Metodi di assessment della pratica avanz. nella prev. e assistenza per la salute della pers. della famig. e della comun.
A.Y. 2024/2025
Learning objectives
The purpose of teaching is: Analyze the health systems' evolution and changes Being able to develop projects for the implementation of innovative care models based on research results in order prevent and manage the most important health problems of individuals and groups, at home, in hospital and at community level; Develop projects to create, in collaboration with other professionals, educational and support interventions at individual, family and community level for self-management and control of risk factors and health problems.
Expected learning outcomes
The student will critically analyze health problems related to the life stages (child, woman, elderly) within the different social, health and occupational contexts and in relation to innovative care models, in order to identify strategies for disease prevention and health promotion of the individual subject, the family and the community and in the work environment The student will describe the models of health education that are appropriate for the prevention and management of the most important health problems both at an individual and community level. The student will describe the determinants and the risk factors in relation to health prevention and protection at community level. The student will describe the legal bases in the relationship between the human person, the illness, the health institutions and the health workers in take-over of criminal, civil and ethical professional accountability.
Lesson period: First semester
Assessment methods: Esame
Assessment result: voto verbalizzato in trentesimi
Single course
This course can be attended as a single course.
Course syllabus and organization
Single session
Prerequisites for admission
There are no prerequisites except for the admission test.
Assessment methods and Criteria
Written test with multiple choice questions
Medicina interna
Course syllabus
The complexity of the elderly patient and the concept of frailty
- Elderly vs. geriatric patient
- Clinical and care needs of the geriatric patient
- Approach to the geriatric patient
- Geriatric multidimensional assessment
- Integrated care
- Clinical cases in geriatrics
- Elderly vs. geriatric patient
- Clinical and care needs of the geriatric patient
- Approach to the geriatric patient
- Geriatric multidimensional assessment
- Integrated care
- Clinical cases in geriatrics
Teaching methods
Teaching Resources
Slide and references by the Lecturer for specific topics
Pediatria generale e specialistica
Course syllabus
Primary prevention in paediatrics with a focus on obesity prevention and related diseases. Tools and methods for the promotion of correct lifestyles of the child and his family. Vaccinations in paediatric age.
Teaching methods
Frontal lesson. Blended teaching on Moodle platform with the use of concept maps and problem solving. Comparison and discussion of the issues that emerged during the individual and online study. Teacher's explanations of the questions that emerged from the mind maps; on the contents of the second teaching unit provided by the teacher there is formulation of at least one answer, integrating the clarifications and notions received.
Teaching Resources
Consensus Help Human Early Life Prevention. Prevenzione precoce delle malattie non trasmissibili e promozione di un corretto sviluppo neurocognitivo. Pediatria Preventiva e Sociale. Supplemento al numero 3-2016. Costantini W, Calistri D. Ostetrica Piccin-Nuova Libraria 2015 - capitoli relativi alla epidemiologia ed agli screening-
Ginecologia e ostetricia
Course syllabus
Primary prevention in gynaecology with particular attention to the prevention of neoplastic pathology; Screening in obstetrics and gynaecology; Tools and methods for the evaluation of screening in obstetrics and gynaecology
Teaching methods
Frontal lesson. Blended teaching on Moodle platform with the use of concept maps and problem solving. Comparison and discussion of the issues that emerged during the individual and online study. Teacher's explanations of the questions that emerged from the mind maps; on the contents of the second teaching unit provided by the teacher there is formulation of at least one answer, integrating the clarifications and notions received.
Teaching Resources
Consensus Help Human Early Life Prevention. Prevenzione precoce delle malattie non trasmissibili e promozione di un corretto sviluppo neurocognitivo. Pediatria Preventiva e Sociale. Supplemento al numero 3-2016. Costantini W, Calistri D. Ostetrica Piccin-Nuova Libraria 2015 - capitoli relativi alla epidemiologia ed agli screening
Igiene generale e applicata
Course syllabus
Health education and Education for Health: definitions, intervention contexts, similiraties and differences between the twos The case of "Globesity" as a model for integrated interventions based on Educational and Behavioural approaches. Theories and Methodologies to develop and implement Health education Programs and Interventions: Theory of Reasoned Action (Fishbejn and Ajzen) ,Ecological approach (Brofenbrenner), Theory of innovation diffusion ( Rogers), Theory of Stages of Change (Prochaska - Di Clemente), Social Marketing Theories, Precede - procede Model. Planning and Intervention: phases and stages Needs analysis, Defining goals, Materials and Methods, Process Evaluation, Outcomes evaluation . How qualitative research and quantitative research support the evaluation process. Evaluation Tools: interviews, questionnaires, observation, focus groups
Teaching methods
Frontal lesson.
Teaching Resources
Pellai A, Educazione sanitaria, strategie educative e preventive per il paziente e la comunita', Piccin editore 2012
Medicina del lavoro
Course syllabus
Introduction to occupational medicine: historical background and current evolution
Methods of studying the environment and health relationship
Tools and methods for risk assessment in the workplace
Occupational tumors: criteria and current state of knowledge on the main environmental and occupational risk factors Accidents and occupational diseases
Methods of studying the environment and health relationship
Tools and methods for risk assessment in the workplace
Occupational tumors: criteria and current state of knowledge on the main environmental and occupational risk factors Accidents and occupational diseases
Teaching methods
Teaching Resources
Bertazzi PA, a cura di, Medicina del lavoro. Ed Cortina 2013
Scienze infermieristiche generali cliniche e pediatriche
Course syllabus
Healthy ageing: effectiveness indicators and intervention strategies and methodologies for solving older people's health problems. Self care, self care deficit and self efficacy in different cohorts of adults with chronic diseases. Innovative care models for responding to the health needs of the individual, family and community.
Teaching methods
Frontal lesson. Blended teaching on Moodle platform with the use of concept maps and problem solving. Comparison and discussion of the issues that emerged during the individual and online study. Teacher's explanations of the questions that emerged from the mind maps; on the contents of the second teaching unit provided by the teacher there is formulation of at least one answer, integrating the clarifications and notions received.
Teaching Resources
WHO, Self care in the context of primary health care, Report of the regional consultation, January 2009 WHO, integrated care for older people Guidelines on community-level interventions to manage declines in intrinsic capacity, 2017 Ministero Salute, Relazione sullo stato sanitario del Paese, 2012-2013 e integrazioni successive Eurostat population 2018 AA.VV., E-BOOK incontinence". 6th Edition, 2017 Editors: Paul Abrams - Linda Cardozo - Adrian Wagg Alain Wain
Scienze infermieristiche ostetrico-ginecologiche
Course syllabus
Introduction to gender medicine: global, European, Italian, and regional overview. Law 3/2018 the National Observatory on Gender Medicine. Priority areas for
a gender medicine approach and confidence of health professionals with gender medicine. gSexual and reproductive health, the physiological birth pathway (BRO). Sexual and reproductive health, the physiological birth pathway (BRO). The midwife in community (framework, functions and activities). Women's mental health.
a gender medicine approach and confidence of health professionals with gender medicine. gSexual and reproductive health, the physiological birth pathway (BRO). Sexual and reproductive health, the physiological birth pathway (BRO). The midwife in community (framework, functions and activities). Women's mental health.
Teaching methods
Frontal lesson. Blended teaching on Moodle platform with the use of concept maps and problem solving. Comparison and discussion of the issues that emerged during the individual and online study. Teacher's explanations of the questions that emerged from the mind maps; on the contents of the second teaching unit provided by the teacher there is formulation of at least one answer, integrating the clarifications and notions received.
Teaching Resources
Medicina di Genere Newsletter gennaio 2021
Medicina di Genere Newsletter aprile 2021
LEGGE 11 gennaio 2018, n. 3
Quaderni del Ministero della Salute n. 26, aprile 2016 "Il genere come determinante di salute"
D.G.R X/2989 del 2014
Di Nuovo F, Onorati M, Nicola M, Cassoni M. Il valore aggiunto della differenza di genere nelle
professioni sanitarie. Ital J Gender-Specific Med. 2018;4(1):34-5.
Stefano Benini, Valentina Pucci, Carlo Descovich Healthcare professionals'confidence with gender
medicine: a qualitive study Ital J Gender-Specific Med 2021;7(3): 148-154
Cutolo B, Fedi M, Girardi E, Iapichino S. Infermieristica e medicina di genere. Indagine conoscitiva
sul fabbisogno formativo. Toscana Medica. 2016;9.
Gregorio D, Chiesi AM, Del Giorgio E. L'importanza della medicina e ricerca medica di genere tra
il personale sanitario. Eupolis Lombardia (RES16002). 2016.
RACCOMANDAZIONI NAZIONALI per la presa in carico del paziente con depressione
Medicina di Genere Newsletter aprile 2021
LEGGE 11 gennaio 2018, n. 3
Quaderni del Ministero della Salute n. 26, aprile 2016 "Il genere come determinante di salute"
D.G.R X/2989 del 2014
Di Nuovo F, Onorati M, Nicola M, Cassoni M. Il valore aggiunto della differenza di genere nelle
professioni sanitarie. Ital J Gender-Specific Med. 2018;4(1):34-5.
Stefano Benini, Valentina Pucci, Carlo Descovich Healthcare professionals'confidence with gender
medicine: a qualitive study Ital J Gender-Specific Med 2021;7(3): 148-154
Cutolo B, Fedi M, Girardi E, Iapichino S. Infermieristica e medicina di genere. Indagine conoscitiva
sul fabbisogno formativo. Toscana Medica. 2016;9.
Gregorio D, Chiesi AM, Del Giorgio E. L'importanza della medicina e ricerca medica di genere tra
il personale sanitario. Eupolis Lombardia (RES16002). 2016.
RACCOMANDAZIONI NAZIONALI per la presa in carico del paziente con depressione
Ginecologia e ostetricia
MED/40 - OBSTETRICS AND GYNAECOLOGY - University credits: 1
Practicals: 2 hours
Lessons: 6 hours
Lessons: 6 hours
Parazzini Fabio
Igiene generale e applicata
MED/42 - HYGIENE AND PUBLIC HEALTH - University credits: 1
Lessons: 8 hours
Pellai Alberto
Medicina del lavoro
MED/44 - OCCUPATIONAL MEDICINE - University credits: 1
Lessons: 8 hours
Bonzini Matteo
Medicina interna
MED/09 - INTERNAL MEDICINE - University credits: 1
Lessons: 8 hours
Froldi Marco
Pediatria generale e specialistica
MED/38 - PAEDIATRICS - University credits: 1
Practicals: 2 hours
Lessons: 6 hours
Lessons: 6 hours
Gianni' Maria Lorella
Scienze infermieristiche generali cliniche e pediatriche
MED/45 - NURSING - University credits: 1
Practicals: 2 hours
Lessons: 6 hours
Lessons: 6 hours
Lusignani Maura
Scienze infermieristiche ostetrico-ginecologiche
MED/47 - MIDWIFERY - University credits: 1
Practicals: 2 hours
Lessons: 6 hours
Lessons: 6 hours
Tamborini Francesca
Educational website(s)
Pediatria generale e specialistica (a.a. 2024/25)
Problem solving nei Metodi di assessment della pratica avanzata nella prev. e assistenza per la salute della persona della famiglia e della comunità (a.a. 2024/25)
Scienze infermieristiche generali cliniche e pediatriche - modulo (a.a. 2024/25)
Scienze infermieristiche ostetrico-ginecologiche - modulo (a.a. 2024/25)
Problem solving nei Metodi di assessment della pratica avanzata nella prev. e assistenza per la salute della persona della famiglia e della comunità (a.a. 2024/25)
Scienze infermieristiche generali cliniche e pediatriche - modulo (a.a. 2024/25)
Scienze infermieristiche ostetrico-ginecologiche - modulo (a.a. 2024/25)