Maternal and Infant Care Basics
A.Y. 2024/2025
Learning objectives
- Know the main issues related to the state of health and illness in the obstetric field;
- Know the physiology of fetal development;
- Know the factors that can damage the embryo and the fetus during intrauterine life and birth;
- Acquire an adequate knowledge of the main preventive methods in the developmental age;
- Acquire the knowledge related to the mechanisms that regulate adaptation to extrauterine life;
- Acquire an adequate knowledge of the physical and functional characteristics of the healthy newborn;
- Acquire the knowledge of the basics of growth and psychomotor development that characterize the different pediatric ages;
- Acquire the knowledge of the nutritional principles to be applied in different care settings across the pediatric age range;
- Evaluate the nursing care needs of children in different age groups, from a biophysiological, psychological and socio-cultural point of view, related to health status;
- Study methods of data collection, observation, interview, direct physical survey and planning methods according to criteria of priority and continuous evaluation of the interventions carried out and the results obtained in relation to the satisfaction of pediatric nursing care needs ;
- Evaluate evidence-based studies of nursing interventions aimed at complying with the needs of pediatric nursing care;
- Apply data collection methods for the identification of pediatric nursing care needs. Planning and documentation of nursing care needs, according to the theoretical reference model (Professional Laboratory 1);
- Apply the procedures aimed at complying with the needs of nursing care, according to planned interventions and actions based on scientific evidence (Professional Laboratory 1).
- Know the physiology of fetal development;
- Know the factors that can damage the embryo and the fetus during intrauterine life and birth;
- Acquire an adequate knowledge of the main preventive methods in the developmental age;
- Acquire the knowledge related to the mechanisms that regulate adaptation to extrauterine life;
- Acquire an adequate knowledge of the physical and functional characteristics of the healthy newborn;
- Acquire the knowledge of the basics of growth and psychomotor development that characterize the different pediatric ages;
- Acquire the knowledge of the nutritional principles to be applied in different care settings across the pediatric age range;
- Evaluate the nursing care needs of children in different age groups, from a biophysiological, psychological and socio-cultural point of view, related to health status;
- Study methods of data collection, observation, interview, direct physical survey and planning methods according to criteria of priority and continuous evaluation of the interventions carried out and the results obtained in relation to the satisfaction of pediatric nursing care needs ;
- Evaluate evidence-based studies of nursing interventions aimed at complying with the needs of pediatric nursing care;
- Apply data collection methods for the identification of pediatric nursing care needs. Planning and documentation of nursing care needs, according to the theoretical reference model (Professional Laboratory 1);
- Apply the procedures aimed at complying with the needs of nursing care, according to planned interventions and actions based on scientific evidence (Professional Laboratory 1).
Expected learning outcomes
Knowledge and understanding
- general and clinical nursing issues for the understanding of pediatric nursing's fields of intervention, clinical method leading to effective clinical approach intervention techniques and evidence supporting the decision making and the delivery of the pediatric nursing care;
Ability to apply knowledge and understanding
- integrate the knowledge and skills stemming from the nursing discipline, from biomedical, socio-cultural and humanistic features to recognize the care needs of the newborn and the family and provide appropriate, effective and evidence-based pediatric nursing care;
- apply the nursing care on the basis of the reference disciplinary theoretical models to assess and diagnose health status and care needs in their physical, psychological and socio-cultural dimensions, plan goals, implement and evaluate the care provided and outcomes achieved;
- conduct a complete and systematic evaluation of data relating to the care needs of the newborn to facilitate growth, development and adaptation in health promotion, maintenance and recovery;
- analyze and accurately interpret the data collected through clinical reasoning;
- interpret and apply the results of research to nursing practice and link research paths to the theoretical development of the nursing discipline;
- provide nursing care in different care settings, both in- and out- of-hospital settings
- general and clinical nursing issues for the understanding of pediatric nursing's fields of intervention, clinical method leading to effective clinical approach intervention techniques and evidence supporting the decision making and the delivery of the pediatric nursing care;
Ability to apply knowledge and understanding
- integrate the knowledge and skills stemming from the nursing discipline, from biomedical, socio-cultural and humanistic features to recognize the care needs of the newborn and the family and provide appropriate, effective and evidence-based pediatric nursing care;
- apply the nursing care on the basis of the reference disciplinary theoretical models to assess and diagnose health status and care needs in their physical, psychological and socio-cultural dimensions, plan goals, implement and evaluate the care provided and outcomes achieved;
- conduct a complete and systematic evaluation of data relating to the care needs of the newborn to facilitate growth, development and adaptation in health promotion, maintenance and recovery;
- analyze and accurately interpret the data collected through clinical reasoning;
- interpret and apply the results of research to nursing practice and link research paths to the theoretical development of the nursing discipline;
- provide nursing care in different care settings, both in- and out- of-hospital settings
Lesson period: Second semester
Assessment methods: Esame
Assessment result: voto verbalizzato in trentesimi
Single course
This course can be attended as a single course.
Course syllabus and organization
Single session
Prerequisites for admission
Being a first year, first semester course, there are not specific prerequisites differing from these needed to start the degree course
Assessment methods and Criteria
The written exam consisting of a test with different types of questions: true-false, completion, correspondence, multiple choice with one or two correct answers, is considered passed if all the modules are sufficient.
In the oral test the main criteria to be considered in the assessment of the response are the clarity of the exposition, the completeness and correctness of the contents, the ability to link the knowledge
In the oral test the main criteria to be considered in the assessment of the response are the clarity of the exposition, the completeness and correctness of the contents, the ability to link the knowledge
General and subspecialty paediatrics
Course syllabus
Epidemiological aspects related to neonatal and pediatric age
Levels of pediatric and neonatal care
Fetal life as a preparation for birth
Adaptation to extrauterine life also in relation to the mode of birth
Delivery room management of the healthy newborn. Monitoring of vital signs.
Temperature control
Classification of the newborn
Ward management and physical examination of the newborn
Neonatal jaundice
Neonatal screening
Discharge and follow-up of the term newborn
Growth and body development
Periodic health examinations of the term newborn
Levels of pediatric and neonatal care
Fetal life as a preparation for birth
Adaptation to extrauterine life also in relation to the mode of birth
Delivery room management of the healthy newborn. Monitoring of vital signs.
Temperature control
Classification of the newborn
Ward management and physical examination of the newborn
Neonatal jaundice
Neonatal screening
Discharge and follow-up of the term newborn
Growth and body development
Periodic health examinations of the term newborn
Teaching methods
frontal lessons and interactive sessions
Teaching Resources
Cloherty e Stark's. Manuale di neonatologia 2018 di Eric C. Eichenwald, Anne R. Hansen, Camilia R Martin, Ann R. StarkAntonio Delfino Editore
Pediatria Generale e Specialistica a cura di Nicola Principi e Armido Rubino Casa Editrice Ambrosiana 2a Edizione 2018
Pediatria Generale e Specialistica a cura di Nicola Principi e Armido Rubino Casa Editrice Ambrosiana 2a Edizione 2018
Obstetrics and gynaecology
Course syllabus
Perinatal asphyxia:
- Causes of fetal asphyxia
- Terminology
- Parameters for the definition of asphyxia
- Normal blood gas values on the umbilical cord
- Acidemia and asphyxia
- Acidemia and postpartum
- Brain damage: recognized forms and causes
- Cerebral palsy and fetal / perinatal asphyxia
- Neurological deficit and intra-partum asphyxia
- Methods for controlling fetal well-being
- Fetal extraction interventions: the problem of the times
- Prevention of brain damage
- Prevention of intra-partum brain damage
- Error prevention
Preterm birth:
- Definition
- Incidence
- Risk factors
- multiple gestation
- Perinatal death
- Survival according to gestational age
- Acute morbidity according to gestational age
- Chronic morbidity according to gestational age
- Neurological damage in the preterm born
- Premature rupture of the membranes
Hypertension in pregnancy
- Classification
- Clinical meaning
- Risk factors
- Incidence of hypertension in pregnancy
- Etiopathogenesis
- Immunological factors
- Placental factors
- Endothelial dysfunction
- Fetal compartment
- Management: general considerations, goals of gestation, clinical, preeclampsia
- Causes of fetal asphyxia
- Terminology
- Parameters for the definition of asphyxia
- Normal blood gas values on the umbilical cord
- Acidemia and asphyxia
- Acidemia and postpartum
- Brain damage: recognized forms and causes
- Cerebral palsy and fetal / perinatal asphyxia
- Neurological deficit and intra-partum asphyxia
- Methods for controlling fetal well-being
- Fetal extraction interventions: the problem of the times
- Prevention of brain damage
- Prevention of intra-partum brain damage
- Error prevention
Preterm birth:
- Definition
- Incidence
- Risk factors
- multiple gestation
- Perinatal death
- Survival according to gestational age
- Acute morbidity according to gestational age
- Chronic morbidity according to gestational age
- Neurological damage in the preterm born
- Premature rupture of the membranes
Hypertension in pregnancy
- Classification
- Clinical meaning
- Risk factors
- Incidence of hypertension in pregnancy
- Etiopathogenesis
- Immunological factors
- Placental factors
- Endothelial dysfunction
- Fetal compartment
- Management: general considerations, goals of gestation, clinical, preeclampsia
Teaching methods
frontal lessons and interactive sessions
Teaching Resources
Bolis G. (2011) Manuale di Ginecologia e Ostetricia. EDISES
Nursing sciences: general, clinical and paediatric
Course syllabus
Nursing care for the healthy newborn after childbirth
- Skin-to-skin procedure
The first day of life: looking after transition period.
Standard plan of this phase: neonatal functional health patterns of the newborn in the period of adaptation to extrauterine life (Health Perception - Health Management Pattern, Nutritional - Metabolic Pattern, Activity - Exercise Pattern)
Neonatal functional health patterns of physiological newborn:
Health Perception - Health Management Pattern
Data collection
Nursing intervention to guarantee maintaining the functional model in non-complex clinical situations (newborn identity, noise, microclimate, falls, nosocomial infections, transport)
Ensure the safety of the newborn at home in the first month of life; educational role of the nurse - SIDS prevention
Nutritional - Metabolic Pattern
Data collection
Nursing intervention to guarantee maintaining the functional model in non-complex clinical situations:
- Collection of anthropometric parameters
- Notes on breastfeeding and formulafeeding
- Nursing care in the event of pathological weight loss, regurgitation
- Nursing assistance to the newborn treated with phototherapy
- Hypothermia and hyperthermia in the newborn and possible causes
Elimination Pattern
Data collection
Nursing intervention to guarantee maintaining the functional model in non-complex clinical situations:
- Gaseous colic: general concepts of prevention and nursing interventions
Activity - Exercise Pattern
Data collection
Nursing intervention to guarantee maintaining the functional model in non-complex clinical situations:
- Hygiene in the physiological newborn, care of the umbilical stump and clothing
- Respiratory function
- Cardio-circulatory function
- Postures (Kangaroo, nest), handling and holdling
Sleep - Rest Pattern
Data collection
Nursing interventions to guarantee assistance in no complex clinical situations:
- Sleep-waking rhythm of the newborn
- Role of the nurse in respecting the sleep-waking rhythm of the newborn
Cognitive - Perceptual Pattern
Data collection
Nursing interventions to guarantee assistance in no complex clinical situations:
- Pain in the newborn
Role - Relationship Pattern
Data collection
Nursing interventions to guarantee assistance in no complex clinical situations
- crying, infant massage
Coping - Stress Tolerance Pattern
Value - Belief Pattern
Pediatrics SSR Professor
Health Perception - Health Management Pattern
Data collection about the pattern (medical history and physical examination): model description of health and well-being as perceived by the child and the caregiver, and the way in which the child manages their health and the caregiver manages the health of the child; Health Perception - Health Management Functional Pattern; factors affecting the Health Perception - Health Management Pattern; potential causes of alterations of the Health Perception - Health Management Pattern;
Schoolchildren prevalent diseases: pediculosis, scabies.
Nutritional - Metabolic Pattern
Data collection about the pattern (medical history and physical examination): fattori che influiscono sull'equilibrio idro-elettrolitico; caratteristiche della normale nutrizione/idratazione; factors affecting nutrition/hydration; factors affecting body temperature; thermoregulation alteration's potential causes.
Water balance and nutritional intake monitoring;
Basic precautions and pressure damage prevention
Use of Braden and Braden Q Scale;
Nursing Care Plan for a vomiting child/teenager
Nursing Care Plan for a fever child/teenager
Elimination Pattern
Data collection about the pattern (medical history and physical examination): characteristics of normal urine; urinary elimination functional model; urinary function alteration's potential causes; bowel elimination functional; factors that affect bowel elimination; considerations on the phases of life; bowel elimination alteration's manifestations; bowel elimination alteration's potential causes; impact of bowel elimination dysfunction on life activities.
Activity - Exercise Pattern
Data collection about the pattern (medical history and physical examination): daily activities' description that require energy expenditure (hygiene, eating, studying, playing); Activity - Exercise Pattern functional; factors affecting Activity - Exercise Pattern; Activity - Exercise Pattern alteration's potential causes;
Normal personal care practices; characteristics of normal functionality in one's person care
potential causes of respiratory function alteration; manifestations of respiratory function alteration; impact of respiratory dysfunction on life activities;
Factors affecting cardiovascular function; cardiovascular function alteration's potential causes; manifestations of impaired cardiovascular function; impact of cardiovascular dysfunctions on life activities;
Patient handling;
The importance of play in hospital.
Sleep - Rest Pattern
Data collection about the pattern (medical history): characteristics of sleep; functional sleep pattern; factors affecting sleep; sleep alteration's potential causes
Cognitive - Perceptual Pattern
Data collection about the pattern (medical history and physical examination): description of the adequacy of the sensory modalities (sight, hearing, taste, touch, smell) and the perception of pain; Cognitive - Perceptual Pattern functional; factors affecting Cognitive - Perceptual Pattern; Cognitive - Perceptual Pattern alteration's potential causes;
Non-pharmacological techniques for the treatment of pain.
Self-perception - Self-concept Pattern
Data collection about the pattern (medical history): Self-perception - Self-concept pattern description and perceptions in relation to oneself; Self-perception - Self-concept pattern functional; factors affecting Self-perception - Self-concept pattern; Self-perception - Self-concept pattern alteration's potential causes;
Role - Relationship Pattern
Data collection about the pattern (medical history):
Nurse - patient relationship: nursing and clinic, compliance and cooperation, communication and counseling, emotions and storytelling.
Child psychosocial activity
Hospital school,.
Sexuality - Reproductive Pattern
Data collection about the pattern (medical history): Sexuality - Reproductive pattern description; Sexuality - Reproductive pattern functional according to age; factors affecting Sexuality - Reproductive pattern; Sexuality - Reproductive pattern alteration's potential causes
Coping - Stress Tolerance Pattern
Data collection about the pattern (medical history): adaptation model' description and its effectiveness in terms of stress tolerance; Coping - Stress Tolerance pattern functional; factors affecting Coping - Stress Tolerance pattern; Coping - Stress Tolerance pattern alteration's potential causes
Value - Belief Pattern
Data collection about the pattern (medical history): description of the patterns of values, goals and beliefs (including spiritual ones), which guide choices and decisions and are related to health; Value - Belief pattern functional; factors affecting Value - Belief pattern; Value - Belief pattern alteration's potential causes
- Skin-to-skin procedure
The first day of life: looking after transition period.
Standard plan of this phase: neonatal functional health patterns of the newborn in the period of adaptation to extrauterine life (Health Perception - Health Management Pattern, Nutritional - Metabolic Pattern, Activity - Exercise Pattern)
Neonatal functional health patterns of physiological newborn:
Health Perception - Health Management Pattern
Data collection
Nursing intervention to guarantee maintaining the functional model in non-complex clinical situations (newborn identity, noise, microclimate, falls, nosocomial infections, transport)
Ensure the safety of the newborn at home in the first month of life; educational role of the nurse - SIDS prevention
Nutritional - Metabolic Pattern
Data collection
Nursing intervention to guarantee maintaining the functional model in non-complex clinical situations:
- Collection of anthropometric parameters
- Notes on breastfeeding and formulafeeding
- Nursing care in the event of pathological weight loss, regurgitation
- Nursing assistance to the newborn treated with phototherapy
- Hypothermia and hyperthermia in the newborn and possible causes
Elimination Pattern
Data collection
Nursing intervention to guarantee maintaining the functional model in non-complex clinical situations:
- Gaseous colic: general concepts of prevention and nursing interventions
Activity - Exercise Pattern
Data collection
Nursing intervention to guarantee maintaining the functional model in non-complex clinical situations:
- Hygiene in the physiological newborn, care of the umbilical stump and clothing
- Respiratory function
- Cardio-circulatory function
- Postures (Kangaroo, nest), handling and holdling
Sleep - Rest Pattern
Data collection
Nursing interventions to guarantee assistance in no complex clinical situations:
- Sleep-waking rhythm of the newborn
- Role of the nurse in respecting the sleep-waking rhythm of the newborn
Cognitive - Perceptual Pattern
Data collection
Nursing interventions to guarantee assistance in no complex clinical situations:
- Pain in the newborn
Role - Relationship Pattern
Data collection
Nursing interventions to guarantee assistance in no complex clinical situations
- crying, infant massage
Coping - Stress Tolerance Pattern
Value - Belief Pattern
Pediatrics SSR Professor
Health Perception - Health Management Pattern
Data collection about the pattern (medical history and physical examination): model description of health and well-being as perceived by the child and the caregiver, and the way in which the child manages their health and the caregiver manages the health of the child; Health Perception - Health Management Functional Pattern; factors affecting the Health Perception - Health Management Pattern; potential causes of alterations of the Health Perception - Health Management Pattern;
Schoolchildren prevalent diseases: pediculosis, scabies.
Nutritional - Metabolic Pattern
Data collection about the pattern (medical history and physical examination): fattori che influiscono sull'equilibrio idro-elettrolitico; caratteristiche della normale nutrizione/idratazione; factors affecting nutrition/hydration; factors affecting body temperature; thermoregulation alteration's potential causes.
Water balance and nutritional intake monitoring;
Basic precautions and pressure damage prevention
Use of Braden and Braden Q Scale;
Nursing Care Plan for a vomiting child/teenager
Nursing Care Plan for a fever child/teenager
Elimination Pattern
Data collection about the pattern (medical history and physical examination): characteristics of normal urine; urinary elimination functional model; urinary function alteration's potential causes; bowel elimination functional; factors that affect bowel elimination; considerations on the phases of life; bowel elimination alteration's manifestations; bowel elimination alteration's potential causes; impact of bowel elimination dysfunction on life activities.
Activity - Exercise Pattern
Data collection about the pattern (medical history and physical examination): daily activities' description that require energy expenditure (hygiene, eating, studying, playing); Activity - Exercise Pattern functional; factors affecting Activity - Exercise Pattern; Activity - Exercise Pattern alteration's potential causes;
Normal personal care practices; characteristics of normal functionality in one's person care
potential causes of respiratory function alteration; manifestations of respiratory function alteration; impact of respiratory dysfunction on life activities;
Factors affecting cardiovascular function; cardiovascular function alteration's potential causes; manifestations of impaired cardiovascular function; impact of cardiovascular dysfunctions on life activities;
Patient handling;
The importance of play in hospital.
Sleep - Rest Pattern
Data collection about the pattern (medical history): characteristics of sleep; functional sleep pattern; factors affecting sleep; sleep alteration's potential causes
Cognitive - Perceptual Pattern
Data collection about the pattern (medical history and physical examination): description of the adequacy of the sensory modalities (sight, hearing, taste, touch, smell) and the perception of pain; Cognitive - Perceptual Pattern functional; factors affecting Cognitive - Perceptual Pattern; Cognitive - Perceptual Pattern alteration's potential causes;
Non-pharmacological techniques for the treatment of pain.
Self-perception - Self-concept Pattern
Data collection about the pattern (medical history): Self-perception - Self-concept pattern description and perceptions in relation to oneself; Self-perception - Self-concept pattern functional; factors affecting Self-perception - Self-concept pattern; Self-perception - Self-concept pattern alteration's potential causes;
Role - Relationship Pattern
Data collection about the pattern (medical history):
Nurse - patient relationship: nursing and clinic, compliance and cooperation, communication and counseling, emotions and storytelling.
Child psychosocial activity
Hospital school,.
Sexuality - Reproductive Pattern
Data collection about the pattern (medical history): Sexuality - Reproductive pattern description; Sexuality - Reproductive pattern functional according to age; factors affecting Sexuality - Reproductive pattern; Sexuality - Reproductive pattern alteration's potential causes
Coping - Stress Tolerance Pattern
Data collection about the pattern (medical history): adaptation model' description and its effectiveness in terms of stress tolerance; Coping - Stress Tolerance pattern functional; factors affecting Coping - Stress Tolerance pattern; Coping - Stress Tolerance pattern alteration's potential causes
Value - Belief Pattern
Data collection about the pattern (medical history): description of the patterns of values, goals and beliefs (including spiritual ones), which guide choices and decisions and are related to health; Value - Belief pattern functional; factors affecting Value - Belief pattern; Value - Belief pattern alteration's potential causes
Teaching methods
course provides frontal presentations and interactive activities
Teaching Resources
Badon Pierluigi - Cesaro Simone Assistenza Infermieristica in Pediatria , seconda edizione CEA 2015
Pierluigi Badon - Procedure Infermieristiche in area pediatrica, seconda edizione CEA 2021
Roberton's Textbook of neonatology Edited by Janet M Rennie - Fourth edition 2005
Judith M. Wilkinson - Processo Infermieristico e pensiero critico, ed. CEA 2013
Marjory Gordon - Diagnosi Infermieristiche Processo e applicazioni, ed. CEA 2009
Sito International Classification for Nursing Practice (ICNP)
Gruppo di lavoro della Società Italiana di Medicina perinatale - Early-life Nutrition: l'importanza di una corretta nutrizione dal concepimento al bambino - prima edizione 2015
OMS - UNICEF Strategia globale per l'alimentazione dei neonati e dei bambini - 2005
Pierluigi Badon - Procedure Infermieristiche in area pediatrica, seconda edizione CEA 2021
Roberton's Textbook of neonatology Edited by Janet M Rennie - Fourth edition 2005
Judith M. Wilkinson - Processo Infermieristico e pensiero critico, ed. CEA 2013
Marjory Gordon - Diagnosi Infermieristiche Processo e applicazioni, ed. CEA 2009
Sito International Classification for Nursing Practice (ICNP)
Gruppo di lavoro della Società Italiana di Medicina perinatale - Early-life Nutrition: l'importanza di una corretta nutrizione dal concepimento al bambino - prima edizione 2015
OMS - UNICEF Strategia globale per l'alimentazione dei neonati e dei bambini - 2005
Lab 1
Course syllabus
- ANTHROPOMETRIC MEASUREMENTS (weight, length, head circumference)
- URINE CULTURE (sterile urine box, sterile adhesive bag suit, urinary catheter)
- COLTURAL SWABS (pharyngeal, rectal, auricular, ocular)
Training about care planning related to course year
- ANTHROPOMETRIC MEASUREMENTS (weight, length, head circumference)
- URINE CULTURE (sterile urine box, sterile adhesive bag suit, urinary catheter)
- COLTURAL SWABS (pharyngeal, rectal, auricular, ocular)
Training about care planning related to course year
Teaching methods
frontal presentations and practice and interactive activities
Teaching Resources
Badon Pierluigi - Cesaro Simone Assistenza Infermieristica in Pediatria , seconda edizione CEA 2015
Pierluigi Badon - Procedure Infermieristiche in area pediatrica, seconda edizione CEA 2021
Pierluigi Badon - Procedure Infermieristiche in area pediatrica, seconda edizione CEA 2021
Course syllabus
The Program introduces to:
1. fertilization and physiological pregnancy
2. the birth process
3. the physiological newborn immediately after birth and assistance from the midwife
4. the dystocic delivery practiced by the gynecologist
5. the mother's health. In particular, introduction to puerperium breast changes. Assistance for nipple trauma, breast engorgement, mastitis, others breast infections.
6. methods to induce lactation
7. additional power supply;
8. drugs during labor, childbirth, puerperium and breastfeeding
9. feeding during pregnancy and puerperium
10. health education processes for women, children and adolescents
11. process "Baby Friendly Hospital Initiative (BFHI)" and "Mother-friendly care"
1. fertilization and physiological pregnancy
2. the birth process
3. the physiological newborn immediately after birth and assistance from the midwife
4. the dystocic delivery practiced by the gynecologist
5. the mother's health. In particular, introduction to puerperium breast changes. Assistance for nipple trauma, breast engorgement, mastitis, others breast infections.
6. methods to induce lactation
7. additional power supply;
8. drugs during labor, childbirth, puerperium and breastfeeding
9. feeding during pregnancy and puerperium
10. health education processes for women, children and adolescents
11. process "Baby Friendly Hospital Initiative (BFHI)" and "Mother-friendly care"
Teaching methods
Frontal lessons
Video clips
Interactive activity
Video clips
Interactive activity
Teaching Resources
Agenzia Italiana del Farmaco (2017) - Via del Tritone, 181 - 00187 Roma - tel. 06 5978401
Artico M., Castano P. (2005) Anatomia umana - Principi. Ermes
Bettinelli M.E., Giusti A.(2011-2012) Allattamento al seno tra arte scienza e natura.Dossier
Bolis G. (2011) Manuale di Ginecologia e Ostetricia. EDISES
Candiani G.B., Danesino Gastaldi. (1996) La clinica ostetrica e ginecologica 2/ed. ELSEVIER Masson Italia
Costantini W., Calistri D. (2013) Ostetrica PICCIN EDITORE
De Felici M., Boitani C., Bouchè M., Canipari R., Dolfi A., Filippini A. (2009) Embriologia Umana - Morfogenesi -
Processi Molecolari - Aspetti Clinici. PICCIN EDITORE
Mauri P.A., (2019) Appunti prodotti per lezioni al CLIP. Stampa di digitale
Ministero della Salute (2015) Relazione del ministro della salute sulla attuazione della legge contenente norme per la
tutela sociale della maternità e per l'interruzione volontaria di gravidanza (legge 194/78) (dati preliminari 2014 - dati
definitivi 2013)
Peyron L., (1995) Pediatria pratica Minerva Medica
Pescetto G., De Cecco G., Pecorari D., Ragni N. (2009) Ginecologia e Ostetricia Voll. 1/2 4/ed. SEU Società Editrice
Unicef (2015) Insieme per l'allattamento Ospedali&Comunità Amici dei Bambini uniti per la protezione, promozione e
sostegno dell'allattamento materno Standard per le Buone Pratiche per gli Ospedali
Artico M., Castano P. (2005) Anatomia umana - Principi. Ermes
Bettinelli M.E., Giusti A.(2011-2012) Allattamento al seno tra arte scienza e natura.Dossier
Bolis G. (2011) Manuale di Ginecologia e Ostetricia. EDISES
Candiani G.B., Danesino Gastaldi. (1996) La clinica ostetrica e ginecologica 2/ed. ELSEVIER Masson Italia
Costantini W., Calistri D. (2013) Ostetrica PICCIN EDITORE
De Felici M., Boitani C., Bouchè M., Canipari R., Dolfi A., Filippini A. (2009) Embriologia Umana - Morfogenesi -
Processi Molecolari - Aspetti Clinici. PICCIN EDITORE
Mauri P.A., (2019) Appunti prodotti per lezioni al CLIP. Stampa di digitale
Ministero della Salute (2015) Relazione del ministro della salute sulla attuazione della legge contenente norme per la
tutela sociale della maternità e per l'interruzione volontaria di gravidanza (legge 194/78) (dati preliminari 2014 - dati
definitivi 2013)
Peyron L., (1995) Pediatria pratica Minerva Medica
Pescetto G., De Cecco G., Pecorari D., Ragni N. (2009) Ginecologia e Ostetricia Voll. 1/2 4/ed. SEU Società Editrice
Unicef (2015) Insieme per l'allattamento Ospedali&Comunità Amici dei Bambini uniti per la protezione, promozione e
sostegno dell'allattamento materno Standard per le Buone Pratiche per gli Ospedali
Food sciences and dietetics
Course syllabus
Aspects of Nutritional physiology
Proteins, Carbohydrates and Lipids: digestion, absorption and metabolism
Micronutrients: trace elements and vitamins
Energy requirements
Growth and body composition
Healthy child feeding: from birth to adolescence
Artificial nutrition
1. Parenteral nutrition
2. Enteral nutrition
Practical aspects
1. Food storage
2. Drug and nutrient interaction
Proteins, Carbohydrates and Lipids: digestion, absorption and metabolism
Micronutrients: trace elements and vitamins
Energy requirements
Growth and body composition
Healthy child feeding: from birth to adolescence
Artificial nutrition
1. Parenteral nutrition
2. Enteral nutrition
Practical aspects
1. Food storage
2. Drug and nutrient interaction
Teaching methods
The course includes lectures
Teaching Resources
· G.V. Zuccotti - Manuale di pediatria. La Pratica Clinica . Ed. Esculapio Medicina II ed. 2016
· Andrea Pession, Sergio Amarri, Antonella Diamanti, Antonella Lezo, Agostino Paccagnella , Nutrizione artificiale in pediatria Casa Editrice Ambrosiana. Distribuzione esclusiva Zanichelli
· Andrea Pession, Sergio Amarri, Antonella Diamanti, Antonella Lezo, Agostino Paccagnella , Nutrizione artificiale in pediatria Casa Editrice Ambrosiana. Distribuzione esclusiva Zanichelli
Food sciences and dietetics
MED/49 - FOOD AND DIETETIC SCIENCES - University credits: 1
Lessons: 15 hours
Terruzzi Ileana Marina
General and subspecialty paediatrics
MED/38 - PAEDIATRICS - University credits: 1
Lessons: 15 hours
Lab 1
MED/45 - NURSING - University credits: 1
Lessons: 15 hours
Rampini Serena
MED/47 - MIDWIFERY - University credits: 1
Lessons: 15 hours
Mazzeo Melchionda Marta
Nursing sciences: general, clinical and paediatric
MED/45 - NURSING - University credits: 2
Lessons: 30 hours
Rampini Serena, Zanotta Lidia
Obstetrics and gynaecology
MED/40 - OBSTETRICS AND GYNAECOLOGY - University credits: 1
Lessons: 15 hours
Bianchi Stefano
Educational website(s)
Fondazione IRCCS Ca' Granda Ospedale Maggiore Policlinico Milano - Clinica Mangiagalli Via della Commenda 12, 2nd floor, Centro studi Motta"
Reception by appointment (mail to [email protected])