Key Texts in Ancient Philosophy

A.Y. 2024/2025
Overall hours
Learning objectives
The main objectives of the course are the following: consolidate knowledge of the main lines of the history of ancient (Greek and Roman) philosophy, with special reference to the theoretical positions of the most important philosophical figures and the main philosophical traditions in the classical and post-classical times; enhance knowledge of the philosophical lexicon of (Greek and Roman) antiquity via a critical engagement with central works written by the main philosophical figures; encourage the application of the knowledge acquired in the study of ancient philosophical texts to the study of authors or problems that are different by era and style
Expected learning outcomes
Anticipated Learning Outcomes Knowledge and Understanding
At the end of the course students will be able to
Identify salient moment in the history of ancient (Greek and Roman) philosophy.
Explain specific areas of the philosophical lexicon of antiquity, with special attention to how the meaning of terms change over time as we move from the Greek to the Roman world.
Engage in a close and autonomous reading of one or more texts that are central to the Greek and Roman philosophical tradition.
Recognize, classify, and explain the main styles or forms of argumentation adopted in the texts studied in class.

Ability to Apply Knowledge and Understanding
At the end of the course students will be able to:
Engage critically with an ancient (Greek and Roman) philosophical text.
Apply, in an autonomous way, the knowledge acquired in the study of ancient (Greek and Roman) philosophy to the study of texts and authors that belongs to a different era.
Express the main concepts, ideas, and claims made in the study of an ancient philosophical text, in a clear and effective way.
Single course

This course can be attended as a single course.

Course syllabus and organization

Single session

Lesson period
First semester
Course syllabus
Close reading of Aristotle's Politics. We will read most, if not all, of the eight books.

The detailed program can be found on Moodle. Students should have a look at the detailed program before the beginning of class.

The program is the same for attending and non-attending students.
Prerequisites for admission
This is an advanced class in ancient philosophy. All students are required to have taken and passed the introductory class in ancient philosophy.
Teaching methods
The teaching method will consist in a combination of frontal lectures (mostly devoted to explicating the primary text) and classroom discussion.

Even though all classes will be recorded, the students are strongly encouraged to attend class.
Teaching Resources
Aristotele, Politica. A cura di Carlo Augusto Viano. BUR, Classici greci e latini. Milano 2002.
Assessment methods and Criteria
The written exam will be a closed books exam, so students will not be allowed to use class notes, textbooks or other approved material. The exam will be comprehensive and will test the knowledge acquired in class as well as in the study of the relevant primary and secondary literature.

The exam will consist of two parts.

In the first part, the student will be asked to define in their own words 10 key concepts that have been introduced in class. Each answer will be evaluated for clarity, precision, and completeness. The maximum score is 5 points for each key concept. The maximum score on the first part is 50 points.

In the second part, the student will be asked to answer three questions that require a short essay. The maximum score on the second part is 50 points.

The final grade on the course, expressed in 30/30, will be determined by a mathematical proportion. In case of perfect score, the final grade will be cum laude.

The graded exam will be scanned for those who request it within 72 hours from the day and time of the written exam.
M-FIL/07 - HISTORY OF ANCIENT PHILOSOPHY - University credits: 9
Lessons: 60 hours
Professor: Falcon Andrea
Fridays 17:00-20:00. Please be in touch by email (no later than 13:00, on Friday) to arrange for a meeting on MS Teams.
Microsoft Teams