Law & Digital Economy

A.Y. 2024/2025
Overall hours
Learning objectives
The course aims to illustrate the issues of market regulation, the types of existing providers and the services taking into account the evolution generated by technology. Particular attention will be paid to the platforms and artificial intelligence, the implications for the market, the problems of user protection and public and private regulation. Finally, the use and impact of technology in public services and in the making of public decisions will be examined.
Expected learning outcomes
The student will be able to face and understand the new economic phenomena and their legal implications. In particular, the student will acquire greater autonomy of judgment and ability to evaluate existing and topical issues (e.g. as regards the effects of new technologies and algorithms in public and private decision-making processes.
Single course

This course can be attended as a single course.

Course syllabus and organization

Single session

Lesson period
Third trimester
Course syllabus
During the course, the main innovations determined by technological innovation and the problems deriving from the presence of new operators, such as platforms and the digitalization of services, will be examined in detail. In particular, we will focus on the characteristics and effects of the digitalization of services in regulated markets and on the potential and risks deriving from the development of the most recent technologies (in particular artificial intelligence). The latter can have considerable importance in many areas, including the health one, and require careful examination of both responsibility and ethical profiles and the assumption of decision-making processes. Finally, the course will focus on the possible problems of protecting users and competition caused by the so-called Big Tech.

Non-attending program
For non-attending students, the subject of study will be mainly the digitalization of services and the use of artificial intelligence and data regulation.
Prerequisites for admission
Teaching methods
The course will be divided into lectures. During the lessons, slides will be used on particular topics to facilitate understanding of the topics covered. In addition, moments of in-depth analysis will be carried out with the examination of jurisprudential cases and provisions of regulatory authorities
Teaching Resources
Attendants student
M. Pellegrini (a cura di), Diritto pubblico dell'economia Cedam, 2023, p. 1-75; 169 -280; 337-383
Non attendants student
F. Trimarchi Banfi, Lezioni di diritto pubblico dell'economia, Giappichelli sesta edizione
G. Alpa (a cura di), Diritto e Intelligenza Artificiale, Pacini Editore, p. 435-453 e 489-504
Assessment methods and Criteria
The oral exam aims to verify knowledge acquisition, understanding of the topics covered by the course, and communication skills through the appropriateness and adequacy of the language used.
IUS/05 - ECONOMICS LAW - University credits: 6
Lessons: 40 hours
Professor: Canepa Allegra
Professor: Canepa Allegra