course syllabus and organization

Single session

Lesson period
First trimester
Course syllabus
The course is divided into five parts:
1) general features and trends
2)new actors of contemporary migrations
3) immigration policies: regulation, inclusion, citizenship
4) critical aspects and areas of conflict
5) Immigrant families and policies of family immigration
Prerequisites for admission
Students must have passed the exam "Society and social change"
Teaching methods
Each class will consist of a lecture-style presentation accompanied by slides and an open discussion with the participants.
Active participation by students will be encouraged. Students are expected to constructively participate with questions and comments, to highlight main points and/or comparative aspects of the issue at stake.
Active participation by students is strongly recommended. In order to be recognized as a participant, a student is required to attend at least 75 per cent of the classes, signing the sheet.
No exceptions are admitted.
Teaching Resources
For participants:
Notes of the course, slides + M.Ambrosini, Sociologia delle migrazioni, Bologna, Il Mulino, 2020; M.Ambrosini, Famiglie nonostante. Come gli affetti sfidano i confini, Bologna, Il Mulino, 2019 .

For not attending students:
M.Ambrosini, Sociologia delle migrazioni, Il Mulino 2020 (nuova edizione) +
M.Ambrosini, Famiglie nonostante. Come gli affetti sfidano i confini, Bologna, Il Mulino, 2019 +
M.Ambrosini, Stato d'assedio. Come la paura dei rifugiati ci sta rendendo peggiori. MIlano, EGEA, 2023.

Assessment methods and Criteria
The exam will be written and will consist of a list of ten open questions, with 10' for each question (1 hour 40 minutes), 3 points for each question, and a total of 30 points.
It will evaluate the level of knowledge of the main issues of the course, and the understanding of its causes, dynamics, and effects.
An intermediate exam for attending students will also be planned. Points will be added to the final note for active participation during the classes.
Lessons: 60 hours
Professor: Ambrosini Maurizio
Professor: Ambrosini Maurizio
Monday and Tuesday, 10:30-12:30, taking an appointment by email. If necessary, other appointments on-line can be established, upon students' request
via Passione 15, office 312, third floor