Law of Territorial Government and Public Contracts

A.Y. 2024/2025
Overall hours
Learning objectives
The teaching allows the student to master fundamental legal notions for understanding urban and territorial issues, their design and implementation, as a meeting point and relationship between space and society. In terms of public contracts, the student will acquire the principles underlying the use of public resources in the context of the acquisition of goods and services and the assignment of works.
The contents of course allow students to get aware of the public point of view of common goods safeguard and management, and - together with the courses of Environmental Law, and Natural Resource Economics - will lie down the economic and legal bases for design and coordinate interventions of protection and enhancement of environment and territory.
Contents will be delivered via lectures.
Expected learning outcomes
o knowledge and understanding. Know, understand and learn the fundamental institutions of public and town planning law;
o applying knowledge and understanding. The ability to apply knowledge by referring it to a legal system of reference, articulating fields of application of principles, devices and tools, also in a historical and evolutionary perspective.
o ability to apply public procedures linked to the procurement code.
Single course

This course can be attended as a single course.

Course syllabus and organization

Single session

Lesson period
First semester
Course syllabus
The course provides a wide introduction to the main features of the International, European and Italian Legal Systems. In particular, the course will consider the following specific topics:
1. Principles of Law. The structure of supranational bodies. European Spatial Development Perspective. Policy powers and property rights limitations.
2. Programs for sustainable development .
2. Agenda 2030. Energy policy and renewable energy sources.
3. EU common agricultural policy. Agricultural activity and biodiversity protection.
4. Sustainable forest management: international, EU and Italian sources.
5. International Public Procurement principles. Public Procurement in the EU: Legislative Framework, Basic Principles and Institutions. The achievement of the objectives of the Paris Agreement and the Circular Economy Strategy.
6. Focus on Italy: a) Italian Institutions' main features; b) the Governance of Land Use; c) Public contracts ; d) The Implementation of the Second Pillar of the Aarhus Convention in Italy: the "Deliberative Arenas'
Prerequisites for admission
No prerequisites.
Teaching methods
The course will consist of 48 hours of lessons. Lessons will be delivered in the classroom and (or) streamed on-line, depending on the evolution of the health emergency and in light of security directives.
Students will be asked to actively participate (with the video-camera turned on).
Some of the lessons will be dedicated to the discussion of specific cases and legal documents.
Teaching Resources
Materials (for both attending and non-attending students):
- Marco Mariani, Notes on Law of Territorial Government and Public Contracts (under preparation)
- Further documents/materials will be available during lessons and uploaded on the learning platform.
Assessment methods and Criteria
The exam will consist of three Intermediate Tests (Option A). Alternatively, a Full Exam (covering the entire examination programme) is available (Option B).

[OPTION A] Each intermediate test is optional. Students who decide for this option are required to book the test by sending an e-mail to [email protected] 7 days before the exam with a suggested topic (a confirmation e-mail will be sent).
Please note that this option of examination by means of Intermediate Tests is reserved for students who actively attend classes in person or via the platform (which means regularly participating and interacting in class debates in order to assess a good understanding of the course content). Each of the three Intermediate Tests is an oral exam of approximately 10 minutes on a particular topic chosen by the student from those covered in the course (for details see "Course content" below).
The final mark is the average of the marks from the three tests, rounded up.

[OPTION B] Full examin (for students who cannot - or are not able - to pass the aforementioned First, Second and Third Intermediate Test): written examination consisting of 3 questions on the course contents (candidates, at their discretion, may begin the oral exam by discussing a paper - to be handed in at least 3 days in advance - in which they set out the main differences between the Italian legal system and that of their country of origin).
The evaluation grid for the test/examination will be as follows: <18 insufficient, 18-23 sufficient, 24-27 average/good, 28-30 excellent, 30 cum laude excellent. The minimum score to pass the exam is 18/30.

The tests/examinations will be held in English.
All tests/exams are held in Milan (via Celoria no. 2 or other location indicated in the University platform). In special situations, the test/examination will be held online via a platform.

Students with SLD or disability certifications are kindly requested to contact the teacher at least 15 days before the date of the exam session to agree on individual exam requirements. In the email please make sure to add in cc the competent offices: [email protected] (for students with SLD) o [email protected] (for students with disability).
IUS/10 - ADMINISTRATIVE LAW - University credits: 6
Lessons: 48 hours
Professor: Mariani Marco