Medical and Technical Sciences 1 (second year)
A.Y. 2024/2025
Learning objectives
" The student must learn the basic notions of the profession having a general knowledge of the Italian and European history of podiatry;
- The learning of the specific tasks of the profession and of the relationships with other health professions must begin and recognize their own boundaries;
- They must also know the general principles of podiatry performance through an evaluation and consequent recording on a specific folder, while providing documentation that can be used both for epidemiological research and for the evaluation of the specific therapeutic act;
- With the teaching of the specific acts of the profession, of the materials dedicated to it, of the tools, equipment and methods that can be used, he will reach the knowledge for the formulation of a therapeutic protocol, will learn the principles for primary and specific prevention, must also be able to produce the documentation necessary for legislative purposes for quality control.
- The learning of the specific tasks of the profession and of the relationships with other health professions must begin and recognize their own boundaries;
- They must also know the general principles of podiatry performance through an evaluation and consequent recording on a specific folder, while providing documentation that can be used both for epidemiological research and for the evaluation of the specific therapeutic act;
- With the teaching of the specific acts of the profession, of the materials dedicated to it, of the tools, equipment and methods that can be used, he will reach the knowledge for the formulation of a therapeutic protocol, will learn the principles for primary and specific prevention, must also be able to produce the documentation necessary for legislative purposes for quality control.
Expected learning outcomes
The student must know how to use the tools of the profession to be able to perform a complete clinical podiatry assessment through the objective examination and to plan the therapeutic intervention with the use of the knowledge of: digital orthosis, plantar supported by own instrumental examinations by making a clinical reasoning based on podiatry semiotics and biomechanical physiology
Lesson period: year
Assessment methods: Esame
Assessment result: voto verbalizzato in trentesimi
Single course
This course can be attended as a single course.
Course syllabus and organization
Single session
Course syllabus
- Hyperkeratosis: anatomy, physiology and treatment
- Practical exercitation: treatment of hyperkeratosis
- Clinical evaluation: theory and practice
- Biomechanical evaluation: theory and practice
- Biomechanical joint assessment
- Baropodometric analysis: theory and practice
- Palpatory anatomy: theory and practice
- Bases of clinical thinking
- Semeiotics
- Laser-therapy (bases)
- Nail reeducation
- Paste and fluide silicones
- Ingrown nails
- Plantar warts
- Realization of foot orthoses
- Practical exercitation: treatment of hyperkeratosis
- Clinical evaluation: theory and practice
- Biomechanical evaluation: theory and practice
- Biomechanical joint assessment
- Baropodometric analysis: theory and practice
- Palpatory anatomy: theory and practice
- Bases of clinical thinking
- Semeiotics
- Laser-therapy (bases)
- Nail reeducation
- Paste and fluide silicones
- Ingrown nails
- Plantar warts
- Realization of foot orthoses
Prerequisites for admission
Knowledge of general and specific anatomy and physiology are requested
Teaching methods
Lectures , practical exercises in ambulatory or lab.
Teaching Resources
· R. L. Valmassy, Clinical bionechanics of the lower extremities, Mosby, 1996
· Merton L. Root, W. Orien, J. Weed La funzionalità del piede normale e patologico, volume I, Ed. Piccin 1971
· Merton L. Root, W. Orien, J. Weed La funzionalità del piede normale e patologico, volume II, Ed. Piccin 1971
· Donatelli, The biomechanics of the foot and ankle 1990
· Michaud, Foot orthoses and other forms of conservative foot care, 1997
· Recent advances in orthotic therapy improving clinical outcomes with a pathology specific approach paul r. scherer, dpm, ms
· Guida ai sentieri del corpo. Andrew Biel. Edi ermers
· Netter. Atlante di anatomia umana, Frank H. Netter
· Anatomia umana, Frederic H. Martini
· Le catene muscolari. Vol. 1; 2; 3; 4; 5, Léopold Busquet
· Chinesiologia del sistema muscolo scheletrico, fondamenti per la riabilitazione, Neumann Donald A.
· Anatomia funzionale 1-2-3 vol. I. A. Kapandji (Autore), P. A. Pagani, Marguier M.-C.
· Merton L. Root, W. Orien, J. Weed La funzionalità del piede normale e patologico, volume I, Ed. Piccin 1971
· Merton L. Root, W. Orien, J. Weed La funzionalità del piede normale e patologico, volume II, Ed. Piccin 1971
· Donatelli, The biomechanics of the foot and ankle 1990
· Michaud, Foot orthoses and other forms of conservative foot care, 1997
· Recent advances in orthotic therapy improving clinical outcomes with a pathology specific approach paul r. scherer, dpm, ms
· Guida ai sentieri del corpo. Andrew Biel. Edi ermers
· Netter. Atlante di anatomia umana, Frank H. Netter
· Anatomia umana, Frederic H. Martini
· Le catene muscolari. Vol. 1; 2; 3; 4; 5, Léopold Busquet
· Chinesiologia del sistema muscolo scheletrico, fondamenti per la riabilitazione, Neumann Donald A.
· Anatomia funzionale 1-2-3 vol. I. A. Kapandji (Autore), P. A. Pagani, Marguier M.-C.
Assessment methods and Criteria
At the end of each semesters students have to take an ongoing evaluation made of 30 written questions based on the semestral program.
At the end of the 2nd year they have to pass the examination of Podologia 1 consisting in 30 open and closed questions.
At the end of the course of study students have to take the exam of Podologia 2 made of 60 open and closed questions on the whole three-year program. The ones who pass it will sustain an oral exam to confirm the written evaluation.
At the end of each semester there will be a lesson during which students can ask for explanations about treated issues.
The marks obtained in the various examinations will be displayed on a dedicated board inside the department and the students can discuss the exam and ask for an additional oral assessment
At the end of the 2nd year they have to pass the examination of Podologia 1 consisting in 30 open and closed questions.
At the end of the course of study students have to take the exam of Podologia 2 made of 60 open and closed questions on the whole three-year program. The ones who pass it will sustain an oral exam to confirm the written evaluation.
At the end of each semester there will be a lesson during which students can ask for explanations about treated issues.
The marks obtained in the various examinations will be displayed on a dedicated board inside the department and the students can discuss the exam and ask for an additional oral assessment
Lessons: 70 hours
Onesti Mattia
Onesti MattiaProfessor(s)