Judgement and Decision Making in Healthcare

A.Y. 2024/2025
Overall hours
Learning objectives
This course aims to achieve a number of objectives as follows:

1] Knowledge of the theoretical and methodological foundations of the psychology of judgment and decision-making applied to the field of health.
2] Knowledge of the psychological, cognitive, contextual and social determinants of choices in the field of disease prevention and health promotion.
3] Understanding of the mechanisms internal to the individual and related to the social and contextual system that can promote errors and sub-optimal decisions.
4] Understanding of individual- and system-related predisposing factors that can promote decision fatigue in health professionals.
5] Understanding of individual decision-making needs associated with different diseases and the intervention tools and techniques that can be implemented to support decision-making in health care.
Expected learning outcomes
1] Will have acquired the ability to recognize and understand the psychological, cognitive, contextual, and social determinants that influence choices in the area of disease prevention and health promotion.
2] Will be able to use the main theories of judgment and decision-making to analyze decision-making processes in the context of health, at the individual, group and organizational levels.
3] Will be able to describe possible strategies and methodologies to support choice processes, in the field of health.
Single course

This course can be attended as a single course.

Course syllabus and organization

Single session

Course syllabus
Normative theories: The Theory of Expected Utility; The Theory of Bounded Rationality; Descriptive theories: Prospect Theory - Heuristics and Biases; The Dual Process Theory; The Bayes' Theorem; Risk Perception; Personality, Emotion and Decision; Counterfactual Reasoning and Regret; The Nudge; Group decision-making; medical decision-making; Health and Prevention Decisions; Decision making in clinical trials; Decision fatigue; Decision tree; Decision support tools
Prerequisites for admission
No prior knowledge is required.
Teaching methods
Lectures will be accompanied by group work, time for reflection and collective discussion.
Teaching Resources
Libro obbligatorio per tutti gli studenti:

o Girotto V. (2013). Introduzione alla psicologia del pensiero. Mulino. Bologna. 201

A scelta dello studente uno dei seguenti tesi:

Monografia A
Forza, A., Menegon, G., & Rumiati, R. (2017). Il giudice emotivo: la decisione tra ragione ed emozione. Il mulino. (Pagine 244)

Monografia B
Benanti P. (2022). Human in the loop. Decisioni umane e intelligenze artificiali. Mondadori. (Pagine 164)

Monografia c
Nardone G. La paura delle decisioni. Come costruire il coraggio di scegliere per sé e per gli altri. Nuova ediz. (Pagine 128)

Ulteriori integrazioni bibliografiche verranno fornite a lezione.
Assessment methods and Criteria
Oral examination
M-PSI/01 - GENERAL PSYCHOLOGY - University credits: 6
Lessons: 42 hours