Laboratory of Arboriculture and Post-Harvest Technologies

A.Y. 2024/2025
Overall hours
Learning objectives
In the arboriculture and post-harvest technologies laboratory, different case studies will be developed relating to the main Italian tree crops (vine, olive, pome fruit, and stone fruit). The analysis of these will allow us to develop the basic knowledge necessary for the development and/or implementation of digital agriculture systems, along their entire production chain and in the various cultivation operations that compose it up to the post-harvest phases. The training will concern the use and development of different digital tools, used in particular in tree crops, for the detection of quantities and/or indices, for territorial information management (GIS), for the development and use of support systems decisions, and implementation of cultivation practices. The knowledge thus acquired will contribute to the training and development of skills aimed at understanding and solving the needs of production processes aimed at enhancing the productivity and quality of tree crops, with a view to sustainable agriculture.
Expected learning outcomes
Knowledge of the production specificities of the main Italian tree species, by cultivation extension and economic value, involved in the application of digital systems.
Knowledge and understanding and methods of use of the different digital systems in use in the production chains of tree species.
Ability to compose specific applications of digital systems according to the production orientations and structural characteristics of companies.
Ability to customize digital systems concerning business needs.
Knowledge of technologies for the conservation and post-harvest selection of the main tree species.
Single course

This course can be attended as a single course.

Course syllabus and organization

Single session

Lesson period
Course syllabus
The specificity of tree crops as a function of the application of digital systems in agriculture.
Spatial variability of the developmental state of tree crops (vigor and phenology). Specific site management, design of tree systems based on the spatial variability of the soil, drafting of prescription maps for the variable rate management of the main cultivation operations.
Remote and proximal systems and methods of estimating the state of vigor of the crop and use of Decision Support Systems for the variable rate management of the main cultivation operations: fertilization; soil management, irrigation management, management of pruning and green operations, plant health protection, harvesting of production.
Georeferenced measurements of field variables and crop status (LAI, Cover Fraction, Development Stage and biomass; CWSI).
Exercises regarding: Development of a project in a GIS environment: organization of georeferenced databases for the analysis of field variables of the crop status; Analysis of remote sensing data and calculation of vegetation indices; Examples of drafting prescription maps; Carrying out laboratory analyzes aimed at the qualitative and physiological evaluation of tree plant products
Characteristics of predictive models that can be used to protect against plant diseases in decision support systems
Exercises relating to the use and validation of a forecasting model for defense through the treatment of a specific case study.
Non-destructive evaluation systems for tree production
Prerequisites for admission
Knowledge of general and agricultural chemistry and biology applied to agricultural systems.
Teaching methods
Classroom lessons, laboratory exercises and visits to agricultural companies.
Teaching Resources
Lecture notes and material available on the course's MYARIEL website.
Assessment methods and Criteria
The final exam is divided into a written test consisting of 6 open-ended exercises to which a maximum of 3 points will be assigned and 24 multiple-choice tests, for which 0.5 points will be assigned for each correct answer; 0.5 points will be deducted for each incorrect answer or no answer. The exam is considered passed with 18 points. The vote is expressed out of thirty. The exam will last 90 minutes.
Students with SLD or disability certifications are kindly requested to contact the teacher at least 15 days before the date of the exam session to agree on individual exam requirements. In the email please make sure to add in cc the competent offices: [email protected] (for students with SLD) o [email protected] (for students with disability).
- University credits: 10
Field activity: 32 hours
Computer room practicals: 12 hours
Practicals: 88 hours
Lessons: 14 hours
by appointment only
Department of Agricultural and Environmental Sciences - via Celoria 2, Milano