Laboratorio: esta empecinada flor o del fare libri per sentirci vivi

A.Y. 2024/2025
Overall hours
Learning objectives
The workshop aims to introduce students to the genre of prison literature with special attention to the contemporary Hispano-American context and "cartonera" publishing practice. The workshop will take place in a residential format with one or more visits to the Bollate prison to accompany theoretical reflections with translation and publishing methodology.
Expected learning outcomes
Participants should demonstrate their ability to master the different tools and methodologies learned during the workshop with the aim of collectively producing three editorial products that they themselves will present publicly.
Single course

This course can be attended as a single course.

Course syllabus and organization

Single session

Lesson period
First semester
Course syllabus
Excursus on the varied forms of literary representation of imprisonment in Latin America. We will start with the reflections of thinkers and intellectuals such as the Europeans Foucault and Frankl and the Argentinean Sarlo, and then consciously tackle the analytical and translation experience of three textual typologies: the nineteenth-century testimony of the Cuban José Martí but also of a contemporary writer, the militant and twentieth-century poetry of the Salvadoran Roque Dalton, and the rewriting, in recent years, of a story by Jorge Luis Borges by an Argentinean common prisoner.
As part of the workshop, the students, according to their skills and inclinations, will be able to experience the creative and curative experience of hand-wrapping a book in a prison context. They will therefore rely on an existing prison series project - IL BRIGANTINO DI BOLLATE - for the handmade binding and cover. It should be noted, therefore, that some meetings may take place inside the IV Ward of the prison institute. On the occasion of Bookcity and at the conclusion of the workshop activities, the students will be able to participate as protagonists in the presentation of their books.
Prerequisites for admission
General knowledge of contemporary Latin American scenarios or Western prison literature and willingness to cooperate in a context of deprivation of liberty.
Teaching methods
Group work, co-operative translation.
Teaching Resources
1) Michel Foucault, Sorvegliare e punire, Einaudi.
2) Viktor E. Frankl, L'uomo alla ricerca di senso, MGMT Edizioni.
3) Francesca Vianello, Sociologia del carcere, Carocci editore.
4) Alberto Sarlo, Gli spettri del reparto, Latina Cartonera.
5) José Martí, El presidio en Cuba (PDF)
6) Roque Dalton, Poemas de la última cárcel (PDF)
7) Alberto Sarlo (a cura di) Borges habla el silencio (PDF)
8) Rebeca Murga, Temores de contrabando (PDF)
Assessment methods and Criteria
Active participation in seminar debates, translation, revision, editing and public presentation of publishing products with short final critical report (max. 3000 characters).
- University credits: 3
Humanities workshops: 20 hours