Marketing and Business Strategies

A.Y. 2024/2025
Overall hours
Learning objectives
The main aim of the course is to provide students of basic competences and knowledges of the market functions according to the logic of analysis and configuration of companies strategies suitable to deal with competition in cooperative forms among the multiple internal and external stakeholders, integrating tangible and intangible resources. Aim of the course is the develop of main tools of both market analysis and customer change integrating strategic and operational marketing. Specific attention will be given to transformation of value chain mechanisms with competition, positioning and segmentation in the perspective of integration between material and immaterial goods and serviticing trajectories. Analysis of distinctive competences will be a fundamental milestone of (national and international) business strategies framework. Marketing operation will extend analysis of marketing mix tools, marketing information system for a coherent governance of marketing plan and innovation. A dynamic marketing able to see in advance change and transformation of markets and customers.
Expected learning outcomes
The expected results of the training process are primarily related to the development of appropriate skills to analyse the dynamics and structure of markets in impacts between digital and off-line channels. Secondly, they refer to the implementation of experimental strategies assessment skills with such-quantitative methods following both case studies and approaches such as network analysis
Single course

This course can be attended as a single course.

Course syllabus and organization

Single session

Lesson period
Third trimester
Course syllabus
The course focuses on the strategic function within companies and, in particular, on marketing and marketing management. The first part of the course will include knowledge relating to the concepts of company, business, sector and competitive advantage. In the second part, the core part of the course, an in-depth study will be done on the strategic function of marketing, with a focus on the ways in which companies can analyze the market demand, on the dynamics of consumer behavior, on the marketing research methods, on the phases for strategic development such as segmentation-targeting-positioning, on the marketing mix. In general, the course will allow to understand the business system and the ways in which a marketing strategy may influence consumer experiences, in light of the changes that have taken place in today's globalized society. Third Part: introduction to sustainability, CSR strategy, ESG investments in the framework of 17 DSGs of United Nations
Prerequisites for admission
It is suggested some basic knwoledges of micro-economy or industrial organization, or management
Teaching methods
Lectures, discussions, case studies, guest speakers for focusing issues , business game and team projects (for attending students). For non attending students slides in TEAMS and book suggested
Teaching Resources
Pilotti (2019), Organizzazioni Emotive (creative e intelligenti); Mc Graw Hill Italia
Pilotti, Rinolfi (2023), Management e Governance dell'Ambiente, delle risorse umane e naturali; Volume Primo; slides of the course.
Assessment methods and Criteria
Written exam with multiple choice questions. For attending students the evaluation of team projects and business game will also be part of the final grade (repeatable in the first exam after course).
SECS-P/08 - MANAGEMENT - University credits: 9
Lessons: 60 hours
Professor: Pilotti Luciano
Professor: Pilotti Luciano
Thursday 11-12,30 am and 15-16 pm
via Celoria, 2 - Office 1st floor - room 10