Legal Logic

A.Y. 2024/2025
Overall hours
Learning objectives
A - Ability to understand the fundamental features of most subjects taught at Italian Law Schools (i.e., legal-dogmatic, or positive law sciences)

B - Ability to recognize the different types of "proofs" used in legal-dogmatic texts

C - Ability to recognize fallacies in legal-dogmatic argumentations

D- Ability to reformulate in a logically rigorous language the argumentations formulated by legal-dogmatic jurists

E Improvement of the ability to learn legal-dogmatic, or positive-law subjects
Expected learning outcomes
At the end of the course, the student will be aware of the hallmarks of axiomatic sciences in general and of the legal dogmatics in particular. As for the latter, the student will become aware of the specific features of these sciences and of their differences from such empirical legal sciences as sociology of law. This will prove crucial, should the student decide to become a lawyer or a judge.
Single course

This course can be attended as a single course.

Course syllabus and organization

Single session

Lesson period
First semester
TEACHING METHODS. Classes will be live-streamed on Microsoft Teams, following the lessons timetable. Live-streamed classes will be recorded and will be available to students on the same platform. Relevant information about how to join the classes on Microsoft Teams and other instructions will be available on the Ariel website of the course. Please browse it regularly. Course syllabus and Teaching Resources (reference material). The course syllabus and reference material are unchanged. LEARNING ASSESSMENT METHODS. There will be no changes to the methods for assessing learning and the assessment criteria. EXAMINATION. The examination will take place orally on Microsoft Teams. Should the health situation allow it, subject to the availability of classrooms and the necessary safety conditions, the examination will take place in the classroom. However, students who are unable to travel from their place of residence and/or domicile will be able to take the examination remotely. Further information and updates will be made available on the course ARIEL website. It is therefore recommended that students check the Ariel website regularly.
Course syllabus
The course addresses the various types of logic and the structure of such axiomatic sciences as legal dogmatics ("so-called science of positive law"), dogmatic theology, linguistic prescription, and the mathematics (in the plural). Specific attention will be paid to the special features of the logic underlying the legal dogmatics (in the plural).
Prerequisites for admission
Having passed at least two exams in courses in positive-law subjects
Teaching methods
Dicussion of assignments provided by the instructor
Teaching Resources
Attending students: Assignments provided by the instructor during the lectures
Non-attending students: G. Carcaterra, Presupposti e strumenti della scienza giuridica, 2a ed. rivista e ampliata, Torino: Giappichelli, 2012, pp. 127-262;
E. Fittipaldi, Conoscenza giuridica ed errore, Roma, Aracne, 2013. Students are entitled to not study the numbered notes. Asterisked notes, instead, must be studied. The Glossary must be studied too.
Assessment methods and Criteria
Oral exam and classroom discussion
IUS/20 - PHILOSOPHY OF LAW - University credits: 6
Lessons: 42 hours
Professor: Fittipaldi Edoardo
Professor: Fittipaldi Edoardo
To be arranged with the instructor
Microsoft Teams: 9rf0ehm