Latin American Linguistics

A.Y. 2024/2025
Overall hours
Learning objectives
The course introduces to the study of the Spanish language in America. Its aims is to deal with the phenomenon of linguistic variation and the contact of Spanish with native American languages through specific case studies. In addition, the course deals with central themes of critical sociolinguistics and Critical Discourse Studies, with regard to the Hispanic American context and in a socio-cultural perspective. Also it allows to acquire, in its applied dimension, the methodological tools in order to carry out a research project in these fields of study.
Expected learning outcomes
At the end of the course, the student will be able to:
- Illustrate the main characteristics of the phenomenon of the variation of Spanish in America and the contact with indigenous languages, through a diachronic and synchronic perspective.
- Recognise and describe the sociolinguistic aspects and the phonetic-phonological, morphosyntactic and lexical characteristics of the varieties of Spanish examined.
- To discuss the theoretical categories in the field of critical sociolinguistics and critical discourse analysis examined during the course.
- To know and apply the methodologies in the fields of critical sociolinguistics and critical discourse analysis examined during the course.
Single course

This course cannot be attended as a single course. Please check our list of single courses to find the ones available for enrolment.

Course syllabus and organization

Single session

Lesson period
First semester
Course syllabus
The course is structured in two didactic parts:
Part A (6 cfu). Introduction to Critical Discourse Studies.
Part B (3 cfu). Origin, history, and evolution of Spanish in America and contact with indigenous languages. Peru and the Andean dialectal area.
Part A (6 CFU) is a shared course with Prof. Gabriela Giammarini Luján and students from the Universidad Nacional de Villa María (Argentina).This part introduces Critical Discourse Studies and their main approaches, focusing on the theoretical perspective developed by Teun van Dijk, its key concepts, and research fields. Furthermore, it focuses on methodology and how to conduct discourse analysis through a critical perspective, examining cognitive, social, and historical dimensions.

Part B (3 CFU) introduces the study of Spanish in America and the phenomenon of linguistic variation. As a case study, one offers an overview of the sociolinguistic heterogeneity of Peru, with a focus on the Andean area. This part also addresses specific areas of study, such as language ideologies and the relationship between language and racism.
Note: There are no distinctions between attending and non-attending students.
Prerequisites for admission
The course is taught entirely in Spanish. Materials and bibliography require solid language skills.
Teaching methods
The course combines frontal lessons with the flipped class teaching method, uses multimedia support (videos and documentaries), and includes research and laboratory activities individually and in groups.
Teaching Resources
The course has a site on the Ariel online teaching platform and a site on the Teams platform. The course includes the study of the following bibliography:

Parte A
1) Cameron, Deborah, y Panović, Ivan. 2014. What is discourse and why analyse it?, en Deborah Cameron y Ivan Panović Working with written discourse. Londres / California/ Nueva Delhi: Sage, pp. 7-13. Versión en español hecha con fines académicos por el equipo de profesores y asistentes de docencia del curso de Lenguaje y Sociedad de la Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú.

2) Bérnardez, Enrique. 2023. "Modelos textuales y Estudios del discurso", en Carmen López Ferrero, Isolda Carranza y Teun van Dijk (eds) Estudios del discurso. The Routledge Handbook of Spanish Language Discourse Studies. New York: Routledge, pp. 9-21.

3) Niño Murcia, Mercedes, Zavala, Virginia y de los Heros, Susana. 2020. "La sociolingüística crítica: nombrando y situando el campo de estudio", en Mercedes Niño Murcia, Virginia Zavala y Susana de los Heros Hacia una sociolingüística crítica: desarrollos y debates. Lima: IEP, pp.11-49.

4) Wodak, Ruth. 2003. "De qué trata el análisis crítico del discurso (ACD). Resumen de su historia, sus conceptos fundamentales y sus desarrollos", en Ruth Wodak y Michael Meyer (eds) Métodos de análisis crítico del discurso. Barcelona: Gedisa Editorial, pp. 17-33.

5) van Dijk, Teun. 2003. "La multidisciplinariedad del análisis crítico del discurso: un alegato en favor de la diversidad", en Ruth Wodak y Michael Meyer (eds) Métodos de análisis crítico del discurso. Barcelona: Gedisa Editorial, pp. 143-177.
6) van Dijk, Teun y Londoño Zapata, Óscar 2019. Discurso en sociedad. Villa María: Eduvim (Cap. "El análisis crítico del discurso" pp. 75-87; Cap. "Los intersticios del poder y su abuso", pp. 89-96; Cap. "Medios de comunicación y análisis crítico del discurso", pp. 121-129; Cap. "La expresión de la ideología en el discurso" pp. 129-138; Cap. "La expresión de la resistencia en el discurso" pp. 161- 168; Cap. "Caja de herramientas", pp. 187-191).

7) Calsamiglia, Helena y Amparo Tusón. 2012. Cap. 1 "El análisis del discurso" y Cap. 8 "La textura discursiva", en Las cosas del decir. Manual de análisis del discurso. Barcelona: Ariel, pp. 25-39 y 259-295.

8) Mancosu, Paola y Giammarini, Gabriela. 2023. "Discurso de resistencia vs discurso mediático. La protesta social del movimiento feminista Mujeres Creando", in César Colorado (ed) Discurso y protesta social. La rapresentación de las protestas en el discurso mediático. Villa María (Córdoba, Argentina): EDUVIM, in press, pp. 52-62.

9) Colorado, César 2023. "Noticias y protesta social. El caso de Pablo Hasél en la prensa española", in César Colorado Discurso y protesta social. La rapresentación de las protestas en el discurso mediático. Villa María (Córdoba, Argentina): EDUVIM, in press, pp. 30-51.

Parte B
1) Aleza Izquierdo, Milagros y Enguita Utrilla, José María (coords). 2010. La lengua española en América: normas y usos actuales. Valencia: Universitat de Valencia (Cap. 1 "Introducción", pp. 23-49; Cap. 6 "Léxico y formación de palabras", pp. 261-287).
2) Vitar, Beatriz. 1996. "La otredad lingüística y su impacto en la conquista de las Indias", en Revista española de antropología americana, n. 26, pp. 143-165.
3) Calvo Pérez, Julio. 2008. "Perú", en Andres Palacios (coord), El español de América. Contactos lingüísticos en Hispanoamérica. Barcelona: Editorial Ariel, pp. 189-212.
4) Zavala, Virginia y Michele, Back (eds). 2017. "Introducción: la producción discursiva de identidades racializadas", en Virginia Zavala y Michele Back (eds), Racismo y lenguaje. Lima: Fondo Editorial Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú, pp. 11-38.
5) Andrade Ciudad, Luis. 2021. "La construcción del castellano andino en el Perú", en Luis Andrade Ciudad y Sandro Sessarego eds, Los castellanos del Perú. Historia variación y contacto lingüístico. New York: Routledge, pp. 118-155.

Note: There are no distinctions between attending and non-attending students.
Assessment methods and Criteria
International Part A provides two modes of assessment from which students may choose according to their personal needs.
Mode A. Final assessment. This is an oral examination consisting of an interview in Spanish of approximately 20 minutes duration, which takes place in the regular sessions and includes questions posed by the lecturer on the topics of the programme aimed at ascertaining knowledge of the texts in the bibliography.
Mode B. Continuous assessment (in itinere). The assessment will be based on the activities carried out during the course by the student, taking into account active participation during the lessons (30 %), the completion of individual and group activities during the lessons (30 %), and the completion of a final written work (40 %).
Part B provides a single final assessment method: the assessment is based on an examination interview conducted at regular sessions. The examination consists of a Spanish-language interview lasting approximately 20 minutes. It includes questions posed by the lecturer on the programme topics aimed at ascertaining knowledge of the texts in the bibliography.
Note: The final grade is in base 30 and the student has the right to refuse it (in this case it will be recorded as "withdrawn"). The grade of sufficiency is 18/30. The exams aim to determine the acquisition and elaboration of the theoretical contents, the personal reflection on the proposed topics, the use of the specific terminology of the fields of study related to the course. A notionistic study is not required, but a critical elaboration of the contents related to the bibliographic readings foreseen by the programme.
International students or incoming Erasmus students are invited to promptly contact the teacher. The examination modalities for students with disabilities and/or DSA must be coordinated with the teacher, in compliance with the competent Office.
Lessons: 60 hours
Professor: Mancosu Paola