Mathematical Analysis 2
A.Y. 2024/2025
Learning objectives
The aim of the course is to provide basic notions and tools in the setting of the classical integral calculus for real functions of one as well as several real variables and of the differential calculus for functions of several real variables.
Expected learning outcomes
Capability to relate different aspects of the subject, and self-confidence in the use of the main techniques of Calculus.
Lesson period: Second semester
Assessment methods: Esame
Assessment result: voto verbalizzato in trentesimi
Single course
This course can be attended as a single course.
Course syllabus and organization
Single session
Lesson period
Second semester
Course syllabus
1. Riemann integral calculus for f: R-->R
Primitive functions, the indefinite integral. Calculation techniques for indefinite integrals. Riemann-integrability for f:[a,b]-->R and the definite integral. Geometric meaning of the integral. Conditions of integration. Properties of the space of integrable functions and of the integral. The integral function and its properties. The Fundamental Theorem of Integral Calculus and its consequences. Improper integrals, convergence conditions and examples. Relations between integrals and numerical series.
2. Differential calculus for f: Rn-->Rm
Limits, continuity and related problems.
The case of real-valued functions: directional derivatives; gradient vector, links between directional differentiability and continuity. Differentiability: necessary conditions, total differential theorem, tangent hyperplane, geometric meaning of the gradient vector, class C¹ functions. Lagrange theorem.
The case of vector-valued functions: Jacobian matrix; differentiability. Composition of differentiable functions. Finite increment theorem.
Second derivatives, Hessian matrix, Schwartz theorem. The second differential as a bilinear form. Class C² functions. Partial derivatives of order k. Taylor's formula, with remainders according to Peano and Lagrange.
Free optimization for real functions: stationary, extreme and saddle points. Use of the Hessian matrix for the classification of extrema points: the role of eigenvalues.
3. Riemann integral for real functions of several real variables.
The Riemann integral for functions defined on n-dimensional intervals, and the calculation by means of iterated integrals. Measurable sets according to Peano-Jordan, the measure of P-J and its properties. Sets of zero measure, generally continuous functions and their integrability. Explicit computation via iterated integration; normal sets with respect to the coordinate axes. Diffeomorphisms of open sets of R^n. Integration by changing variables. Improper multiple integrals.
Primitive functions, the indefinite integral. Calculation techniques for indefinite integrals. Riemann-integrability for f:[a,b]-->R and the definite integral. Geometric meaning of the integral. Conditions of integration. Properties of the space of integrable functions and of the integral. The integral function and its properties. The Fundamental Theorem of Integral Calculus and its consequences. Improper integrals, convergence conditions and examples. Relations between integrals and numerical series.
2. Differential calculus for f: Rn-->Rm
Limits, continuity and related problems.
The case of real-valued functions: directional derivatives; gradient vector, links between directional differentiability and continuity. Differentiability: necessary conditions, total differential theorem, tangent hyperplane, geometric meaning of the gradient vector, class C¹ functions. Lagrange theorem.
The case of vector-valued functions: Jacobian matrix; differentiability. Composition of differentiable functions. Finite increment theorem.
Second derivatives, Hessian matrix, Schwartz theorem. The second differential as a bilinear form. Class C² functions. Partial derivatives of order k. Taylor's formula, with remainders according to Peano and Lagrange.
Free optimization for real functions: stationary, extreme and saddle points. Use of the Hessian matrix for the classification of extrema points: the role of eigenvalues.
3. Riemann integral for real functions of several real variables.
The Riemann integral for functions defined on n-dimensional intervals, and the calculation by means of iterated integrals. Measurable sets according to Peano-Jordan, the measure of P-J and its properties. Sets of zero measure, generally continuous functions and their integrability. Explicit computation via iterated integration; normal sets with respect to the coordinate axes. Diffeomorphisms of open sets of R^n. Integration by changing variables. Improper multiple integrals.
Prerequisites for admission
It is strongly recommended to have passed the exams: "Mathematical Analysis 1" and "Geometry 1".
Teaching methods
Frontal teaching. Problem sessions. Homeworks and their solution during the tutorial time.
Teaching Resources
Principal reference material of the course:
- lecture notes by the teacher;
- P.M.Soardi, "Analisi Matematica", CittàStudi ed., 2010;
- N.Fusco, P.Marcellini, C.Sbordone, "Analisi Matematica due", Liguori ed.
Complementary references:
- C.Maderna, "Analisi Matematica 2" II ediz., CittàStudi ed., 2010.
- C.Maderna, P.M.Soardi, "Lezioni di Analisi Matematica II", CittàStudi ed., 1997.
- C.D.Pagani, S.Salsa, "Analisi Matematica, v.2", Zanichelli ed., 2016.
- B.Gelbaum, J.Olmsted, "Counterexamples in Analysis", Holden-Day.
- W.Rudin, "Principles of Mathematical Analysis", McGraw-Hill.
- lecture notes by the teacher;
- P.M.Soardi, "Analisi Matematica", CittàStudi ed., 2010;
- N.Fusco, P.Marcellini, C.Sbordone, "Analisi Matematica due", Liguori ed.
Complementary references:
- C.Maderna, "Analisi Matematica 2" II ediz., CittàStudi ed., 2010.
- C.Maderna, P.M.Soardi, "Lezioni di Analisi Matematica II", CittàStudi ed., 1997.
- C.D.Pagani, S.Salsa, "Analisi Matematica, v.2", Zanichelli ed., 2016.
- B.Gelbaum, J.Olmsted, "Counterexamples in Analysis", Holden-Day.
- W.Rudin, "Principles of Mathematical Analysis", McGraw-Hill.
Assessment methods and Criteria
The exam consists of a written test and an oral exam.
- In the written test, some open and/or closed-ended exercises are assigned, aimed at verifying the ability to solve Mathematical Analysis problems. The duration of the written test is commensurate with the number and structure of the assigned exercises, but will not exceed three hours. There are 2 intermediate tests, which replace the written test of the first exam.
- Only students who have passed the written test (or intermediate tests) of the same exam session can access the oral test. For each exam, students will be able to choose one of two proposed oral exam dates. During the oral exam, the student is asked to illustrate some results of the teaching program, as well as to solve some Mathematical Analysis problems, in order to evaluate his/her knowledge and understanding of the topics covered, as well as his/her ability to apply them.
The exam is considered passed if both the written test and the oral exam are passed. The final grade of a passed exam is expressed in the numerical range 18-30 and is communicated immediately at the end of the oral exam.
- In the written test, some open and/or closed-ended exercises are assigned, aimed at verifying the ability to solve Mathematical Analysis problems. The duration of the written test is commensurate with the number and structure of the assigned exercises, but will not exceed three hours. There are 2 intermediate tests, which replace the written test of the first exam.
- Only students who have passed the written test (or intermediate tests) of the same exam session can access the oral test. For each exam, students will be able to choose one of two proposed oral exam dates. During the oral exam, the student is asked to illustrate some results of the teaching program, as well as to solve some Mathematical Analysis problems, in order to evaluate his/her knowledge and understanding of the topics covered, as well as his/her ability to apply them.
The exam is considered passed if both the written test and the oral exam are passed. The final grade of a passed exam is expressed in the numerical range 18-30 and is communicated immediately at the end of the oral exam.
MAT/05 - MATHEMATICAL ANALYSIS - University credits: 6
Practicals: 36 hours
Lessons: 27 hours
Lessons: 27 hours
Vesely Libor
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