Livestock Biodiversity and Agroecosystems

A.Y. 2024/2025
Overall hours
AGR/17 AGR/19
Learning objectives
Teaching activities aim to provide the basic knowledge on the conservation of animal biodiversity and on the management of animal production in nature and landscape value farming systems, with a special focus on the interaction with the environment, as well as productivity and sustainability. Specific attention is also given to the conservation of animal genetic resources, in particular how to manage and to add value to the diversity of local breeds associated to extensive livestock systems. Learning objective of the course is also to provide theoretical and operational skills necessary to evaluate the meaning of the interactions between different farmed and wild species.
Expected learning outcomes
Knowledge and understanding of the basic principles of conservation of animal biodiversity and of management of animal production in nature and landscape value farming systems.
Applying acquired knowledge to real populations and systems and to simple simulated cases.
Making judgements in a critical and proactive way, analysing the material provided by the teacher and the recommended texts.
Presenting the acquired knowledge in a clear and orderly way, using appropriate terminology.
Single course

This course can be attended as a single course.

Course syllabus and organization

Single session

Lesson period
Second semester
Course syllabus

Introduction to the course, presentation of teaching material, definition of the exam methods (1 hour)

Front classes
Biodiversity: values, conservation strategies, international and national policies (5 hrs)
Conservation and sustainable use of farm animal genetic resources (4 hrs)
Genetic variation within and between populations (2 hrs)
Inbreeding management (3 hrs)
Cryconservation of animal genetic resources (1 hr)
Introduction to population demography and population viability (1 hr)
Bioethics and conservation (2 hrs)
Class exercises

Front classes
Definition of livestock agroecosystems (1 hour)
Livestock agroecosystems and ecosystem services (2 hours)
Suitable species and breeds (1 hour)
Grazing management
o definition of the animal stocking density (2 hours)
o grazing plans (2 hours)
Transhumant husbandry systems
o alpine summer grazing (2 hours)
o wandering sheep flocks (2 hours)
Interactions between domestic animals and wildlife (3 hours)
Practical activities
Projection and discussion of videos (5 hours)
Seminars (3 hours)
Field trips (8 hours)
Prerequisites for admission
Before the Course "Biodiversità e agro-ecosistemi zootecnici", we suggest to take the course of Miglioramento genetico.
Teaching methods
Lectures, seminars, exercises in class, field trips.
Teaching Resources
Didactic material is available on myARIEL, UNIMI.
Books recommended (in relation to the Section Agroecosystems)
- Quaderni SoZooAlp (
- Gusmeroli F. (2012) Prati, pascoli e paesaggio alpino. Ed. SoZooAlp (scaricabile all'indirizzo:
Assessment methods and Criteria
The final exam is a written test common to the two Sections of the Course. The test includes two parts, one per each Section: both oral exams. The final score (in thirty) is the mathematical average of the two section scores.
Practicals: 16 hours
Lessons: 40 hours