Lie Groups
A.Y. 2024/2025
Learning objectives
The course aims at providing the basic notions of Lie Groups and Lie Algebras.
Expected learning outcomes
The expected learning outcomes regard the knowledge and the ability to use Lie groups and their fundamental topological and differential properties.
Lesson period: Second semester
Assessment methods: Esame
Assessment result: voto verbalizzato in trentesimi
Single course
This course can be attended as a single course.
Course syllabus and organization
Single session
Lesson period
Second semester
Course syllabus
Vector fields, flow
Distributions, Involutive Distributions, Frobenius Theorem
Lie Groups examples
Covering of Lie groups and their fundamental Groups
Lie algebras
Invariant fields
Lie groups Theorems, correspondences between Algebras and Lie Groups
Adjoint representations, exponential maps
Classification of abelian Lie Groups.
Actions, proper actions, Actions of compact Lie Groups
Haar Measure, unimodular groups
The Slice Theorem
Classifications of orbits types, coadjoint action,
Symplectic manifolds, Hamiltonian actions, moment map.
Delzant conjecture. Toric manifolds.
· Azioni di gruppi compatti. Gruppi unimodulari. Esistenza di Misure di Haar;
· Il teorema della Slice e idee della dimostrazione;
· Classificazione delle orbite;
· Variet`a simplettiche, richiami su fibrati principali e fibrati associati;
· Azioni Hamiltoniane, mappa momento;
· Riduzioni simplettiche, Teorema di Marsden-Weintein;
· Variet`a Simplettiche Toriche, Teorema di Delzant.
Vector fields, flow
Distributions, Involutive Distributions, Frobenius Theorem
Lie Groups examples
Covering of Lie groups and their fundamental Groups
Lie algebras
Invariant fields
Lie groups Theorems, correspondences between Algebras and Lie Groups
Adjoint representations, exponential maps
Classification of abelian Lie Groups.
Actions, proper actions, Actions of compact Lie Groups
Haar Measure, unimodular groups
The Slice Theorem
Classifications of orbits types, coadjoint action,
Symplectic manifolds, Hamiltonian actions, moment map.
Delzant conjecture. Toric manifolds.
· Azioni di gruppi compatti. Gruppi unimodulari. Esistenza di Misure di Haar;
· Il teorema della Slice e idee della dimostrazione;
· Classificazione delle orbite;
· Variet`a simplettiche, richiami su fibrati principali e fibrati associati;
· Azioni Hamiltoniane, mappa momento;
· Riduzioni simplettiche, Teorema di Marsden-Weintein;
· Variet`a Simplettiche Toriche, Teorema di Delzant.
Prerequisites for admission
Fundamental Group, geometry 1,2,3,4
Teaching methods
Oral lessons
Teaching Resources
Lie Groups and geometric aspects of isometric actions (R. Bettiol and M. Alexandrino)(Springer, Cham, 2015. x+213 pp.)
Notes of Podestà and Spiro (on Ariel)
Notes of Abbena, Console and Garbiero (on Ariel)
Notes of Podestà and Spiro (on Ariel)
Notes of Abbena, Console and Garbiero (on Ariel)
Assessment methods and Criteria
There is an oral exam on the entire program. The student can, optionally, prepare a seminar on topics suggested by the teacher, related to the course but not addressed during the course. In this case, during the oral exam, the student will start from the presentation of the seminar and then also be questioned on the other topics covered during the course. The final grade is an overall evaluation of the presentation of the seminar and the rest of the exam
Educational website(s)