Medical and Surgical Sciences 1

A.Y. 2024/2025
Overall hours
MED/09 MED/28 MED/29 MED/38 MED/45
Learning objectives
Al termine del corso lo studente possiederà le conoscenze di base relative allo studio della crescita del soggetto in età evolutiva e relativa ai quadri clinici delle principali patologie dello sviluppo, delle principali patologie internistiche e odontostomatologiche.
Expected learning outcomes
At the end of the course the student will have the basic knowledge related to the study of the growth of child in developmental age, and relating to the main developmental pathologies, the main internal and odontostomatological pathologies.
Single course

This course can be attended as a single course.

Course syllabus and organization

Single session

Prerequisites for admission
With reference to the Didactic Regulations (art.20), To access the second year, it is essential to have achieved at least four exams of which:
- biological, physiological and morphological sciences
- linguistic, philosophical and socio-pedagogical sciences
- applied speech therapy sciences: propaedeutics
The student must also have passed the first year traineeship exam.
Assessment methods and Criteria
The learning assessment will take place through a written test with multiple choice questions. The duration of the test is 1 hour. The assessment of the course will be expressed by a mark in thirtieths.
Internal medicine
Course syllabus
· The main cardiovascular diseases: heart failure, arterial hypertension, syncope. Elements of pathophysiology, clinic and therapy.
· The main respiratory diseases: COPD, pneumonia. Elements of pathophysiology, clinic and therapy.
· Sleep sleep apnea syndrome.
· Diabetes Mellitus: pathophysiology, clinical pictures and principles of therapy
Teaching methods
Teaching Resources
Materiale fornito dal docente
Oral diseases and dentistry
Course syllabus
· Etiopathogenesis of the malocclusions
· Diagnosis In Orto 1
· Diagnosis In Orto 2
· Bone growth
· Dental exchange
· Maxillary expansions procedures
class II and III
· Early diagnosis of malocclusions
· Genetic and idiopathic diseases with facial involvement
· Orthodontic-Surgical Treatment of Severe Alterations of the Oro-Maxillofacial District
· The main diseases of the oral cavity: caries and periodontal diseases
· Diseases of the oral mucosa
· The patient treated for head and neck neoplasms
· Basics of oral surgery and implantology
Teaching methods
Teaching Resources
- Materiale fornito dal docente
- Giampietro Farronato. Ortognatodonzia - Edizioni edi-ermes. 2013
Maxillofacial surgery
Course syllabus
Maxillofacial and cranio-facial traumatology: incidence, etiology, pathogenesis, clinic, diagnosis and therapy of the main fractures of the facial skeleton; forehead, nose, orbit (teaching integrated with that of ophthalmology), cheekbone, zygomatic arch, maxillary, jaw. The facial noise.
· Facial and cranio-facial malformations: classification, pathogenesis, clinical and treatment principles of cleft lip and palate, otomandibular dysostosis, craniostenosis and craniofaciostenosis.
· Oral tumors - skin tumors - salivary gland tumors - craniofacial tumors: in communion with the teachings of oral pathology, ENT, ophthalmology; study of precancerous lesions, etiology and pathogenesis of tumors, their biology and clinical behavior, diagnostic and classification framework, therapy principles with particular reference to the two aspects of surgery: demolition and reconstruction. Basic principles of oncological and radiant treatment.
· Reconstructive microsurgery: essential elements, indications, its main applications in the cranio-maxillofacial field. The fibula flap, iliac crest, antero-lateral of the thigh, anti-brachial, brachial, latissimo of the back, rectus of the abdomen and delicate.
· Surgery of the trigeminal nerve: Elements of pathogenesis and healing of nerve lesions and their classification. Incidence, etiology, pathogenesis of oral lesions of the oral cavity. Anatomical elements of the lingual nerve and the inferior alveolar nerve. Treatment of nerve injuries and their surgical timing.
· Facial paralysis: Classification, etiology, pathogenesis and clinic. Classification and therapeutic setting of immediate, recent, chronic paralysis. Distinction between eyelid and smile resuscitation. Clinical and therapeutic distinction between paresis and paralysis.
Teaching methods
Teaching Resources
· Trattato di patologia chirurgica maxillo - facciale di Sicmf - Societa' italiana di chirurgia maxillo - facciale · 2007. Edizioni Minerva Medica, 2007.
· Trattato di tecnica chirurgica maxillo-facciale - II. di Sicmf - Societa' italiana di chirurgia maxillo - facciale · 2007. Edizioni Minerva Medica, 2007.
· Manuale di chirurgia maxillo-facciale, Evaristo Belli, EPC Editore, Maggio 2017.
Estratti dal sito internet [email protected] - sezione didattica.
General and subspecialty paediatrics
Course syllabus
· Breastfeeding
· Immunization practises
· Instrumental diagnostics in children (pneumatic otoscopy, simplified impedance measurement, reflectometry) with discussion of clinical cases
· Acute otitis media: epidemiology, diagnosis, medical therapy and prevention
· Otitis in children: epidemiology, diagnosis, complications, medical therapy
· Problems related to transmission deafness in children
· deafness: neonatal and postatal causes
Teaching methods
Teaching Resources
· G. V. ZUCCOTTI - Elementi Essenziali di Pediatria per i corsi di laurea triennali - Casa Editrice Esculapio, 2017
· G. V. ZUCCOTTI - Manuale di Pediatria - La Pratica Clinica. Casa Editrice Esculapio, 2016
· Marchisio P, Chiappini E, Pignataro L, Doria M, Felisati G, Pignataro L. Gestione dell'otite media acuta in età pediatrica . Linea guida 2019 . accessibile da
· Otolaryngol Head Neck Surg. 2016 Feb;154(1 Suppl):S1-S41. doi: 10.1177/0194599815623467.
· Rosenfeld RM, Shin JJ, Schwartz SR, Coggins R, Gagnon L, Hackell JM, Hoelting D, Hunter LL, Kummer AW, Payne SC, Poe DS, Veling M, Vila PM, Walsh SA, Corrigan MD. Clinical Practice Guideline: Otitis Media with Effusion (Update). Otolaryngol Head Neck Surg. 2016 Feb;154(1 Suppl):S1-S41. doi: 10.1177/0194599815623467.
· Elloy MD, Marshall AH. The management of hearing loss in children. Pediatrics and Child Health 2011; 22: 18-22.
Nursing sciences: general, clinical and paediatric
Course syllabus
· Nursing profession through the current legislation
· Autonomy and integration between the various health professionals
· Nursing and health care professional associations
· The management of the healthcare documentation of the assisted person
· Medical devices and medical-surgical aids
Main measures to be used in mobilizing people with medical devices (examples: nasogastric tube, peripheral venous catheter, bladder catheter, tracheal cannula, drainage, oxygen therapy)
· Aspiration of secretions from the upper airways
Clinical aspects and elements of first aid in case of: acute respiratory failure, airway obstruction, haemorrhage, shock
· Prevention of healthcare-related infections
Teaching methods
Teaching Resources
Decreto 14 settembre 1994, n.739
- Il codice deontologico dell'infermiere 2019
- Legge 26 febbraio 1999, n.42
- Legge 10 agosto 2000, n.251
- Legge 1 febbraio 2006, n 43
- Legge 11 gennaio 2018, n.3
- Profilo professionale Operatore Socio Sanitario, Accordo Stato Regioni 22 febbraio 2001
- Luca Benci, "Aspetti giuridici della professione infermieristica, McGraw-Hill, 2019, Milano
- Regione Lombardia, Manuale del Fascicolo di Ricovero 3° Edizione 2021
- Regione Lombardia, Manuale della cartella clinica 2° edizione, 2007; Manuale per la gestione della documentazione Sanitaria e sociosanitaria, 2013
-Badon P, Canesi M, Monterosso A, Pellegatta F. (2018), Procedure Infermieristiche, Milano: Casa Editrice Ambrosiana
- Manuale di rianimazione cardio-polmonare di base e defribrillazione nell'adulto (2017), Società Italiana di Cardiologia.
-Linee guida Organizzazione Mondiale della Sanità 2009
Reperibile al sito:
General and subspecialty paediatrics
MED/38 - PAEDIATRICS - University credits: 1
Lessons: 10 hours
Internal medicine
MED/09 - INTERNAL MEDICINE - University credits: 1
Lessons: 10 hours
Professor: Tobaldini Eleonora
Professor: Tobaldini Eleonora
Maxillofacial surgery
MED/29 - MAXILLOFACIAL SURGERY - University credits: 1
Lessons: 10 hours
Professor: Allevi Fabiana
Professor: Allevi Fabiana
Nursing sciences: general, clinical and paediatric
MED/45 - NURSING - University credits: 1
Lessons: 10 hours
Sezione: Bosisio Parini
Professor: Mandelli Giulia
Sezione: Don Gnocchi
Professor: Gorla Ruben
Sezione: Mantova
Professor: Signorelli Sabrina
Sezione: Sacco
Professor: Angelini Cristina
Oral diseases and dentistry
MED/28 - ORAL DISEASES AND DENTISTRY - University credits: 1
Lessons: 10 hours