Made-In-Italy Culture in Fashion and Design
A.Y. 2024/2025
Learning objectives
The course is divided into three modules of 20 hours each (A-B-C). The first deals with the various components of the fashion system, with particular reference to the characteristics of the production chain. The second deals with the specificities of companies and leading countries in the world of fashion and related design. The third analyzes the peculiarities of the fashion-design system in Italy, in order to facilitate an adequate understanding of the functioning of the creative and mercantile system. The course also includes lessons held in fashion places, in collaboration with producers and designers.
Expected learning outcomes
Knowledge: the course aims to provide students with skills concerning the history of the fashion and design system in Italy and in other countries, with particular reference to the economic and cultural aspects of the supply chain.
Skills: ability to interact professionally within the fashion-design system, with transversal skills to different figures.
Skills: ability to interact professionally within the fashion-design system, with transversal skills to different figures.
Lesson period: Second semester
Assessment methods: Esame
Assessment result: voto verbalizzato in trentesimi
Single course
This course can be attended as a single course.
Course syllabus and organization
Single session
Lesson period
Second semester
Course syllabus
Made-in-Italy fashion
The course is divided into three sections of 20 hours each (A-B-C). The first deals with the various components of the fashion system, with particular reference to the characteristics of the production chain. In the second, the specificities of the companies and the leading countries of the fashion world are addressed. The third section analyzes the peculiarities of the fashion system in Italy. The course also includes lessons held in fashion venues, in collaboration with manufacturers and designers.
The course is divided into three sections of 20 hours each (A-B-C). The first deals with the various components of the fashion system, with particular reference to the characteristics of the production chain. In the second, the specificities of the companies and the leading countries of the fashion world are addressed. The third section analyzes the peculiarities of the fashion system in Italy. The course also includes lessons held in fashion venues, in collaboration with manufacturers and designers.
Prerequisites for admission
No prerequisites requested.
Teaching methods
Lessons are supported by slides and electronic materials. Attendance is strongly recommended.
Teaching Resources
1) EXAM for 6 credits for attending students
A) Frequency and study of the topics and materials covered in the course.
B) E. Scarpellini, La stoffa dell'Italia. Storia della moda dal 1945 a oggi, Laterza 2017 (also ebook).
2) EXAM for 9 credits for attending students
A) Frequency and study of the topics and materials covered in the course.
B) E. Scarpellini, La stoffa dell'Italia. Storia della moda dal 1945 a oggi, Laterza 2017 (also ebook) .
C) Preparation of one text from the following list:
- Fashion studies. La moda nella storia, numero monografico della rivista "Memoria e Ricerca", n. 50, settembre/dicembre 2015 (fino a p. 114) [ebook on Franco Angeli website];
- S. Segre Reinach, Un mondo di mode. Il vestire globalizzato, Roma - Bari, Laterza, 2011 (also ebook) ;
- C. Capalbo, Storia della moda a Roma. Sarti, culture e stili di una capitale dal 1871 a oggi, Roma, Donzelli, 2012;
- V. Pinchera, La moda in Toscana e in Italia dalle origini alla globalizzazione, Marsilio, Venezia, 2009;
- E. Semmelhack, Scarpe: Storia, stili, modelli, identità, Città di Castello, Odoya, 2019.
3) EXAM for 6 credits for non-attending students
A) E. Scarpellini, La stoffa dell'Italia. Storia della moda dal 1945 a oggi, Laterza 2017 (also ebook).
B) Preparation of one text from the following list:
- Fashion studies. La moda nella storia, numero monografico della rivista "Memoria e Ricerca", n. 50, settembre/dicembre 2015 (fino a p. 114) [ebook on Franco Angeli website];
- S. Segre Reinach, Un mondo di mode. Il vestire globalizzato, Roma - Bari, Laterza, 2011 (also ebook) ;
- C. Capalbo, Storia della moda a Roma. Sarti, culture e stili di una capitale dal 1871 a oggi, Roma, Donzelli, 2012;
- V. Pinchera, La moda in Toscana e in Italia dalle origini alla globalizzazione, Marsilio, Venezia, 2009;
- E. Semmelhack, Scarpe: Storia, stili, modelli, identità, Città di Castello, Odoya, 2019.
4) EXAM for 9 credits for non-attending students
A) E. Scarpellini, La stoffa dell'Italia. Storia della moda dal 1945 a oggi, Laterza 2017 (also ebook).
B-C) Preparation of two texts from the following list:
- Fashion studies. La moda nella storia, numero monografico della rivista "Memoria e Ricerca", n. 50, settembre/dicembre 2015 (fino a p. 114) [ebook on Franco Angeli website];
- S. Segre Reinach, Un mondo di mode. Il vestire globalizzato, Roma - Bari, Laterza, 2011 (also ebook);
- C. Capalbo, Storia della moda a Roma. Sarti, culture e stili di una capitale dal 1871 a oggi, Roma, Donzelli, 2012;
- V. Pinchera, La moda in Toscana e in Italia dalle origini alla globalizzazione, Marsilio, Venezia, 2009;
- E. Semmelhack, Scarpe: Storia, stili, modelli, identità, Città di Castello, Odoya, 2019.
International students can use the programs in Italian or the following program, including an oral examination also in English:
A) E. Scarpellini, Italian Fashion since 1945: A Cultural History, Basingstoke, Palgrave Macmillan, 2019 (download ebook from Unimi library);
B) L. Neira García, Fashion: Cultural Heritage and the Made in, ZoneModa Journal, 8 (2018), pp. 63-75 (download:;
C) Q. Huang & A. Janssens, Come mangiare un cannolo con le bacchette: The Contested Field of Luxury Fashion in China, a Case Study of the 2018 Dolce & Gabbana Advertising Incident, ZoneModa Journal, 9 (2019), pp. 123-140 (download:
1) EXAM for 6 credits for attending students
A) Frequency and study of the topics and materials covered in the course.
B) E. Scarpellini, La stoffa dell'Italia. Storia della moda dal 1945 a oggi, Laterza 2017 (also ebook).
2) EXAM for 9 credits for attending students
A) Frequency and study of the topics and materials covered in the course.
B) E. Scarpellini, La stoffa dell'Italia. Storia della moda dal 1945 a oggi, Laterza 2017 (also ebook) .
C) Preparation of one text from the following list:
- Fashion studies. La moda nella storia, numero monografico della rivista "Memoria e Ricerca", n. 50, settembre/dicembre 2015 (fino a p. 114) [ebook on Franco Angeli website];
- S. Segre Reinach, Un mondo di mode. Il vestire globalizzato, Roma - Bari, Laterza, 2011 (also ebook) ;
- C. Capalbo, Storia della moda a Roma. Sarti, culture e stili di una capitale dal 1871 a oggi, Roma, Donzelli, 2012;
- V. Pinchera, La moda in Toscana e in Italia dalle origini alla globalizzazione, Marsilio, Venezia, 2009;
- E. Semmelhack, Scarpe: Storia, stili, modelli, identità, Città di Castello, Odoya, 2019.
3) EXAM for 6 credits for non-attending students
A) E. Scarpellini, La stoffa dell'Italia. Storia della moda dal 1945 a oggi, Laterza 2017 (also ebook).
B) Preparation of one text from the following list:
- Fashion studies. La moda nella storia, numero monografico della rivista "Memoria e Ricerca", n. 50, settembre/dicembre 2015 (fino a p. 114) [ebook on Franco Angeli website];
- S. Segre Reinach, Un mondo di mode. Il vestire globalizzato, Roma - Bari, Laterza, 2011 (also ebook) ;
- C. Capalbo, Storia della moda a Roma. Sarti, culture e stili di una capitale dal 1871 a oggi, Roma, Donzelli, 2012;
- V. Pinchera, La moda in Toscana e in Italia dalle origini alla globalizzazione, Marsilio, Venezia, 2009;
- E. Semmelhack, Scarpe: Storia, stili, modelli, identità, Città di Castello, Odoya, 2019.
4) EXAM for 9 credits for non-attending students
A) E. Scarpellini, La stoffa dell'Italia. Storia della moda dal 1945 a oggi, Laterza 2017 (also ebook).
B-C) Preparation of two texts from the following list:
- Fashion studies. La moda nella storia, numero monografico della rivista "Memoria e Ricerca", n. 50, settembre/dicembre 2015 (fino a p. 114) [ebook on Franco Angeli website];
- S. Segre Reinach, Un mondo di mode. Il vestire globalizzato, Roma - Bari, Laterza, 2011 (also ebook);
- C. Capalbo, Storia della moda a Roma. Sarti, culture e stili di una capitale dal 1871 a oggi, Roma, Donzelli, 2012;
- V. Pinchera, La moda in Toscana e in Italia dalle origini alla globalizzazione, Marsilio, Venezia, 2009;
- E. Semmelhack, Scarpe: Storia, stili, modelli, identità, Città di Castello, Odoya, 2019.
International students can use the programs in Italian or the following program, including an oral examination also in English:
A) E. Scarpellini, Italian Fashion since 1945: A Cultural History, Basingstoke, Palgrave Macmillan, 2019 (download ebook from Unimi library);
B) L. Neira García, Fashion: Cultural Heritage and the Made in, ZoneModa Journal, 8 (2018), pp. 63-75 (download:;
C) Q. Huang & A. Janssens, Come mangiare un cannolo con le bacchette: The Contested Field of Luxury Fashion in China, a Case Study of the 2018 Dolce & Gabbana Advertising Incident, ZoneModa Journal, 9 (2019), pp. 123-140 (download:
Assessment methods and Criteria
The exam consists of an oral examination on the topics included in the program, aimed at ascertaining the acquired skills. For attending students only, a written test is scheduled before the final oral exam. The vote is expressed in 30th.
Incoming Erasmus students will have the opportunity, on request, to take the exam in English, according to the indicated program.
The examination procedures for students with disabilities and / or with DSA must be agreed with the teacher, in agreement with the competent Office.
Incoming Erasmus students will have the opportunity, on request, to take the exam in English, according to the indicated program.
The examination procedures for students with disabilities and / or with DSA must be agreed with the teacher, in agreement with the competent Office.
M-STO/04 - CONTEMPORARY HISTORY - University credits: 9
Lessons: 60 hours
Scarpellini Emanuela