Methods in Ecosystem Analysis

A.Y. 2024/2025
Overall hours
BIO/03 BIO/07 GEO/04
Learning objectives
The course provides knowledge and skills for collecting and analyzing environmental data (geology, geomorphology, flora and vegetation, fauna) aimed to environmental analysis and thematic cartography. The course also aims to teach how to answer to specific professional requests for environmental studies from parks, natural reserves and/or public administrations etc.
Expected learning outcomes
Organization and performing of an environmental study from data collection to final technical report.
Single course

This course can be attended as a single course.

Course syllabus and organization

Single session

Lesson period
Course syllabus
Collecting data describing the a-biological component of the environment (geological bedrock, surface deposits, landforms, soils), elaboration of thematic maps of the different features, for land analysis, promotion and protection;
· Finding, analysis and mapping of geological, geomorphological and geopedological data by field surveys and remote analyses (photo-interpretation and remote sensing).
· Land evaluation and its implications for land management.
· Geopedology of ecosystems.
Basic concepts of geomorphological and geoarchaeological risk.
· Collecting maps, pictures and also historic data to evaluate, promote and protect sites of geomorphological interest and to study landscape evolution;
· Finding, managing and processing meteorological data; compiling meteo-data base including historical and present data as a tool for planning and managing the territory.
Bioclimate: from climatic data to biclimatic indices; biclimatic thresholds and potential vegetation.
Botanical data collection from existing databases. Collection and analysis of botanical data: flora and vegetation.
Vegetation and vegetation series mapping; historical maps, flortistic maps. Indicators of quality of flora and vegetation and their cartography.
Regulation and management of protected areas: "Habitats" and "Birds" European Directives.
The Natura 2000 protected areas network; the management plans of the Natura 2000 sites
Monitoring methods for mammals, birds, amphibians, reptiles and insects as indicators of environmental quality
The retrieval of ornithological and herpetological data and regional atlases
Animal reintroductions: conservation and management problems
River Ecology and water quality under the EU Water Framework Directive
Prerequisites for admission
Knowledge of the basic concepts of physical geography, geology, geomorphology, botany, zooology, statistics, geographic information systems
Teaching methods
Classroom lessons and practical field activities. The attendance to at least 50% of field classes is mandatory.
Teaching Resources
Course slides are available on the ariel website. Specific texts will be provided during the course and are available on the ariel website
Assessment methods and Criteria
The exam consists of carrying out a report about a geographic area chosen by the student, including the collection and analysis of environmental data available from sources indicated during the course or from published literature, and/ or collected by the student. The maximum lenght of the report is 30 pages plus annexes (maps and tables), prepared following the indications given during the classes.
The report is uploaded by the student on the Ariel website (generally 7 days before the exam), is evaluated by the teachers of the course and will be presented at the oral exam through a power point presentation of maximum 10 slides, the structure of which will be explained during the classes. Evaluation criteria take into account the ability of collecting, critically analyzing, synthesizing and correctly reporting and discussing environmental data. The grades are on a scale of 30
BIO/07 - ECOLOGY - University credits: 5
Practicals with elements of theory: 36 hours
Lessons: 72 hours
Upon appointment arranged through e-mail
Room 54 or 59, First Floor
Monday-Friday on appointment
2 floor building C Department of Biosciences
In case of need, please send an email to schedule a meeting
Via Celoria 26, piano 6 torre C
On appointment
In my office, Via Mangiagalli 34, 2nd floor, room 77