
A.Y. 2024/2025
Overall hours
Learning objectives
The course aims at introducing students to the foremost topics in modern macroeconomics. Specifically, the course will focus on three main macroeconomic models (respectively, the short-term IS-LM model; the medium-term IS-LM-PC model; the long-term neoclassical growth model), and will analyze the key economic policies (either fiscal/monetary, or labor, or else growth policies) a policy-maker can carry out according to her own objectives and the time-span considered (short, medium and long run, respectively). Finally, a special focus will be devoted to the analysis of the: (1) Economic impact of international trade in goods and services (included financial services); (2) Management of the exchange rate (both nominal and real); (3) Role played by some specific European Institutions (e.g., the European Central Bank) in handling global economic and financial crises (such as the last one of 2007-2008).
Expected learning outcomes
At the end of this course (which is composed both of theoretical lectures as well as practical activities) the student will be able to: (1) Analyze autonomously and interpret critically such real macroeconomic phenomena as those related to a change in the inflation rate, the unemployment rate, and the GDP growth rate; (2) Examine and fully understand the impact (both macro- and micro-economic) of particular public policies (such as those that aim at managing the nominal and real exchange rates and, therefore, at changing the importance played world-wide by international trade in goods and services, included financial services); (3) Assess the role played by some specific European Institutions (such as the European Central Bank) in handling specific global economic and financial crises (as the last one of 2007-2008).
Single course

This course can be attended as a single course.

Course syllabus and organization

Single session

Lesson period
Second trimester
Course syllabus
O. Blanchard - A. Amighini - F. Giavazzi: MACROECONOMIA: UNA PROSPETTIVA EUROPEA (SETTEMBRE 2016). Bologna: Editore Il Mulino. Capitoli: 1-2-3-4-5-6-7-8-9-17-18-19 (eccetto paragrafo 5)-10-11. LE APPENDICI AI CAPITOLI E I RIQUADRI DI APPROFONDIMENTO (alla fine di ciascun capitolo) SONO PARTE INTEGRANTE DEL PROGRAMMA D'ESAME.
Prerequisites for admission
Before taking the Macroeconomics-course students are warmly invited to take a basic course in Mathematics.
Teaching methods
Il corso si compone di lezioni teoriche ed esercitazioni pratiche. Obiettivo delle esercitazioni è mostrare agli studenti come utilizzare in concreto (cioè per la risoluzione di esercizi pratici) le conoscenze acquisite durante le lezioni teoriche.
Teaching Resources
O. Blanchard - A. Amighini - F. Giavazzi: MACROECONOMIA: UNA PROSPETTIVA EUROPEA (SETTEMBRE 2016). Bologna: Editore Il Mulino. Also the following editions are ok but you have to verify the syllabus on the new version of the text.
Assessment methods and Criteria
La prova d'esame è per TUTTI GLI STUDENTI (FREQUENTANTI E NON) esclusivamente scritta;

Le modalità d'esame sono le medesime per TUTTI GLI STUDENTI (FREQUENTANTI E NON);

NON è prevista alcuna prova intermedia per gli studenti (frequentanti e non);

La prova scritta mira a verificare che lo studente abbia appreso i concetti/nozioni essenziali del corso e che sappia USARLI appropriatamente nel descrivere fenomeni reali;


Tra le possibili risposte UNA E UNA SOLA è (senza ambiguità) quella corretta;

A coloro che non rispondono ad un certo numero di domande NON sarà corretto l'elaborato. Pertanto, costoro risulteranno bocciati in automatico.
SECS-P/01 - ECONOMICS - University credits: 6
Lessons: 40 hours
Professor: Leonardi Marco
Professor: Leonardi Marco