Methodologies for Music Education

A.Y. 2024/2025
Overall hours
Learning objectives
The course brings to attention the formative, communicative and inclusive value of musical practice. The first theoretical part will focus on the acquisition of the fundamentals of musical language, in its declinations relating to the physical and perceptive characteristics of sound, notation, grammar and forms. Practical examples centred on the didactics of each of these foundational elements of music will provide a first concrete context for the development of targeted educational actions. The second part will cover knowledge of the main (historical and contemporary) approaches to the transmission and enhancement of musical skills in a multicultural context. The course also wishes to give space to the design of learning experiences based in particular on listening.
Expected learning outcomes
At the end of the lessons the students will know how to use the specific terminology of the subject; they will have acquired a basic knowledge of musical language and forms, didactic orientations, methods and approaches to listening. Thanks also to the exercises carried out during the course, the students will be able to associate appropriate musical proposals with the various educational contexts, constructing learning units autonomously and arguing their own didactic and methodological choices.
Single course

This course can be attended as a single course.

Course syllabus and organization

Single session

Lesson period
First semester
Course syllabus
Introduction to the language of music
- Perceptual and physical characteristics of sound. Pitch, intensity, timbre, harmonics, sound profile, noise
- Didactics of pitch, intensity and timbre
- Pulsation, rhythm, metre, non-metric music
- Didactics of duration
- Grammar and morphology of music: notation, Western and non-European scales, timbre-based music
- Main musical forms from antiquity to the present day
- Voice and musical instruments

The development of musical skills: theories and approaches
- Music learning theories by Gordon, Delalande, Tafuri
- Music didactics in the 20th century
- Perspectives of didactics from a transcultural and inclusive point of view

Laboratory activities

Creation of learning units
Prerequisites for admission
There are no special requirements.
Teaching methods
Lectures with powerpoint slides and integrated videos. Discussion and critical analysis of proposed topics. Guided listening. Exercises.
Teaching Resources
- BIASUTTI, Michele, Elementi di didattica della musica : strumenti per la scuola dell'infanzia e primaria, Roma, Carocci, 2015.
- CAFORIO, Cosimo - Benedetto PASSANNANTI, L'alfabeto dell'ascolto. Elementi di grammatica musicale, Roma, Carocci, 2006
- CUOMO, Carla, Dall'ascolto all'esecuzione. Orientamenti per la Pedagogia e la Didattica
della musica, Milano, Franco Angeli, 2018. [chapter. 3: Pedagogia e didattica della musica]
- Dauphin Claude, Didattica della musica nel Novecento, in Enciclopedia della musica, vol. 2 "Il
sapere musicale", Torino, Einaudi, 2002, pp. 785-803
- FACCI Serena, Multiculturalismo nell'educazione musicale, in Enciclopedia della musica, vol. 2 "Il sapere musicale", Torino, Einaudi, 2002, pp. 863-879

The bibliography also includes two articles of choice from a list that will be handed out at the beginning of class.

Further titles will be suggested during the course.
Assessment methods and Criteria
Written exam.
The determination of the final grade takes into account the following elements:
- knowledge of the subject and mastery of concepts and definitions;
- clarity and propriety of expression;
- ability to summarise and process the information acquired
- active participation in the lessons
- oral presentation given during the course
Each student is expected to give a short presentation during the course; the presentation's topic will be agreed in advance with the lecturer. This presentation will form part of the final assessment.
L-ART/07 - MUSICOLOGY AND HISTORY OF MUSIC - University credits: 9
Lessons: 60 hours
Professor: Scuderi Cristina