
A.Y. 2024/2025
Overall hours
Learning objectives
The course provide the basics of Judo, a martial art that permit to address force application in a more pondered, reducing the concepts of violence and aggressiveness. The course aims to give to the student the main elements to plan trainings for different scopes (recreational; self-defence; sport training)
Expected learning outcomes
At the end of the course, the following competences should be acquired:
- Planning, manage and the didactic units;
- Have adequate technical skills
- To know hystorical-cultural aspects of Judo
Single course

This course cannot be attended as a single course. Please check our list of single courses to find the ones available for enrolment.

Course syllabus and organization

Single session

Lesson period
Course syllabus
Elements of the origin, beginning of martial arts, their history and current popularity in education and health.
Elements of the factors that contribute to decisional choices and the ability to anticipate situation in combat sports.
Motor skills for learning the basic techniques of judo (projections, joint levers, falls, control techniques) and understanding their principal mechanisms and anatomy.
Didactic skills and methodology for games based on problem resolution for a program targeting young children, eventually included in a school sports curriculum.
Didactic skills for designing prevention and social safety programs for adapting techniques specific to self defense against physical violence.
Elements of sports judo, matches, and rules .
Elements of tactical-technical skills in free combat matches with self-referee and self-evaluation.
Elements of the methodology of training in martial arts.
Prerequisites for admission
Skills acquired in pre-acrobatic floor exercises of basic motor skills in gymnastics.
Teaching methods
Lessons are frontal and interactive lectures subdivided into a theoretical-cultural part, in which the fundamentals and specifics of combat sports are analyzed, with a technical-training part in workshop format based on the reflection in action approach
Teaching Resources
Reading list
Pietro Luigi Invernizzi , Riccardo Caldarelli , Edoardo Genovesi, La didattica nell'insegnamento del judo, Edizioni Carabà, 2014
Valter Topino, Pietro L. Invernizzi, Luca Eid, Karate giocando. La scoperta del proprio corpo attraverso il karate, Edizioni Carabà, 1998
Pietro Luigi Invernizzi, Maurizio Maltese, S.I.A. - Sistema Integrato di Autodifesa, Edizioni Carabà, 2003
Assessment methods and Criteria
The exam is composed of:
- A practical part that tests specific technical and didactic skills
- An oral part with an interview on topics covered in the course
M-EDF/02 - SPORT SCIENCES AND METHODOLOGY - University credits: 6
Lessons: 14 hours
Practicals - Exercises: 28 hours
Professor: Invernizzi Pietro Luigi