Marketing (advanced)

A.Y. 2024/2025
Overall hours
Learning objectives
The Advanced Marketing course aims to provide students with the ability to understand, analyze, and apply contemporary online and offline marketing strategies, the relationship with new technologies, and how all this impacts the relationship with the consumer in a continuously evolving market system, including challenges related to environmental and social sustainability. We will explore the new trends of Marketing 5.0 and social media marketing. The development of interactive relationships and communities where the user is directly involved in the creation of value will be examined. We will analyze the impact of Artificial Intelligence (AI), the Internet of Things, and new theories on the post-social media era. We will study tools such as Events Marketing and their relationship with new technologies such as augmented reality, virtual reality, and immersive experiences. Understanding the opportunity that an event, with a suitable strategy, offers in building active, valuable, and persistent communities will be emphasized. We will also learn how to relate offline and online communication techniques. The teaching of key theories will run parallel to the creation, design, and presentation of marketing and communication projects, where practical application of learned models is put into practice. Exercises and group work are planned to ideate corporate events, consumer events, festivals, and promotional activities capable of conveying messages that are not easily forgotten, creating communities, value, and propagating and remaining active through the use of digital tools. Professionals from the marketing, digital communication, and events world will be involved during the course to present successful case histories and assist students in their training and project realization
Expected learning outcomes
At the end of the course, students will have acquired skills that will enable them to understand and evaluate marketing and communication tools and technologies from a practical application perspective. This will foster the development of effective and strategic design capabilities.
Single course

This course can be attended as a single course.

Course syllabus and organization

Single session

Lesson period
Second trimester
Course syllabus
The course will be divided into three different parts.
In the first part, we will delve into the concepts of Marketing 5.0 and analyze the new technologies available. We will study social media marketing both theoretically and through the presence of industry professionals, case history presentations, and the implementation of business games.

The second part will focus on the analysis of marketing events, classifications, history, and the knowledge of how to design, communicate, and keep the community alive. Professionals will be involved, and practical exercises will be carried out.

The third part of the course will be purely practical, involving students divided into groups to create a complete Event project, including strategic analysis, idea generation, development mechanics, communication, and related activities. The goal is to apply what has been learned.
Prerequisites for admission
Completion of a basic marketing course.
Teaching methods
Lectures, discussions, case studies, guest speakers, classroom group work, and business games (for attendees).
Teaching Resources
Reference Material for Attendees:

"Marketing 5.0 Technologies for Humanity" by Philip Kotler (Hoepli)
"Social Media Marketing" by Tuten and Solomon (Pearson)
Course slides and materials.

Reference Material for Non-Attendees:

"Marketing 5.0 Technologies for Humanity" by Philip Kotler (Hoepli)
"Social Media Marketing" by Tuten and Solomon (Pearson)
"Events: From Design to Organization" by Morena Paola Carli, Maddalena Milone, and Maria Cristina Terenzio (Franco Angeli)
Assessment methods and Criteria
For non-attendees, the exam will be written with multiple-choice and/or open-ended questions. For attendees (those who have attended at least 66% of the classes), a group project presentation (50%) is required, along with a final test consisting of multiple-choice and/or open-ended questions (50%).
SECS-P/08 - MANAGEMENT - University credits: 9
Lessons: 60 hours
Professor: Lanza Alessandra
Professor: Lanza Alessandra
Educational website(s)