
A.Y. 2024/2025
Overall hours
Learning objectives
Training objectives include:
- Acquisition and development of knowledge and technical skills in computer systems related to radiology information systems.
- Development of skills related to the management of digital images produced by different modalities present in Radiodiagnostic services, including the identification of these images.
- Identification and use of systems for storage, improvement, and distribution of images in a corporate Intranet network.
- Knowledge of DICOM standards in different versions
- Advanced processing of images produced through CR, DR, CT, and MRI modalities: CR (Computed Radiography), DR (Digital Radiography), CT (Computed Tomography), and MRI (Magnetic Resonance Imaging)
- Basic knowledge of CUP, HIS, and RIS systems
Expected learning outcomes
At the end of this module students should:
- Ability to use and identify digital systems for radiological image acquisition.
- Evaluation of the use and understanding of radiological information systems.
- Use of methodologies for digital image enhancement and archiving.
- Understanding of digital image distribution systems
- Development of advanced computer skills in post processing.
Single course

This course can be attended as a single course.

Course syllabus and organization

Single session

Course syllabus
TOPIC 1: Overview of the history of Radiodiagnostic - introduction of patient registration systems;
TOPIC 2: Image capture systems and modalities: Analog, Computed Radiography, Direct Radiography, etc.;
TOPIC 3: Understanding radiological information systems;
TOPIC 4: Understanding digital image management systems;
TOPIC 5: Data acquisition methods;
TOPIC 6: Digital images and their processing;
TOPIC 7: Digital image archiving systems;
TOPIC 8: State of the art of RIS-PACS;
TOPIC 9: DICOM protocol - history, evolution, and future perspectives;
TOPIC 10: Privacy and security of radiological and administrative data;
TOPIC 11: Future perspectives.
Prerequisites for admission
Basic knowledge of computer science concepts and radiological informatics - Fundamental principles of digital image management and manipulation.
Teaching methods
LESSON 1: The first lecture focuses on the introduction of Informatics and Medical Informatics; hints on iconographic-administrative management and radiographic methodologies:
1. Lecturer and student presentation;
2. Presentation of the teaching evaluation questionnaire and evaluation items;
3. Classroom pact: The examination methods and how the lectures are conducted in terms of classroom time will be clarified;
4. Development of the skills to be acquired;
5. Teaching techniques used and proposed order of the lectures.
6. Study material [slides and book]
Lectures with the aid of slides and PCs for the correct exposition and understanding of the student; real examples of work situations where the course topic finds practical application.

SUBSEQUENCE LESSONS: Teaching methodology with frontal lectures, focusing on the understanding and management of workflow issues with hints and examples on the genesis and history of IT related to the radiology discipline.
Adaptation to the different graphic user interfaces (GUI) of manufacturers;
The following learner skills will be developed and enhanced during the lessons
FINAL LESSON: Review and recovery lesson of the notions addressed with possible in-depth study of critical issues.
Teaching Resources
MAZZUCATO, GIOVAGNONI: Manuale di tecnica, metodologia e anatomia radiografica tradizionali - Piccin-Nuova Libraria
Practical Imaging Informatics Foundations and Applications for Medical Imaging
Basic Knowledge of Medical Imaging Informatics Undergraduate Level and Level I
Digital Radiography - Review Questions
Bosi, I. (2011). I sistemi RIS/PACS: Applicazione dei profili IHE per la gestione della sicurezza. Alma Mater Studiorum - Università di Bologna.
GIPO. (s.d.). RIS e PACS Radiologia: due mondi che si uniscono.
Associazione Scientifica per la Sanità Digitale (ASSD). (2022). Pillole di sanità digitale.
Rosenberg, I., Moser, E., Silverio, R., & Vimercati, F. (2010). Il Radiologo e il Management. Società Italiana di Radiologia Medica. Recuperato da
Carter, C. E., & Veale, B. L. (2023). Digital Radiography and PACS (4ª ed.). Mosby.
Huang, H. K. (2010). PACS and Imaging Informatics: Basic Principles and Applications (2ª ed.). Wiley-Blackwell.
Dreyer, K. J., Hirschorn, D. S., Thrall, J. H., & Mehta, A. (2006). PACS: A Guide to the Digital Revolution (2ª ed.). Springer.
Leite, P., Carvalho, S., Teixeira, P., Rocha, Á.: DICOM functionality assessment. In: 2017 12th Iberian Conference on Information Systems and Technologies (CISTI), pp. 1-4. Lisbon (2017).
Assessment methods and Criteria
The examination was structured as follows:
Choice of case: To the student will be asked a question related to the lectures they have attended, to which they can respond orally or with the aid of multimedia support;
Examination following the scheme: The examination is conducted following the methodological scheme taught by leading the student into pre-defined conceptual stations, which coincide with the fields of the evaluation grid;
Evaluation grid: A simple evaluation grid is compiled for each step where not only the objectives are evaluated but also the knowhow part [language property and critical capacity regarding the proposed problem].
Grading: The sum of the marks completes the final grade.
There is no pre-exam, but a final test to assess learning.
The vote is either approved or not approved.
The booking on the UNIMIA portal, within the dates established for each appeal, is mandatory for the examination.
- University credits: 1
Laboratories: 15 hours
Professor: Sironi Riccardo