Linguistic, Philosophical and Socio-Pedagogical Sciences

A.Y. 2024/2025
Overall hours
L-LIN/01 M-FIL/05 M-PED/01 SPS/08
Learning objectives
The main learning objectives of the course are:
- to Know the physiology of communication
- to Know the general linguistics (fundamental notions related to the main models of functioning of natural languages);
- to Know the pronunciation;
- to Know the social phenomena, and the mechanisms that regulates the exchange of communication in different cultural contexts;
- to Know the main theories of education,
- to Know the principles of counseling.
Expected learning outcomes
At the end of the course the students will be able to provide an articulatory description of the linguistic sounds. They will know notions of phonology, semiotics, pedagogy and sociology useful for future professional practice in the health field.
Single course

This course can be attended as a single course.

Course syllabus and organization

Single session

Prerequisites for admission
There are no specific prerequisites different from those required for admission to the degree course
Assessment methods and Criteria
The learning will be assessed through an oral interview. For the modules of General Linguistics and Phonetics, Semeiology and Sociology of cultural and communicative processes, end-of-module tests are foreseen (multiple choice questions and / or open questions, transcription exercises) which will contribute to the final evaluation. The results of the tests will be communicated to the students by email. The evaluation criteria used will be the ability to list and organize the knowledge acquired, to apply the theoretical notions to practical activity, to critical reasoning. As for the GENERAL AND SOCIAL EDUCATION module, the test will consist in the production of a personal and individual paper to be delivered 10 days before the exam session. During the examination, the assessment will be communicated and it will be possible to take the oral exam to supplement or complete the paper. The evaluation is expressed in thirtieths and will take into account the ability to organize knowledge discursively; capacity for critical reasoning on the study carried out; quality of the exhibition, competence in the use of specialist vocabulary, effectiveness, linearity etc. The final assessment of the course will be expressed by a mark in thirtiethsand will be the result obtained by the average / sum of the marks acquired in each course module
Linguistica generale e fonetica
Course syllabus
basic concepts on the human language and on the different signs, in particular on the linguistic sign;
- Saussurian dichotomies and the importance of Ferdinand de Saussure for the discipline;
- the classifications of the languages spoken in Europe and the synchronic variations of the Italian language, focusing on the relationship between the language and society.
Phonetics and phonology:
- genetic, anatomical and physiological preliminary of human language
- international phonetic alphabet (IPA), parameters for the description of a phono (mode and place of articulation and type of phonation for consonants; place on the anteroposterior and vertical axis, lip behavior for vowels), characteristics of the vowel trapeze and the Italian vowel triangle, syllable structure, open syllable vs. closed syllable, accent types in world languages (intensive vs. tonal), sentence intonation;
- definition of phoneme, minimum torque, allophones; phonological oppositions;
- Jakobson and binarism
Teaching methods
Teaching Resources
- G. Berruto, M. Cerruti, La linguistica. Un corso introduttivo, Utet 2017
- F. Albano Leoni - P. Maturi, Manuale di fonetica, Carocci 2018
Course syllabus
Elements of semiotics, evolution of semiosis as a typically human ability, semiology as a particular sector of linguistic studies.Signs and meanings: semantic theories.
Teaching methods
Teaching Resources
- Andrea Bernardelli, Eduardo Grillo, Semiotica, Carocci 2014.
Pedagogia generale e sociale
Course syllabus
The fundamental characteristics of pedagogy and of the educational relationship;
· The relationship between educational relationship and care relationship, highlighting the different areas of overlap;
· The relationship between medical models and educational models used, explicitly and implicitly, in the therapeutic relationship;
· The close connection between educational work and the experience that is prepared for the patient;
· The concept of resilience and its possible application in speech therapy;
· The concept of game and its reference theories.
Teaching methods
Teaching Resources
- Iori V. (2000), Filosofia dell'educazione, Guerini, Milano, pp. 1-19.
- Zannini L. (2008), Medical Humanities e Medicina Narrativa. Nuove prospettive nella formazione dei professionisti della cura, Raffaello Cortina Editore, Milano, pp. 1-104).
- Pennac D. (2008), Diario di scuola, Feltrinelli, Milano.
Sociologia dei processi culturali e comunicativi
Course syllabus
- History and history characteristics of social communication (main schools, evolution of the discipline, etc.) in its main forms: interpersonal communication, comunication by the computer and media.
- Definition of the relationship between communication and society
- Definition of the sociological notion of culture, the sociology of cultural processes. History of the discipline and its internal causes
- Elements and dimensions of culture: relationship between culture and society, relationship between culture and identity.
- Sociolinguistics: communication and society, the Italian sociolinguistic system, linguistic integration and the problems of foreign speakers.
Teaching methods
Teaching Resources
- Loredana Sciolla, Sociologia dei processi culturali, Bologna, il Mulino.
- Luciano Paccagnella, Sociologia della comunicazione, Bologna, il Mulino.
- Gaetano Berruto e Massimo Cerruti, Manuale di sociolinguistica, Torino, Utet.
Linguistica generale e fonetica
Lessons: 20 hours
Pedagogia generale e sociale
Lessons: 10 hours
Professor: Fenzio Federico
Professor: Fenzio Federico
M-FIL/05 - PHILOSOPHY AND THEORY OF LANGUAGE - University credits: 1
Lessons: 10 hours
Sociologia dei processi culturali e comunicativi
Lessons: 10 hours