Livestock Farming and Welfare

A.Y. 2024/2025
Overall hours
Learning objectives
The course aims to provide the student with the theoretical and practical notions of zootechnical disciplines concerning the different types of breeding of dairy and beef cattle and pig breeding; the description of the main bovine and swine breeds raised in Italy. Analysing modern breeding systems for different animal productions also according to issues relating to animal welfare and providing basic knowledge for the application and assessment of animal welfare in the critical stages of breeding
Expected learning outcomes
Knowledge and understanding
At the end of the course, the student will acquire knowledge on the main breeding systems of dairy cattle, meat and pigs, also in relation to issues relating to animal welfare.
Ability to apply knowledge and understanding
The student must be able to apply the knowledge acquired for the identification and understanding of the different aspects that characterize the different systems of animal production, also in relation to the technological innovations applied to livestock systems and to the assessment of animal welfare in the critical phase of breeding.
Critical and judgmental skills
The student must be able to critically and proactively deal with the study of the subject, analyzing the material provided by the teacher and the recommended texts. The practical lessons in the classroom and on the farm will help students to develop critical and judgmental skills on issues concerning the management of livestock species, also in terms of animal welfare.
Communication skills
The student must acquire communication skills using the specific technical terminology related to the topics treated in the course. The group work on the exercises carried out will contribute to the development of the ability to communicate and transmit correctly what it has been learned.
Ability to continue studying independently throughout life
The knowledge and reasoning skills acquired during teaching will allow the student to independently continue the study, updating of their knowledge in the field of animal husbandry both during their university career and in the world of work.
Single course

This course can be attended as a single course.

Course syllabus and organization

Single session

Lesson period
First semester
Course syllabus
Introduction to the main livestock systems (2 hours)
The farmer association and animals identification (1 hour)

Milk Cow.
Main dairy cattle breeds (2 hours)
Cow's milk production and milk processing in Italy: consistencies and production (3 hours)
Rearing of calves and heifers (4 hours)
Fertility and reproduction: puberty, reproductive cycle, reproductive efficiency (3 hours)
Pregnancy and cow calving (2 hours)
Milk production, milking and management factors affecting milk quality (2 hours)

Beef cattle.
Main beef cattle breeds (2 hours)
The growth of beef cattle (2 hour)
Beef cattle breeding technologies (4 hours)
Calf breeding for veal (1 hour)
The cow-calf raising system (2 hours)
Evaluation of carcass and meat quality in cattle (2 hour)

Pig farming.
General characteristics of pig farming in Italy (2 hours)
Management of reproduction in the farm (2 hours)
Management strategies for delivery, lactation and weaning (3 hours)
Management of the post-weaning and fattening phases of the pig (1 hour)

Animal welfare.
Animal welfare from 5 freedoms to evaluation on the farm (1 hour)
On-farm assessment guidelines and protocols (1 hour)
Effects of human-animal interaction (1 hour)
Breeding systems: critical points for animal welfare and its assessment (5 hours)

Exercises and practical (32 hours)
Visits to livestock farms, trade fairs and Centro Zootecnico Didattico Sperimentale di Lodi. Practical activities for on-farm animal handling with ruminants and pigs (12 hours). Classroom exercises individually or in groups on the following topics: the replacement and the composition of the herd; precision farming applied to the management of breeding on farms; indicators for the assessment of animal welfare on the farm during transport and at the time of killing (20 hours)
Prerequisites for admission
There are no mandatory prerequisites, but basic knowledge of the anatomy and physiology of domestic animals is required.
Teaching methods
Lectures in the classroom and exercises in the classroom, on the farm and at the centro Zootecnico Didattico Sperimentale di Lodi.
Teaching Resources
-Lectures presentation and teaching materials available in ARIEL platform
Assessment methods and Criteria
The exam sessions are 7 in one year and they take place in the months of: January, February, April, June, July, September, October. Additional exam sessions for off-course students may be held in the months of March and November.
To take the exam it is mandatory to register for the session through the SIFA online service of the University.
The exam consists of an oral interview with references to both frontal teaching and the topics of the practical exercises. The final vote evaluation is out of thirty. The test will evaluate the knowledge and the ability to understand and apply knowledge, the skills of criticism and judgment. The ability to exhibit and the use of appropriate terminology will also be evaluated.
AGR/19 - ANIMAL SCIENCE - University credits: 8
Practicals: 32 hours
Lessons: 48 hours
Professor: Bellagamba Federica
Professor: Canali Elisabetta Maria Bianca Francesca A
Professor: Canali Elisabetta Maria Bianca Francesca A
Professor: Barbieri Sara
on appointment
The teacher is happy to help students after a requested appointment by email
Via dell'Università 6, 26900 Lodi